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Author Topic: Gathering Information  (Read 54 times)

Germaine Lorn

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    Gathering Information
    « on: August 02, 2005, 10:20:00 am »
    When I created my character I had no skill points in gather information.  Her background didn't really provide a reason for it.  However as she has been in Hlint for a while and it seemed appropriate to ask around regarding local events (hence I spent some points).

    How do I go about using the skill in game?  Is it only for quests?  Have I wasted skill points? (which for a fighter are not ten-a-penny)

    Mary Blood Axe


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      RE: Gathering Information
      « Reply #1 on: August 02, 2005, 10:34:00 am »
      As far as I understand, it's for rp purposes only, as far as I understand. Well if you did not min max too much there should be one skill point every 2-3 levels you can earmark to gathering information, however I suppose since it requires an int bonus, may be it's not something you want to do.. After all what is a fighter, but a big dumb bodyguard.


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      RE: Gathering Information
      « Reply #2 on: August 02, 2005, 11:33:00 am »
      Some fighters have decent intelligence (mine has 14) -- good for the extra skill points if you want to develop cross-class skills.

      If you have the intelligence, gather information would be a great skill for quests.  Particularly for an intelligent fighter if that is how you RP him.


      RE: Gathering Information
      « Reply #3 on: August 02, 2005, 01:39:00 pm »
      Turor's smart. He's just not wise. Don't go calling fighters dumb. I refuse to fit into that stereotype!!!


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        RE: Gathering Information
        « Reply #4 on: August 02, 2005, 03:57:00 pm »
        Umm this particular thread is OOC I believe. Anyhow. Yes indeed, those going for eventual weaponmaster builds do have better than average intelligence, but most of the points would theoretically be spent on combat, near combat skills, such as discipline, concentration, tumble, intimidation (which is nice for rp), spot, healing and may be even parry and lore. Gathering information is not generally a fighter skill. It takes canny and streetwise knowledge, something a diplomat (rogue) would possess, since it would probably include blackmarket dealings and such. Something a regular fighter would generally not have much knowledge of nor be able to discern when they are being duped.

        Germaine Lorn

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          RE: Gathering Information
          « Reply #5 on: August 02, 2005, 05:18:00 pm »
          //so does that mean points spent on the skill are a complete waste of time?  I don't buy the dumb fighter thing.  Plenty of fighters can (plenty haven't I admit) and have not only intelligence but social skills too.  Is it beyond belief to have a fighter who talks to people instead of hacking them all to pieces. :)

          That said, game mechanics wise, is this a waste of valuable skill points if "Gather Intelligence" has no actual effect in game?  or do DM's consider a PCs intelligence gathering network (abstracted as a skill) when revealing information.  

          I ask because I don't want to be throwing skill points at a skill that isn't used.

          Mary Blood Axe.



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          RE: Gathering Information
          « Reply #6 on: August 02, 2005, 05:41:00 pm »
          its only used in quests so far that i know of

          Edit; and even then i have never used it, though i will still be putting points into it


          RE: Gathering Information
          « Reply #7 on: August 02, 2005, 06:39:00 pm »
          It'd be like making a Lore Check on a quest to see if you've maybe read a bit about a place you're currently in. Bluff, persuade, intimidate, etc are RP only skills, and they're fun. I don't think you have to be a rogue diplomat to have "connections," it just depends on what your connections are. What if you are a druid or ranger and want to know if a group of armed men has passed through a forest? Couldn't you you just ask around? Not a rhetorical question! Can't you?

          Acacea has ranks in Gather Information and will continue to put a few in, as she makes it her business to know absolutely everyone. In her case I really think of it as less "shady people I have working for me" or something and more that if she's been there, she's probably talked to just about everyone. And as for getting the "unreliable" information, well, who can blame them?

           "Lord of that castle? We've totally met, I saved him from goblins once, let me give him a ring. Gather Information! Hey, what's up? It's Acacea. Acacea who? Good one! Acacea with the fine sense of fashion. When are you inviting me over to dinner? Oh, right, anyway, what's at the bottom of this dungeon you have here? If it's too scary we can always hole up in your place for awhile and chat about old times!"

          *muffled noise- "it's that bloody halfling again, she wants to know what's at the bottom of the dungeon, and if it's too scary she's coming here. *muffled noise again* Err, kittens!"

          "Kittens? I love kittens! Great, I'll tell the party. See you later!" *click* Wisdom check, Roll 1d20: 4 + Modifier: -1 = Total: 3 "Guys it's just kittens, we totally don't even need to wait for the cleric."


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          RE: Gathering Information
          « Reply #8 on: August 02, 2005, 06:53:00 pm »
          lol... i Love Acacea, Great RP there man, very intertaining, you need to get a special summen tiger or bear you can ride around, would be great..*walks of laughing*

          Germaine Lorn

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            RE: Gathering Information
            « Reply #9 on: August 03, 2005, 06:33:00 am »
            //err umm...thanks I think :)

            Mary Blood Axe


            RE: Gathering Information
            « Reply #10 on: August 05, 2005, 05:40:00 pm »
            ummm, with an intelligence of 16, Cole is probably the smartest guy with 10 levels of a fighter-type class, and everyone still thinks he's dumber than bricks.  =P   That is, until they find out he knows some magic, and venerates Aragen...  then they just think he's crazy.  a wisdom of 8 will do that to ya.  oh, and he stinks at gathering information, but he's a great bodyguard!  ;-)


