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Author Topic: Thank you Pankoki and Friends!  (Read 131 times)


Thank you Pankoki and Friends!
« on: February 24, 2006, 11:51:58 pm »
I want to extend my heartfellt thanks to Pankoki for an incredible CDQ tonight. It was very well ran and will have a very far reaching effect on Luna and her future development.

Thanks so much Pankoki!

To those that accompanied me: Thank you so much for the counsel, the encouragement, and yes Yard, the teasing. I enjoyed you all being there and loved the RP and interaction!

So, thank  you Kutya'I, Yardislan, Daren, Jilseponie and Jennara!!

Had a most memorable time!



RE: Thank you Pankoki and Friends!
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2006, 12:57:04 am »
Pankoki certainly has stamina, that was after he ran Jin Lun Lee's character development quest.
Thanks for fitting Jin in.  I had a memorable time, with lots of RP and talk.  A nice twist in the plot.

Jin Lun Lee has a sister!

This sounds like it will need a trip to Xantril at ECDQ.



Re: Thank you Pankoki and Friends!
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2006, 07:15:03 am »
Pankoki does have stamina. He runs a lot of quests and series.  Good job Pan.


RE: Thank you Pankoki and Friends!
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2006, 08:50:14 am »
KageKeeper - 2/25/2006  2:51 AM
So, thank  you Kutya'I, Yardislan, Daren, Jilseponie and Jennara!!

Thanks for the invitation.  It was a lot of fun.