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Author Topic: Graduation! *Screams 06 at the top of her lungs*  (Read 525 times)


Re: Graduation! *Screams 06 at the top of her lungs*
« Reply #20 on: June 01, 2006, 12:11:39 pm »
High school...I seem to vaguely remember that...;)



Talan Va'lash

Re: Graduation! *Screams 06 at the top of her lungs*
« Reply #21 on: June 01, 2006, 12:25:04 pm »
LynnJuniper - 6/1/2006  9:12 AM
but I won't walk around the neighboorhood aimlessly like a moron...*grins*

The above is my preferred method of entertainment.

Edit: When my internet is out

Edit2: meh, and just kindof randomly at different times too.


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Re: Graduation! *Screams 06 at the top of her lungs*
« Reply #22 on: June 01, 2006, 01:29:30 pm »
Congrats!! :D When I graduated I took my teachers grade book and burned it with my friends... good times... gooooood times... ;)


RE: Graduation! *Screams 06 at the top of her lungs*
« Reply #23 on: June 01, 2006, 01:58:16 pm »


Re: Graduation! *Screams 06 at the top of her lungs*
« Reply #24 on: June 01, 2006, 02:36:00 pm »
ZeroVega - 6/1/2006  11:25 AM

Congrats on your graduation... my older sister graduated this year as well. I'm still a couple years away but I'm in no hurry. As for your "walk around the neighborhood aimlessly like a moron" quote, that's pretty much the ONLY time I get out. That, and Church... and we all know how much fun Church is... a veritable rollercoaster of fun and excitement.

You didn't graduate Highschool yet?

Someone is younger than me!?

AHHHH! *grins*


Re: Graduation! *Screams 06 at the top of her lungs*
« Reply #25 on: June 01, 2006, 02:37:19 pm »
PS: I AM NOT AN EMO KID.....Rhynn is.


Re: Graduation! *Screams 06 at the top of her lungs*
« Reply #26 on: June 01, 2006, 02:40:30 pm »
You shouldn't have reminded me of EMO - just to joke with some work buds of mine over some shirts that said "cheer up emo kids" . . .


Re: Graduation! *Screams 06 at the top of her lungs*
« Reply #27 on: June 01, 2006, 02:40:34 pm »
You shouldn't have reminded me of EMO - just to joke with some work buds of mine over some shirts that said "cheer up emo kids" . . .


Re: Graduation! *Screams 06 at the top of her lungs*
« Reply #28 on: June 01, 2006, 02:55:14 pm »
Congratulations, I well...completed highschool when I was 16, currently 17 and in 6th form, another year and I'll be off to university! GAH!!

Yeah, well done and stuffs, have fun, let the tears flow as you realise you have set up a major milestone in your life. Even though it's a prison, there will be parts which you will miss hehe. The worse think I can remember is quite a few of my close friends went to different colleges and errr lost contact with them after they said to me "Yeah, were just going different ways now..."
Silly buggers - Enough about me, go out and party girl!



RE: Graduation! *Screams 06 at the top of her lungs*
« Reply #29 on: June 01, 2006, 03:06:50 pm »
good stuff


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Re: Graduation! *Screams 06 at the top of her lungs*
« Reply #30 on: June 01, 2006, 03:49:42 pm »
LynnJuniper - 6/2/2006  7:36 AM

ZeroVega - 6/1/2006  11:25 AM

Congrats on your graduation... my older sister graduated this year as well. I'm still a couple years away but I'm in no hurry. As for your "walk around the neighborhood aimlessly like a moron" quote, that's pretty much the ONLY time I get out. That, and Church... and we all know how much fun Church is... a veritable rollercoaster of fun and excitement.

You didn't graduate Highschool yet?

Someone is younger than me!?

AHHHH! *grins*

i havn't finished highschool yet either.....:'(


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    RE: Graduation! *Screams 06 at the top of her lungs*
    « Reply #31 on: June 01, 2006, 04:01:27 pm »
    Yes, congratulations ... the actual accomplishment will not come into focus for quite awhile, and then you will attend 'reunions' - where reality will shatter most of your existing assumptions.  It's a major thrust for nostalgia.  
    So, welcome to the initial layer of adulthood; yet never, ever, lose that childlike delight in recognizing FUN ... sublte insanity?!?
    When will you sleep now that math class is gone?

    "The most wasted of all days is that during which one has not laughed."                            Nicholas Chamfort

    "If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change."                  Buddha

    "O for a life of sensations rather than of thoughts!" John Keats


    Re: Graduation! *Screams 06 at the top of her lungs*
    « Reply #32 on: June 01, 2006, 04:16:55 pm »
    Oh My God You're Right..Where am I going to sleep!? =O


    Re: Graduation! *Screams 06 at the top of her lungs*
    « Reply #33 on: June 01, 2006, 05:17:30 pm »
    Well, it's been proven that college students need less sleep than highschool students; most of whom are still growing. However, with the lack of five, six, and even seven classes every day to choose from to sleep through, colleges have cleverly devised a system so that you can gain the right amount of sleep while not forfieting any effort on the classes that matter. Electives!

    Do I hear major w00tness? Yeah... I can see it now... living off Ramen and PB and B (peanut butter and butter... jelly's too expensive). Owning a car that never gets used cause all of your classes are thirty seconds away..... on foot. Living in a town where the ONLY resturaunts are Pizza Huts and Bojangles. Life is sweet...


    Re: Graduation! *Screams 06 at the top of her lungs*
    « Reply #34 on: June 01, 2006, 05:25:52 pm »
    You have a pizza hut? and a BOJANGLES! Back in my day, we only had a hut, without pizza. Had to eat watever was pulled inside (lol, couldn't reist the infamous back in my day jokes.)

    I got through college one of two ways: Financial aid and toast. Lots and lots of bread was devoured to fuel my every drumming brain. Eventually I upgraded and was allowed to have salad, then cheese.


    Just don't do what I did after high school and take 2 years off before starting your degree. When ever I look back on my logic for it then, I only think that if I could go back in time I would beat myself about the head with an angry halfling for waiting so long.

    Taking interesting elective classes is also a good way to ease into college. I took everything backwards, GE last. :)


    Re: Graduation! *Screams 06 at the top of her lungs*
    « Reply #35 on: June 01, 2006, 05:40:54 pm »
    With an angry halfling Buwahahaha xD No, Two months for me, Although I was going to wait half a semester so I would be 18 in college...


    I'll be seventeen for four months ...Freakin December.


    Re: Graduation! *Screams 06 at the top of her lungs*
    « Reply #36 on: June 01, 2006, 06:01:53 pm »
    Good to hear then, no angry halfing about the head for you :) Besides being 18 isn't all its cracked up to be, its just like two nine year olds duking it out with your brain for the oreos.


    Re: Graduation! *Screams 06 at the top of her lungs*
    « Reply #37 on: June 01, 2006, 06:15:35 pm »
    XD Yer Hillarious


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    RE: Graduation! *Screams 06 at the top of her lungs*
    « Reply #38 on: June 01, 2006, 10:14:17 pm »
    I'm still stuck at HS for few more years, I keep getting detentions cause I'm always late... it's hard to be at school by 8.30 when you wake up at 8.40 :D
     Anyway, congrats on graduating!


    Re: Graduation! *Screams 06 at the top of her lungs*
    « Reply #39 on: June 02, 2006, 12:11:49 am »
    Coming from this high school math teacher who is going back to college...  school ain't so bad... enjoy it while it lasts.  And yeah, college is a rockin' time, except when you discover you're broke... again...  :P