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Author Topic: greetings lo...  (Read 162 times)

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greetings lo...
« on: January 06, 2006, 02:37:00 pm »
i'm  jarretk,  you  are greatly greatt,  please  add  in  lotts  of  custom  barbarian  warrior player  portraitss  and  fur  loins  bare  chested  barbarian  warrior  pants  to  module  please  someone  please  add  in.


RE: greetings lo...
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2006, 02:39:00 pm »
*sighs* Back again are you?  Under a different name and email account I see. Now I get to go waste more of my time dealing with you for a fourth time. Do you not get it?


RE: greetings lo...
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2006, 07:20:00 pm »
that really made no sense...

I dunno...  I can see my character running around in leaves, OR NOT!!

leave everything as is, its a beautiful world, and some people are just strange.


RE: greetings lo...
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2006, 10:26:00 am »
I get what hes saying but then again I am dislexic
see it has uses.

>i'm jarretk //his name well i hope its a he

>you are greatly greatt // Your very good

> please add in lotts of custom barbarian warrior player portraitss and fur loins bare chested barbarian warrior pants to module please someone please add in.

//I would like the GM team and module biulders to make lots of cool stuff just form me, becouse I have a CONAN fetish.

Thats it


RE: greetings lo...
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2006, 11:10:00 am »
Hey, what's wrong with Conan? We all love that crazy Irish Barbarian's late-night TV show.

Or maybe I'm mixing characters...

D Blaze

RE: greetings lo...
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2006, 11:10:00 am »
This particular individual has been banned before (2 other times that I am aware of, but it appears it is 3).

I do not remember all the details from an average player's viewpoint, but among them:

constant demanding for various content to be added without reasoning,
PMing various DMs constantly as well about the above,
ignoring several warnings from the staff (mainly Leanthar himself),
(and the least of the issues) complete disregard for reasonable grammar structure for easy reading

and that was just the first time (and was kicked), now it has happened a fourth time for similar actions(and kicked again)

Some people just can't take a hint that this is not how things work here.

Edit: I read alot of posts, but this person's typing style is very easy to catch.


RE: greetings lo...
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2006, 12:30:00 pm »
so, in other words...

hes gonna be REAL easy to make fun of?


RE: greetings lo...
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2006, 05:23:00 pm »
my favorite post was the 1st one that read...

Subject: help me please!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Body: Help!!!

by jarret.

Pooser and I spewed beer all over we laughed so hard, and theorized that he was in reality some poor guy who didn't speak any english, kidnapped and locked away in some dungeon for ransom money, with nothing but a computer to reach the outside world, which had a bookmark of the Layo site from one of the kidnappers who played on our server and a firewall which prevented all other sites.  As he frantically thumbed through the english/whatever dictionary to piece together the body of the message, a kidnapper caught him and shackled him back up on the wall.

Now I'm thinking that he's really somebody who can actually speak english and was either banned or walked out after a flamewar who just keeps returning to give Leanthar a headache.  No matter what language he speaks, one must assume that they are not welcome after... say... the 4th banning or so. Each time he comes back, he's more and more ludicrous in his demands, and always keep trying to resubmit the same plagurized Conan the Barbarian bio that he pulled off the back of the 1st book.  One would think that he would grow tired of being banned, but we're dealing with troll mentality here, one who seeks to create ruckus and run.  If he was really trying to sneak in and play here, he would at least hide his identity a little better...  swordsxzs, cimmerian8, slayerrx7, warrior9.  At this point he's WANTING to be noticed and banned, especially after how insane sounding this last request was.

well, he made his 1st appearance on the forums on 09/07/05... which makes today his 4 month anniversary!!!

somebody who just doesn't speak the language doesnt keep coming back like this after 1/3 of a year and so many bannings... it's a troll.  People actually named Jarret can usually speak english correctly.

on an aside note, look back 4 months to see who walked out in a flamewar ruckus or who was banned just before september 7th.  My guess is that it's really Murat...


RE: greetings lo...
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2006, 06:18:00 pm »

how many people were banned before then?  they could have decided that would be a fine time to come back and cause trouble.

oh well... its kinda cute, in an irritating bug sort of way.

