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Author Topic: compound / mighty bow parts question  (Read 228 times)


compound / mighty bow parts question
« on: July 01, 2012, 07:31:00 pm »
Could someone tell me what the various numbers of compound bow parts do extra damage wise, and how they raise level reqs for the bows they are put on?
Oh and can you put them on dropped bows such as Shadons?

Also, what exactly do mighty parts do? And can they be added in addition to the compound parts?

My Thanks!

Lance Stargazer

Re: compound / mighty bow parts question
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2012, 08:17:55 pm »
First partial answer.

Compound Bows . adds the propierty of Massive Critical which adds a 1d6 dmg on criticals aside the damage of the arrow . this has to be crafted and it destroys the original Bow, this ones can't be applied to Drop items just the crafteables ones

On the compounds parts ( that is how they called but they are the ones who apply mighty ) .- This ones are "enhacements" to bows and Slings, that allows you add the propierty of "Mighty" to your bow. On this there are 3 levels you can get which gives your bow , or sling respectively the Propierty Mighty +1 , +2 or +3, this means that the arrows you shoot from that bow will be able to add up to that number stenght  bonus to each shot, this means that if you have a char with STR 16 and have a mighty +3 bowl, each arrow that hits will add 3 more damage to each shoot, if the very same character has str 18, the damage will be the same. The diference is that this are applied upon the bow and no crafting process is needed for the adding of the porperty ( just having the bow you want the mighty applied and the compound part of the adecuate level ). This parts can be added to all bows included drops, and yet there are some drop bows that have it already alongside some nice buffs.

About the levels think that This link may be able to help you.


JC / Redeemer

Guardian 452

Re: compound / mighty bow parts question
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2012, 10:06:55 pm »
The key thing to remember is if you dont have a STR modifier of at least +3 a Mighty 3 WILL NOT do +3 extra damage!!! So bare this in mind for say if your character only has a STR modifier or +1 or +2 or no STR modifier at all.... then don't waste your time pursuing the add on above your STR mod.

Mighty parts can be added to ANY ranged weapon not just bows... Light crossbow, Heavy Crossbow, Short bow, Long bow, and yes even a Sling!


