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Author Topic: have you seen..  (Read 138 times)


have you seen..
« on: November 09, 2005, 06:43:00 pm »
Have you seen my brain, I think I've lost it on a train

It wasn't near my feet, or even near my seat

I must get help and get it quick, I hope this isn't a mean spirited trick.

Oh I see a man, he has a funny tan

I've lost my brain upon a train, won't you help me Mr. Man with the funny tan?

*Honk Honk* What's that kid? *Honk Honk* What's that kid?

My brain! my BRAIN! I've lost it on a train, can't you help me find my brain?

Your brain? Ho ho! kid I'm a clown! you can't trust your brain to a clown

It's not a clown I lost it too! But a train of.. one.. or .. two?

Brain, and train? Kid I don't know why.. but you must try this pie!

A pie you say? how can it help? I suppose If I must I will try.

Now kid be quick and press it to your face, it always makes it taste like grace.

I pressed the pie to my face and screamed in horror in that place.

First I screamed and then I yelled, My brain is lost! and now this pie I tast has turned my face to paste!

I ran in circles to find help and all the while I did yelp

I found a man who had a bird, it would normaly seem absurd to find a man with such a bird

Oh sir oh help! my brain is lost my face is paste!

*squak* help! help! *squak* Help! help!

No! help me and not the bird! oh this is so absurd

My boy ignore the bird and do not hurd, your face is a simple case

It's not a parrot or a fince, I think this will be a simple cinch!

Now take these seed and the birds you feed will make your problems freed!

I took the seed and held the promise I would be freed!

Oh no! I gasped OH NO! I yelled! The pecking MUST be quelled!

First I shouted and then I jumped, the birds hung on as I pumped

When they fled my arm was shred! It was upon my arm they fed

They had gobbled to the shoulder! my luck couldn't be much colder

For help I ran and found a man!

Oh mister help! oh mister please! Oh mister with those weak old knees!

Eh? what is it? What do you want? Or do you come at me to taunt!

Oh no sir please, with those weak old knees, I must get help

My brain is lost, my face is past, my arm is gobled to the shoulder

Eh? What? Oh... so it is..

At this is pull out a stick so stout, you would think it stuffed with trout

You Laugh at my knees! I'll beat you all I please!

I screamed and I cried, I wished that I had died

When I finaly woke, I found myself completly broke

A man who saw me came over calmly

My boy! my boy! are you dead? all I see is all this red

I sniffled and I cried, no sir I hadn't died

Oh good he said, oh great he cried

I'm a Doctor and I've been tried!

Your organs I will take I've a bill I must break

I just need these little three, your liver, kidneys, and a spleen

he laughed and left me extra lean

As I lay I reach to my pocket, there I found not a locket

In that place my heart did race, I found my favorite missing part

my brain wasn't lost in space, but in my pocket next to a shoe and lace

Oh the story I should tell, that is if I should get well

I must get up and I tried

I turned and laughed.. and then I died


RE: have you seen..
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2005, 08:12:00 pm »
 That was the most disturbing thing I've ever read. A combination of "Ligeia" By Edgar Allen Poe and "Oh, the Places You'll Go" By Dr. Seuss.... seriously, I'm gonna have nightmares....


RE: have you seen..
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2005, 08:53:00 pm »
probably one of the worst rhymings I've done.. but it was fun when it was still in my head


RE: have you seen..
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2005, 09:34:00 pm »
*reads it and scratches his head, checks to make sure his brain is safely in his head, then wanders off utterly confused*



RE: have you seen..
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2005, 07:18:00 am »
Doc?  Did you write that?  And if so, put it in the Poetic Liscense thread, and send it to a journal for publishing at that... if you haven't already...


RE: have you seen..
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2005, 07:29:00 am »
Yes I wrote this... I thought it up on my hour drive home from work... weird things pop in my head on my way home from work


RE: have you seen..
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2005, 07:37:00 am »
so, in all seriousness, find your local poetry junkies/writers (usually found near colleges and universities), have them do some critiques, see if you like the crtitques, then look up a few journals and what their genre and publishing requirements are and submit it.  I'm not a poetry expert, but I've done my time with it and with creative writing in general, and that up there *points* is good stuff.


RE: have you seen..
« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2005, 07:40:00 am »
If I get the time... I'm still in College so I guess It won't be nearly as hard.


RE: have you seen..
« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2005, 07:58:00 am »
still in college, eh?  what do you study?


RE: have you seen..
« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2005, 10:41:00 am »
Architectural Design

I'm finishing this Christmas

Doing an internship

I'm only 23


RE: have you seen..
« Reply #10 on: November 10, 2005, 11:43:00 am »
Architectural design?  gah!  no wonder you're still in college... that's just plain work... and yeah, you mentioned your year of birth in another topic.  happens to be the same as mine.


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RE: have you seen..
« Reply #11 on: November 10, 2005, 12:52:00 pm »
You 2 are 23 huh. Well I've been RPing longer than you've been alive hahahaha.

As, my kids say I'm older than dirt :)


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    RE: have you seen..
    « Reply #12 on: November 10, 2005, 01:32:00 pm »
    I'm 16 and I go to college!

    Also, I think I would be afraid if your own the road, with a piece of paper on the wheel, scribbing down random words like "I must include pie" and not looking at the road...oh dear...

    Good rhyming though, I love random things, they are just great and show ya got smarts there Doccy!



    RE: have you seen..
    « Reply #13 on: November 10, 2005, 02:22:00 pm »
    hehehe... I didn't write it down.. I just remembered the funniest parts... though it rhymed more in my head


    RE: have you seen..
    « Reply #14 on: November 15, 2005, 01:16:00 pm »

    Just splutting this to the top for my own personal satisfaction


    RE: have you seen..
    « Reply #15 on: November 15, 2005, 01:20:00 pm »
    I'm sixteen, and I USED to go to college...

    Then my girlfriend broke up with me. xD

    Grand poem there, Doc.