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Author Topic: Hello, Alittle help please.  (Read 51 times)

Damaged Goods

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    Hello, Alittle help please.
    « on: July 12, 2005, 08:32:00 am »
    Hi, Im sorta new to roleplaying, and i have a freind who played a quest on this server, and said he enjoyed it. Now that i have Introduced myself ill get to the point.

    Im have been reading and getting as much info on the history and background of Layonara. And i have decided, That i would i like to play here. I do not mind writing a backstory, I think that would be fun, but the problem is, i do not want to write some half assed backstory. Im wanting to start a fighter/spellcaster that ends up becoming a palemaster. now i realize i will not be able to take a palemaster right away, but i would like to write a backstory about my pc, that kinda gives some implacation of his intentions. But as much as i looked i havent found a whole lot of info on how a palemaster should be played. As i said, im new to roleplaying, and id like some tips or some info, on the history of Necromacy on this server, so that i have a general idea of how i can make my player a palemaster through story and roleplaying.

    Any tips and advice would be helpful. thanks.


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      RE: Hello, Alittle help please.
      « Reply #1 on: July 12, 2005, 08:43:00 am »
      I'd recommend searching through the approved player forum for Pale Masters and the like. There should be some excellent bios there for you to get some ideas from. Also remember that evil characters are not allowed initially, and Prestige classes usually require a CDQ (character development quest). When you get to that point, just ask one of the GMs for the exact protocol. They are very helpful.

      Good luck and welcome.

      - Gre'


      RE: Hello, Alittle help please.
      « Reply #2 on: July 12, 2005, 08:44:00 am »
      Well there is the "official" magic and official necromancy. Follow this link and read more about the way the Lucinda ( goddess of magic ) church is organised. There necromancy is an equal part of magic. Nevertheless most of the people look badly upon any meddling with the dead and you should expect a lot of hatred in game, but that is what makes RP fun :)

      Most necromancers do not belong to any organisations, most have their own goals and they do not want to share their prices. There isn't anything like that written anywhere ( I could have missed it though ) but it seems to me it is like that, correct me if I am wrong. Then there is also the Mad God - Corath, so quite a few necromancers worship him and try to follow his bidding.

      I see you want to take your character towards necromancy in time, not at once. So I suggest that you do not write much about it in your submission. I can asure you that there will be people willing to guide towards that goal in game, there are quite a few followers of Corath and necromancers.

      Hope that helped


      Damaged Goods

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        RE: Hello, Alittle help please.
        « Reply #3 on: July 12, 2005, 09:00:00 am »
        Yes that helps me quite abit. Thank you, I can see why my buddy was so high on this Community. Lol, I went to take a shower and when i get out, there are allready 2 replys. :)

        Talan Va'lash

        RE: Hello, Alittle help please.
        « Reply #4 on: July 12, 2005, 02:23:00 pm »
        Pale Masters are.. well, they're freaks.

        They're either so mentally bent that they think undead are proud strong creatures worthy of emulation, or so power hungry and lacking of morals that they'll use any methods at their disposal to become more powerful.

        A pale master amputates his own arm and replaces it with an undead prosthetic.



        RE: Hello, Alittle help please.
        « Reply #5 on: July 12, 2005, 04:44:00 pm »
        Talan Va'lash - 7/12/2005  11:23 PM

        Pale Masters are.. well, they're freaks.

        They're either so mentally bent that they think undead are proud strong creatures worthy of emulation, or so power hungry and lacking of morals that they'll use any methods at their disposal to become more powerful.

        A pale master amputates his own arm and replaces it with an undead prosthetic.


        Too bad Bruenor can't become a pale master. Should stop him complaining about his arm. :)