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Author Topic: Breaking a level stagnation.  (Read 394 times)


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    Re: Breaking a level stagnation.
    « Reply #20 on: December 05, 2006, 08:04:56 pm »
    I'm always up for a trip to Dreger, so just let me know when you are all going.

    Talan Va'lash

    Re: Breaking a level stagnation.
    « Reply #21 on: December 06, 2006, 02:28:56 am »
    Trip1888 - 12/5/2006  2:53 PM

    ... I mean who wouldn't want to be among the greats of this community.

    I honestly don't measure the "greats of the community" by how high a level character they have.

    Some of the people I consider in this category don't have any characters above the low teens.

    Pen N Popper

    Re: Breaking a level stagnation.
    « Reply #22 on: December 06, 2006, 05:15:48 am »
    AbnerMojo -- You are going to have trouble getting offers of travel because your PC's name has quotes in it:  No one can send you an unsolicited tell ingame.



    Re: Breaking a level stagnation.
    « Reply #23 on: December 06, 2006, 06:55:05 am »
    Here is the part that I don't quite understand. Why do people persist on the "I'm right, you're wrong." mentality? Layo is first and foremost an RP server. Says so right on the marquee above the door. So we all have that in common. Layo is based on the NeverWinter Nights single player video game that was created using the Dungeons & Dragons ruleset. So we all have that in common, too. There are three main things you can do when you log on to a Layonara server: 1) Role Play. Hang around Hlint, Prantz, the Arms, the Freelancers and Role Play. Become involved in the world. Annoy dragons, tell Broegar's men that he wears frilly garmets. Be your character. 2)Craft. Find that CNR. Stock up on it.Sell a quality product at a fair price. Become rich. 3) Beat stuff up. Make the goblins in the Red Light Caverns rue the day you rolled your [Insert class here]. Hack and slash has long a venerated past.
      Nothing is wrong with any of those options. All are viable choices. I love to role play. I'm not overly good at it yet, but it takes practice. I enjoy milling about Hlint, bumping into people and figuring out how my Cleric of Lucinda will deal with them. I love going on quests. Being a part of something bigger is a kick. I also enjoy crafting. I had a day off yesterday and I spent 5 hours digging clay and sand so I could get my tinkering up. I told my wife that I was looking forward to doing it. It was fun. I also enjoy beating up the native denizens of the world. I like the experience. The gold I take from their corpses funds my crafting. The areas I wander through help me be a better role player because now I can say "Wait, there may be orcs around that tree. They like to hang out in these woods."or some such. I contribute. Also, not to put to fine a point a point on it, but I like to see my character progress. I like getting new spells. They help both my survivability and that of the party I am with.
      Would I be content to level by quests alone? Sure. Love to do it. Thats not really an option when the last 4 quests I have gone to have been a) Shortened b) cancelled or c) I was allowed to go. See this thread HEREfor that discussion. Am I upset by that? Not really. I found a group and went out and did a grind. Do I want to do that every day? Yech, no. I satisfied my bloodlust and went to dig sand.
      There is NOTHING wrong with wanting to grind. There is NOTHING wrong with wanting to progress your character. It's all balance. Talan, Tanman, Trip, can you say that you have NEVER gone on a grind? It's not an accusation, just an observation. Every now and again, RP can take a back seat to wanton carnage. Yes, you can RP your way into a grind group. It's not as though that is what anyone wants to do every time they log in. If it is, then they may be on the wrong server.
      Live, let live. I'll cheerfully RP with anyone on the server. I will also cheerfully grind with anyone. That's how I get to know them. Private messages while seeing new areas is enjoyable. This is still a game, right?


    RE: Breaking a level stagnation.
    « Reply #24 on: December 06, 2006, 07:03:53 am »
    *Is reminded why she loves her husband*

    What he said.


    Re: Breaking a level stagnation.
    « Reply #25 on: December 06, 2006, 07:27:47 am »
    *Mutters about people not learning the art of politics.*

    A person debating is automaticly thinking "I'm right, you're wrong.". If you check your own post, you do will notice that it is also about it. I mean, why on earth would people argue with other people if they both agree! :)

    It's just a matter of whether one believes in "I'm right, you're wrong." or "I'm right, you're wrong, but I still can see why you are thinking as you do.".

    I wonder how these threads are always comming down to the "RP vs XP" talk. No one will care if you do it a little now and then. Crack the head of the poor giants one evening? Sure! Why not? Unless you are a follower of Aeridin, that is. In that case, a lightningbolt will appear from the sky and cleave you in two. :P

    I think nearly all of us have done that in one way or another. It's when it comes down to "Cracking the head of the poor giants 5 hours/day just for the sake of XP, items and gold." when people are going to frown at you. I believe you misunderstood what the previous people meant with grinding, Laldiien. It's the later case that most people are refering to as "grinding" and not the ocasional events.

    The solutions to the original question has already been answered. A short summary here:

    1. Don't think too much about the XP-speed-bump. It usually feels much quicker passing it if you don't think about it.
    2. Get parties. Player events or something. Layonara aren't meant to be soloed, hence the reason of why soloing is very diffucult on places that aren't "trivial" for your character.
    3. Get on quests. Not everyone can do it, due to a number of factors as work-hours, limited play time, etc. But it's surely the most fun way!


    Re: Breaking a level stagnation.
    « Reply #26 on: December 06, 2006, 12:28:11 pm »
    What Weeblie said.

    My Aeridinite went to Lar with some of his friends to have fun in the snow. Sure we cracked a few heads on Ogres, but thats not why we went.

    Talan, Tanman, Trip, can you say that you have NEVER gone on a grind?  It's not an accusation, just an observation.  Every now and again, RP  can take a  back seat to wanton carnage.

    And the last time I was doing a bit of grinding with my Aeridinite, I did face the wrath of Aeridin. I gained a DT. ;)

    I wonder how these threads are always comming down to the "RP vs XP" talk. No one will care if you do it a little now and then. Crack the head of the poor giants one evening? Sure! Why not? Unless you are a follower of Aeridin, that is. In that case, a lightningbolt will appear from the sky and cleave you in two.:P



    Re: Breaking a level stagnation.
    « Reply #27 on: December 07, 2006, 06:30:04 am »
    I know that I have ranted on and on about this but thre truth is, the walls there to make the game fun for the 50& who play for hours and hours and stop high level players over running Layo, if your like me and play the odd hour here and there, your impact on the world is minimal most other played dont know who you are and you dont do GM games
    So how can oit voice carry the same wait, lets be far there are players who RP there guts out here. Yes it would be nice for the GMS to say well You have been here for a year real time and your still 7th level, your a ok player and you have a nice PC heres a loylt reward of some XP.

    But thats just more work for the DMs and well would lead to a nightmear I just know it, so when you play as little as me then its the price you pay.

    So I just play low level PCs and in fact it works out fine for me, most players stay around Hlint any way and to be far its where the action is.

    The facts are the wall is there, DM games and long hours of play, Playing one PC only realy helps are the way past it.

    But at the end of the day RP "is" what its all about and good players I have met here can RP at 7th just as much as 27th.