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Author Topic: Update/refresh transition question  (Read 81 times)

Mastiff of Liv

Update/refresh transition question
« on: February 01, 2008, 01:02:15 pm »
I'd like to understand the update/refresh on the location transitions.

I was traveling from Castle Mask Outskirts to Castle Mask.  Just prior to entering the transition I put away my enchanted short sword out of habit.  My inventory was full and I, of course, dropped it.  The same second I transitioned to Castle Mask and immediately understood my mistake and turned right back around and transitioned back to Castle Mask Outskirts.  I looked for my short sword and it was gone.  A total time of maybe ten seconds had passed.

Because of the rules on 'Requests for Reimbursements', I cannot ask for a replacement sword.

Why do bodies/loot stay persistent between transitions while dropped items immediately disappear?

Thank you,
Mastiff of Liv


Re: Update/refresh transition question
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2008, 01:23:39 pm »
This, unfortunately, is how the Cleanup Script works (as I understand it). When your character transitions out of an area, it triggers, clearing the items you've dropped from the server.
 In this instance, the Team MIGHT (and I stress might) make an exception, due to the fact that you had no reasonable opportunity to pick up the sword and relog. However, I think (from precedent) that it would be more likely that the folks over in Disputes/Reimbursements would rule that it was your responsibility to make sure you had adequate inventory space for the weapon.
 And, as a disclaimer, though I've read everything I could get my hands on in terms of material on the subject, I could be wrong on any or all points above.
 *Tips his hat.*
 Edit: Oh, yeah, loot and bodies. Those trigger the cleanup script after a certain amount of time, as they're created by the dying monster (as I understand), who doesn't exactly transition out of the area (being dead and all).

Mastiff of Liv

Re: Update/refresh transition question
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2008, 01:30:34 pm »
"...I could be wrong on any or all points above."

*laughs* Thanks S_Z for the reply, I appreciate it.  I didn't realize a Cleanup Script ran when I transitioned.  This would definitely account for the quick disappearance.


Re: Update/refresh transition question
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2008, 01:37:48 pm »
Well, that's how it's been explained to me, and that's how I've seen it working. I don't think it's been changed, so... *Shrugs.*
 Glad I can offer an explanation :)


Re: Update/refresh transition question
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2008, 02:10:34 pm »
Stephen is basically correct.

The clean-up script fires when someone leaves the area.  Sometimes this might mean that dropped items will stick around for a long time, and other times it means they'll vanish in seconds.

As far as corpses go, they're created when a creature is killed.  They have their own auto-cleanup timers as follows:  20 seconds if no gold/loot is dropped, 2 minutes if loot is dropped.

By contrast, dropped items are not "spawned" as such, so won't have any sort of timed clean-up.

Sorry for your loss, however as Stephen also said loss due to inventory management issues are not reimbursable.  However, we do make one-time exceptions for unique and quest reward items only, if it can be shown or verified that the character legitimately possessed the item.

Mastiff of Liv

Re: Update/refresh transition question
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2008, 02:26:43 pm »
Thanks Dorganath.  The "behind the curtain" mechanics are interesting to know and is what I was trying to understand.

I understand the reimbursement rules and knew that I wasn't going to be able to recover the sword.  I just wanted a better understanding of how it could disappear so quickly.  You both have answered my questions;  I appreciate it.


Re: Update/refresh transition question
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2008, 03:32:21 pm »
*Tips his hat.* Glad I could be of help, and my thanks to Dorg for supporting and clarifying. [/cheerleading]