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Author Topic: Learning from great RP'rs  (Read 428 times)


Re: Learning from great RP'rs
« Reply #20 on: February 06, 2007, 05:34:42 pm »
I kinda think the whole RP comes to you once you play your character over time and build rapport's with other players. I came here with no Pnp or RP experience at all and pretty much fumbled my way through it.

Again, I'll mention no names for fear of embarresment....but you can learn a lot of good RP tactic's just sitting on the bench or wandering around aimlessly with folks. The more you have fun with it....the better you get I reckon.


Re: Learning from great RP'rs
« Reply #21 on: February 06, 2007, 06:26:34 pm »
Roleplaying begins and ends with the player and the choices they make. However, if you want my best tip, try not to think of Roleplaying as what your character would do in any specific situation, but more of... "I am this person, this is what I am doing right now."

It sounds strange, and it's hard to word any way else, but I like to think that is the extent I have to say about how to roleplay.

Jearick Hgar

Re: Learning from great RP'rs
« Reply #22 on: February 06, 2007, 10:38:10 pm »
in my opinion, a good role player is one who's character is realistic. not in the sence that they don't do anything extraordinairy, cuz we are rping adventurers and heros, but int he sence that you could actually see a person being like them. from my years in the NWN community, i've always found that on popular RP servers (like layo ;) ) The staffing team will be excelent examples of good rpers, as they represent the server and it's standard in rp.

But more than that, you can tell someone's a good rper by if they have people aroudn them or not. People tend to flock to thsoe who are good at RPing becuase they enjoy themselves and know that they'll ahve fun whatever the outcome of the RP is. I've had many hostile rps that were just a blast becuase of the people involved.

As Stephen said pretty much if they've posted here, the people who have responded are good rpers, i know that i've enjoyed my time with the ones that i've rped with in this thread.

Just put yourself out there and you'll find the good RPers, and if you stillw ant pointers, i know i'm more than happy to help out with my views, and i'm sure others are too. =)

gilshem ironstone

Re: Learning from great RP'rs
« Reply #23 on: February 07, 2007, 10:23:05 am »
If you really need a definitive list of Good RPers, look at the World Leader's list, they are there for a reason... But the real fun is in meeting new people and plumbing the depths of your own character.


RE: Learning from great RP'rs
« Reply #24 on: February 07, 2007, 11:24:51 am »
Feh.  I'm not afraid to name names.

Starr Sapphire.  Excellent roleplayer, and pays close attention to dogma.

Minerva; each of her characters has thier own distinct personality, another who reads dogma and RPs it really well.

Muirann.  As chaotic as her alignment dictates, and not afraid to get a little mean :).

Daralith Del'mar:  A dark elf, truely, deeply, madly.  One of my favorites to banter with!

Jennara.  What can you say?  She is distinctive.  Never seen her break char ONCE, even when I'm trying to crack up her player in tells!

Daniel.  His manners and nature are so believable I keep cheering on his hopefully impending knighthood...

There are many more.  I picked these off the top of my head.  Lots of people you don't see often, or who slip under the radar because they RP a shyer character.  Pay attention to the people around you...




RE: Learning from great RP'rs
« Reply #26 on: February 08, 2007, 02:23:27 pm »

Here is my list of good RP'ers. I think that anyone that puts out an effort to RP, regardless of level of RP, is worthy of mentioning. Not mentioning that new RP'er that has finally made his/her character come 'alive' is unjust and discouraging. Hang around Hlint or somewhere and watch a character go from...

*sits* (which is fine I am just using it as an example)


*hobbles over to the pole of the platform, barely able to stand from his injuries, turns around and places his back against it and just slides down from exhaustion to a half slumped position* (again, just an example and I know is it still amateur league to some)

is fun and rewarding. ESPECIALLY, if you have a part in the teaching of the new RP'er.