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Author Topic: NWN2 is awesome!  (Read 2288 times)


Re: NWN2 is awesome!
« Reply #60 on: November 10, 2006, 06:03:48 pm »
I'm very angsty against the coders of NWN2 about their obsession with loading EVERY area of the module in one big file at once.  Once you hit the 2gb module threshold... (about 8-10 good layo-sized areas) then the modules no longer load in sub 64-bit servers.  Above 64-bit?  haven't found a server yet to tackle that bug.  If Layo were to convert to NWN2 overnight, with all the seperate modules run on seperate servers, We'd be hard-pressed to fit all of Mistone on all 5 of our current servers, from what I've experienced thus far.  As such, I forsee playing NWN1 here on Layo for a good year or TWO more, until the "baseline" PC gamer has about 4ghz processors and 2gb RAM minimum.... Which means a 64-bit server with upwards of 10gb Ram for the same breathing room we have on here now ON ONE CONTINENT, and substantially more lag.  I am not a technician on the topic by any means, but even I feel the butterflies in my stomach akin to an uphill roller-coaster before the summit during NWN2's excessive load screens.  I feel like a man sitting in line for 30 minutes minimum for about 3 minutes of rollercoaster, tops.

We need a Rennaissance calibre rebirth of technology before NWN2 feels feasible. I honestly suspect that World of Warcraft paid off the NWN2 coders to stay out of the PW biz per fiscal income.

So many foul feelings towards the next generation for its lack of insight into WHY people kept playing the same game, NWN1, for over 3 years.  Opensource and baseline... that's the ticket.  Let people add what they want to, and at least 50% of the populace be able to play at least the single-player module.

On the plus side, one could make a heckova nice-looking single-player module with only 5 gb of HD space.

