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Author Topic: Vista Problem! HELP!  (Read 142 times)


Vista Problem! HELP!
« on: June 24, 2008, 05:50:01 pm »
Hey folks...  Got a PC problem...

I recently bought The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle Earth II for PC, and have been playing it the past few days....  Today however, I come down here and start the Program and this Error Pops up (yer all gonna think im stupid)

"Please insert the Correct CD-ROM, select OK and restart application."

So I hit okay, open the CD try, and LOW AND BEHOLD!  Guess whats in there!

 The Game DISC!!!!>:/

So I retry.....  Nothing, same Error message.  I put the .exe in compatibility mode for XP (Service pack 2), DLed some Player fix that was supposed to work, STILL Nothing...

I wanna play my game  :(

Can anyone help me?  This has happened three times before with Battlefield 2, Battlefield 2142, and the First LOTR: BFME game...



Re: Vista Problem! HELP!
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2008, 06:17:29 pm »
Change the drive the game disc goes in?
Playing D&D 3.5e, D&D 5e, Pathfinder, and exploring Starfinder through a VTT


Re: Vista Problem! HELP!
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2008, 07:25:48 pm »
A few things you might want to try

1.  Know this is dumb and you probably already did this... check the disk, any scratches, immersion in last nights beer and pizza that sort of thing ;)

2.  Does it give you any grief with other disks now?  If so might be the drive, if you have another drive in your system might want to try that one.

3.  Open up the case and check the cable connections, might be a loose one.

4.  Try disabling your AV / Security software and see if this makes a difference, I read a couple of forum posts the other day that mentioned this helped them with a similar issue.

5.  You may be outta luck, as I was reading that Battle for Middle Earth II has big issues with Vista, but have you checked the Game Designers website, they might have some more things to try.


Re: Vista Problem! HELP!
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2008, 07:58:07 pm »
Thanks Folks.  I also checked the Electronic Arts Site, best idea they had was to try compatibility mode.  I DLed a no CD crack and it works now.  Just wish it didnt mess up in the first place


Re: Vista Problem! HELP!
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2008, 09:12:37 pm »
You might be able to use Alcohol 120% to make an iso copy to the hard disk, and run that ISO file as a Virtual Drive.  I do that for most play disk heavy games, like Might & Magic VI and VII which play the soundtrack directly from the disk as cd tracks.  Gets so annoying when the music skips due to an errant booger, and HD seek time is usually far more reliable than optical reading.

As you already have the noCD crack, solved already though. :P

