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Author Topic: IC Thread - "To save a girl"  (Read 85 times)


IC Thread - "To save a girl"
« on: August 21, 2009, 09:36:53 am »
// For those involved on LordCove's "To save a girl" quest //

*Gathered in a Huangjin inn of modest size and quality, the intrepid heroes lick their wounds ((figuratively speaking ... though it is probable Arkolio does indeed make some sort of indecent proposal to at least two of the ladies present))*

Well .. we found the book ..

*holds it up for all to see*

And we got the first ingredient ..

*motions to a pink, useless bit of flesh on the tabletop ((No, not Eghaas, the slaadi tongue I mean))*

It still leaves us lookin' for some concentrated quicksilver *slight shrug* some winterbloom leaves *another shrug* and some ruby dust. *grumbles* One day someone is gonna make a cure not involving bloody obscure plants and metals only found at the polar opposite ends of the earth.

Anyways, any ideas? Can we get some quicklsilver outta one o' them fancy longswords? ((that no-one ever uses cos' you can't take specialisation in it))

Anyone know about the Winterbloom leaves? Heard of such a thing?


Re: IC Thread - "To save a girl"
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2009, 07:58:46 pm »

Tralek? *looking at Vrebel*

Vrebel *turns to Tralek*

Sasha, heard of any of this stuff? Duchess, you? Lance?

Arrrgali? You're the most travelled midget I know, anything familiar?

*looks around all those gathered, his expression betraying a little frustration, a little despair*


Re: IC Thread - "To save a girl"
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2009, 08:18:27 pm »
*Tralek holds up the tongue* well, yes, we got this one ingredient.  The others I have no knowledge of.  But, I overheard talk from our group about the whereabouts of the other ingredients.  Might wana ask them.  As far as the Ruby Dust, I hope one of us has some, cause I seen alot of people cringe at the idea of having to go get rubies.  I've never been out fer em before.

*thinks and speaks* I thought I heard someone say something about Whitehorn forest or something...*shakes his head in confusion*

Script Wrecked

Re: IC Thread - "To save a girl"
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2009, 09:18:28 pm »
**Argali seemingly does not hear or is ignoring Ark's quip. She does, however nod when Tralek refers to the dangers of getting rubies.**


IC Thread - "To save a girl"
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2009, 10:31:33 pm »
*Fleur over hearing the exchange, while filing one of her nails, she quips up*

Rubies I have and can use one or two to turn them into dust if need be, but
*wagging her nail file at them* But I know where rubies are, and going down there is suicide unless you have someone skilled, like my Druid Sweet Cheeks, who can take around five hell balls in a row.


Re: IC Thread - "To save a girl"
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2009, 11:44:19 pm »
If need be? *cocks an eyebrow* What greater need can you have than to save the life of a child? I am gonna assume we got that one covered then.

*nods to Tralek* And you're right Vrebel *pauses a moment to listen to a whispered correction* Tralek ... *whispered back* you sure that one is Tralek? okay ... Yes Tralek, someone said something about the Winterblooms could be found there?


Re: IC Thread - "To save a girl"
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2009, 10:02:58 pm »
*looks around the rest of the group and shrugs* Quick silver and winterbloom leaves, hmm.  Well since knowone here knows were that be or how ta get it dont ya think we should be lookin' fer someone who does?  Maybe some ancient wiseman or a legendary woodsman...somethin' like that.  Beats runnin' round all of layonara lookin' fer the stuff.  Heck the girls life depends on it dont it?

*narrows his eyes at Arkolio* And quit callin' me Tralek, he's the skinny one!


Re: IC Thread - "To save a girl"
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2009, 10:21:30 pm »
*nods to Ark* I imagine that's what they meant, cause I can't quite see rubies or concentrated quicksilver growin in that forest.  So, maybe we could go look in Whitehorn for the winterblooms.  Problem is I've never seen a winterbloom, and with all that flora grow'n in that forest, not sure we could pick it out unless we had someone who could recognize it *turns to quizzically look at the group*.

Script Wrecked

Re: IC Thread - "To save a girl"
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2009, 02:41:58 am »
Argali pipes up. "If she iz remembering correctly, therre iz zomething like the quickzilverr orr the merrcurry at the bottom of the Brroken Halls of the Forrest of the White Horrn. But she does not know if zis iz the zame as the 'concentrrated quickzilverr'.

"She iz zuggesting, merrely frrom the name, that the "Winterrbloom" likely grrows zomewherre cold. She zuggests places like the Krrashin, the Black Ice Isle, orr perrhaps even... the Bastil.

"She does know of anotherr plant with the zame zorrt of name... She will be finding out and letting everryone know."


Re: IC Thread - "To save a girl"
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2009, 04:45:51 am »
I have it! I have it! *Fleur skip runs back to the group after a quick visit home* My daughter is brilliant! Just brillant, just like her mother! She had a book about flowers you see, *she rambles on and on about different kinds that interest her daughter before finally getting to the point.* Those winterblooms flowers *waving a book in front Ark's nose* it says in this book they can be found somewhere very very very very cold! It tells of a place up high in Thunderpeaks where some dead dwarf is buried, and those Winter bloom flowers supposedly grows all around His grave.

Dress warm kiddies!

Script Wrecked

Re: IC Thread - "To save a girl"
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2009, 05:15:02 am »
"The name of the lost dwarven hero was the Duncan Skullcrusherr," Argali adds, somewhat wistfully.


Re: IC Thread - "To save a girl"
« Reply #11 on: August 26, 2009, 08:47:36 pm »
What is it with you midgets and the scary last names? Compensating for something, huh? Huh? *his insolent grin falters only a little at Argali's more than likely ignoring of his baiting* So ... can you find this place Arrrgali? If that's where the flowers are found then I reckon that's where we head next. I'll send word to some folks to head to the library in Bydell and chase up any further info' on the quicksilver while we're off on our 'hike'.

Sound like a plan?

Script Wrecked

Re: IC Thread - "To save a girl"
« Reply #12 on: August 26, 2009, 09:33:59 pm »
Argali gives Ark a deadpan look.

"Perrhaps it iz you who arre the one compenzating, having to referr to zomething that iz tough and rezilient, strrong and rezourrceful, honourable, trrue, and quite often dangerrous, as 'midget'.

She then nods once at Ark's last remark.

"The route takes us thrrough the Ice Howl Caverrns. We will need to be brringing the axes forr the chopping."


Re: IC Thread - "To save a girl"
« Reply #13 on: August 26, 2009, 10:41:23 pm »
*holds his hands up defensively*

Hey, don't shoot the messenger. Midget ain't derogatory ... that fella who ran the circus where Reaver got his monkey said it was a 'trade' word so ..

*pokes out his tongue*

And I never claimed anything special 'down there' ... my wife said I was equipped like a brownie ...

*holds his hands about two feet apart (the length of a brownie)*

... anyways ... I ain't got an axe but I do have these ...

*slaps the hilt of his two shortswords*

.... so ... off we go!

Script Wrecked

Re: IC Thread - "To save a girl"
« Reply #14 on: August 26, 2009, 11:29:36 pm »
*looks dubiously toward Ark*


Re: IC Thread - "To save a girl"
« Reply #15 on: August 26, 2009, 11:35:18 pm »
*returns the dubious look with an encouraging grin*

// PM sent to LordCove to arrange a time for the searching of the blooms. //


Re: IC Thread - "To save a girl"
« Reply #16 on: August 27, 2009, 06:29:36 pm »
// Quest //


Re: IC Thread - "To save a girl"
« Reply #17 on: September 02, 2009, 08:26:41 pm »
*Returned from the icy mountain tops and windswept gorges of the Thunder Peaks, Ark huddles close to the campfire. He pushes his hands too close to the flames only to pull them back sharply when they start to actually smoke and burn. Revealing his dangerously low wisdom for all to see, Ark tries this not once, but at least three times until he settles on a distance that seems to satisfy his need for warmth and also that of self preservation.*

So .. three down and one more to go. Concentrated quicksilver is next on our shopping list and as much as I liked the idea of casting haste on a nugget of normal silver, anyone else got any ideas? Kobal, you were saying ... ?

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: IC Thread - "To save a girl"
« Reply #18 on: September 04, 2009, 06:30:31 am »
* Kobal is cleaning his nails with a skinning knife and does not look up as he replies. *

Oi know w'ere deres veins of dah liquid silver... * he pauses to look up * in dah depths near ter dah Bloody Gate. Bu' Oi cannae take ye dere, nor will ye be allauwed ter go dere. It be sacred. * He passes you a meaningful look that says the discussion ends there. *

Bu' Oi've pondered it an' know dat Oi've seen it elsew'ere. Jus' Oi cannae say w'ere exactly. It aint in dah Thunner Peaks, dah tunnels below it, an' it aint in dah Deep... an' it aint in dah Scarab dungeon, nor dah Rift... * he finishes cleaning his nails and sheathes the knife *

... 'ave any of ye been in dah desert ruins on Moistone? Ye remember iffen ye saw sumthin' dere?

Script Wrecked

Re: IC Thread - "To save a girl"
« Reply #19 on: September 04, 2009, 10:18:56 am »
"The haunted deserrt?" Argali raises a brow in concern.

