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Author Topic: IMPORTANT Reminder(s).  (Read 561 times)


IMPORTANT Reminder(s).
« on: February 12, 2007, 08:19:59 pm »

The second is more in reference to cutting back on OOC than anything.

The first stands.

Seriously, people, this stuff isn't hard to remember, and it doesn't go away just because it's been a little while since the DMs yelled at you for it.

Do you know what Pyyran would do if he saw a Dire Spider in Hlint? Kill it, take its venom sack, and feed the rest to Grok. What can he ACTUALLY do when it's really a PC, thanks to the PvP rules? Flounder while I try to get a DM or WL in there so I can kill the bloody berk, and in the downtime, that polymorphed PC would just dismiss the spell, and I'd have been denied the chance to do as my character would.

After all, we can't have dangerous monsters roaming around eating the commoners. Gods, it's not difficult to remember.

Ditto to non-informative dangerous spellcasting in the middle of towns... Fireball, for example, or the big bloody fiasco over Darkness.

Can we just program Garent's AI to gank anyone casting at all? Or with a weapon drawn? Or... Ugh.

*Stalks off, frustrated, to go mend clothes in RL.*


RE: IMPORTANT Reminder(s).
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2007, 10:17:33 pm »
Here, here!  I agree whole-heartedly with you!  I can think of quite a few occasions where I spent 30 minutes or more as Melanna 'escorting' such characters or their summons/familiars/animal companions out of Hlint because it was the -only- immediate thing I could role-play her doing to protect the common folk from the fear that seeing such things in town would have engendered.  Heck, I remember one instance where it was the character of a DM with a hellhound that I was trying to get to leave, which I found quite sad really.

As to programming Garent to attack folks who wander about with weapons drawn in town, I'm pretty sure that can be done as I've seen it on another server.  I imagine as well there may be a way to have hostility of NPC's triggered when spells are cast too.  But...I think Leanthar would prefer people ot police themselves in this matter and RP sensibly.

Witch Hunter

Re: IMPORTANT Reminder(s).
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2007, 12:15:16 am »
We need Cowled Wizards


RE: IMPORTANT Reminder(s).
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2007, 12:44:08 am »
Nehetsrev - 2/12/2007  1:17 AM

As to programming Garent to attack folks who wander about with weapons drawn in town, I'm pretty sure that can be done as I've seen it on another server.  I imagine as well there may be a way to have hostility of NPC's triggered when spells are cast too.  But...I think Leanthar would prefer people ot police themselves in this matter and RP sensibly.

But what happens if Garent gets killed? ;)

And for the last 80 years or whatever the number, folks have been doing strange things in hlint, weird beasts, demons have shown up, so the town folks are used to the strange doings of adventures. Plus they see Ozy around, if that guy isn't strange and scary enough, I don't know what is!


Re: IMPORTANT Reminder(s).
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2007, 01:42:08 am »
Ah, but with beasts and demons, people can just run and hide.  With spiders/trolls, a mob/Garent could reasonably be expected to kill them.  (and if Garent dies, I'm sure the Ilsareans will raise him.  He's a good, conscientious man, I'm sure he carries a Soul Stone.)


Re: IMPORTANT Reminder(s).
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2007, 03:06:49 am »
Just because "Wierd things" happen often, doesn't mean SUMMONING AN UNDEAD SHADE IN THE MIDDLE OF TOWN would just be giggled at as another eccentric adventurer.


Re: IMPORTANT Reminder(s).
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2007, 07:38:57 am »
Now that is a true statement if I have ever heard one. *still thinks the sarcastic undead shade is funny, and the PC that is in love with him is even funnier*


Re: IMPORTANT Reminder(s).
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2007, 08:20:55 am »
Witch Hunter - 2/13/2007  3:15 AM

We need Cowled Wizards

We are not in Amn, regardless of there being a Shadow Thieves Guild.  However, that would be funny.  *casts darkness*  "Halt sorcerer, you're coming with us."



Re: IMPORTANT Reminder(s).
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2007, 08:43:48 am »
Not to mention we're living in a country that up until recently had a Lucindite has the Queen. Smart useage of magic in town will not get you in trouble, however I have to agree about being Polymorphed. It usually will only result in metagaming. I'll call it aroleplayingfaux pas. If you're polymorphed via the level 4 or level 9 spell, or any assortment of the druid and shifter wildshapes, you should be aware of the fact that if it was not for the No PvP rule there is a very likely chance you would be attacked. A troll with a blue glow is no different than a troll with a red glow. It can promote good RP, and I have seen it, but it limits the actions of others to roleplay their character.
  It's a fine line in my opinion. Do it smartly and everything is fine, but be aware of the no PvP rule and do not hide behind it.
  EDIT - on a side note, we ought to get a list together of the RP faux pas. Things that aren't entirely against any rules, but that are in bad form or just not RPing.


Re: IMPORTANT Reminder(s).
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2007, 09:03:51 am »
How are people supposed to deal with this kind of thing RPwise? I saw some of this, but just ignored it, because I didn't know how to approach it, given the PvP rules. Some things I can reasonably RP (*shakes head in disgust*), but situations where my character's reaction should be to attack without thinking, I really don't know how to handle. Obviously, this isn't the best RP, since paradoxically it means that I react the least to things that should provoke the strongest reaction. Any advice?


Re: IMPORTANT Reminder(s).
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2007, 09:22:58 am »
heh heh this certainly works, except I just saw both a pet and familiar even at the same time in Hlint. If you really wanted this rule to work, you should put a sign up in Hlint, like in Pranzis.


Re: IMPORTANT Reminder(s).
« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2007, 09:50:16 am »
can I click on a PC in hlint ad bash them? I know spells dont work so I have always thought bashing would not work also (or KD).


RE: IMPORTANT Reminder(s).
« Reply #12 on: February 13, 2007, 11:03:14 am »
I'd like to quote two posts about polymorphing from the thread that you supplied, Stephen.  One is from a player, and  the other is from Leanthar.  The player I will quote first, because he states what I think about the matter and explains it much better then I could.

Highway Man - 11/17/2004  9:59 AM

Polymorphing and shapechanging is pretty much the same way. I can understand if you don't want people using it for crafting...that's one thing I can understand and agree with, but to take away a great role playing tool like that...I mean come on. You really can't jump on shapechangers for being monsters in town when you've got orcs, half-orcs, goblins, tieflings, half-giants, ogres, drow, and dark dwarves as PCs running around these very same towns. They would scare the crap out these peasants just as much as a troll or pixie would.

I agree with this statement 100%.  If the townfolk of Hlint can be accepting of the "monsterous" races the players play, then they can be accepting when seeing a Wild Elf Druid shift to a bird and fly off.  Sure it would shock them the first time seeing it, but it's the reality of the world on Layonara.  They will get over it though, and it might make for a good story when they are sitting with their families over dinner.

Leanthar - 11/17/2004  11:37 AM

Alright... I have thought about it some more.  Not quite sure why I said "in town" before but *shrugs* I did so lets fix it.

I don't want people polymorphed while crafting.  I suppose it is okay to go around town polymorphed and/or with pets.  Though personally I think it is bad RP in certain towns/cities in some cases (undead, trolls etc.) but to each their own.  I am tired of being the big bad police and I am certainly not here to take the fun away from the game (although it seems some people think that is my sole wish), but I am here to keep things balanced and in RP (as best we can).  Hope this helps in some small way.

This leads me to believe that you only read the initial post and didn't bother reading the rest of the thread.  If that is the case next time try reading everything in a thread before jumping on your high horse and dictate how people should or shouldn't role-play.

It's getting tiresome seeing you try to control what you see as bad role-playing.  And I'm sure that people considering playing here on Layonara for the first time read these posts and get discouraged away if they felt their role-playing didn't meet your standards.  I know I would have if I saw posts like yours when I was looking for a server to play on.  The only bad role-playing I've seen here is when people don't even try.

Talan Va'lash

Re: IMPORTANT Reminder(s).
« Reply #13 on: February 13, 2007, 11:23:29 am »
Thats a bit much Iokesha, what Stephen was getting at does have a good amount of merit given what I've personally seen going on with polymorph spells and such in Hlint.

I'll just put it this way: If you're in a town/city, shapeshifted into a form that is percieved as dangerous/threatening or one that "should not be in the town" by the law enforcement of said town, and I am on as a GM and see it, you will be dealt with in a manner befitting the situation. "Monstrous" things will be killed, large animals will be chased out and/or killed. And drow will be throughly harassed and/or chased out and/or killed.


Re: IMPORTANT Reminder(s).
« Reply #14 on: February 13, 2007, 11:36:26 am »
A bit much, yes.  I still hold to what I said.  I've seen this elitism attitude going on for awhile now.  Talked to people that almost left the server because they've been harrassed about their quality of role-playing - one person was actually in tears over it. :( It needs to stop.

Witch Hunter

Re: IMPORTANT Reminder(s).
« Reply #15 on: February 13, 2007, 11:37:49 am »
ShiffDrgnhrt - 2/13/2007  8:20 AM

Witch Hunter - 2/13/2007  3:15 AM

We need Cowled Wizards

We are not in Amn, regardless of there being a Shadow Thieves Guild.  However, that would be funny.  *casts darkness*  "Halt sorcerer, you're coming with us."


"I've done nothing wrong!!! ahhh!"
"You are a deviant! you shall rot in spellhold!"

Talan Va'lash

Re: IMPORTANT Reminder(s).
« Reply #16 on: February 13, 2007, 11:45:30 am »
Ioskeha - 2/13/2007  12:36 PM

A bit much, yes.  I still hold to what I said.  I've seen this elitism attitude going on for awhile now.  Talked to people that almost left the server because they've been harrassed about their quality of role-playing - one person was actually in tears over it. :( It needs to stop.

Greifing needs to be reported to the GM team and real instances of it will be handled properly.

Hearsay about such and such does not mean that the proper action is to lash out on the forums in a way that may or may not be related to the issue at hand.

If you witness griefing report it to the GM team and it will be handled by the GM team.


RE: IMPORTANT Reminder(s).
« Reply #17 on: February 13, 2007, 11:48:33 am »
Ioskeha - 2/13/2007  2:03 PM

If the townfolk of Hlint can be accepting of the "monsterous" races

Who says townsfolk accept Orcs and Drow and such?  Just because an Orc PC can go to the shops and hang out near the benches as if they are accepted doesn't mean they actually are/would be accepted by the average citizen.  This leads back toward the threads about roleplaying racial intolerance and all those old Drow threads.  Ugh...

they can be accepting when seeing a Wild Elf Druid shift to a bird and fly off.

I'm pretty sure this example wouldn't be a big problem.  Yeah, it would be weird to the commoners, maybe even a little frightening, but it flew away.  Walking around town looking like a troll or an umberhulk or a cheetah, or with some dangerous-looking familiar or animal companion, is different.



Re: IMPORTANT Reminder(s).
« Reply #18 on: February 13, 2007, 11:55:45 am »
Talan Va'lash - 2/13/2007  11:45 AM

Ioskeha - 2/13/2007  12:36 PM

A bit much, yes.  I still hold to what I said.  I've seen this elitism attitude going on for awhile now.  Talked to people that almost left the server because they've been harrassed about their quality of role-playing - one person was actually in tears over it. :( It needs to stop.

Greifing needs to be reported to the GM team and real instances of it will be handled properly.

Hearsay about such and such does not mean that the proper action is to lash out on the forums in a way that may or may not be related to the issue at hand.

If you witness griefing report it to the GM team and it will be handled by the GM team.

*nods* I would if it was happening to me personally.  It's up to the person though that is being harrassed if they want to report it or not.  I spent an hour wiritng up that post.. heh.  Just so I could aviod finger pointing and blaming.  My hopes was just to point out that stuff like this is going on.  Hopefully the people that read what I said will be a lot more considerate of what they say to people in the future.


RE: IMPORTANT Reminder(s).
« Reply #19 on: February 13, 2007, 11:57:53 am »
Ioskeha - 2/13/2007  2:03 PM

If the townfolk of Hlint can be accepting of the "monsterous" races the players play, then they can be accepting when seeing a Wild Elf Druid shift to a bird and fly off.  Sure it would shock them the first time seeing it, but it's the reality of the world on Layonara.  They will get over it though, and it might make for a good story when they are sitting with their families over dinner.

I would argue that the fact that monstrous races (orcs, dark dwarves, drow, etc) have a new starting place in V3 indicates that the GMs and game designers are addressing the issue of "oh, another Drow in town".  Hlint has been attacked by Drow, has seen invasions of lizardmen, and is in constant fear of the orc presence to the north.  Personally, I think Hlintites (except for the merchants) live in a state of near-fatal jumpiness.  "Gah!  A drow!... wait, not attacking anything.  That one must be a good one... AIEEE! Run!  An orc... wait, wait... he's dickering with the Drow... no, it's a conspiracy!  Orcs and Drow!  Gods help us... wait... the Drow just clapped a dwarf on the back.  Okay, they're all good.  *walks on*  AIEEE!  Trolls!  *flees screaming in the general direction of the Surge*  GAREEEEENNT!"

Just 'cause Drowish and monstrous PCs don't get that reaction in-game isn't an indication of Hlintite adaptation as much as it is the fact that GMs have, on the whole, better things to do than animate that particular reaction all the time.

Ioskeha - 2/13/2007  2:03 PM

This leads me to believe that you only read the initial post and didn't bother reading the rest of the thread.  If that is the case next time try reading everything in a thread before jumping on your high horse and dictate how people should or shouldn't role-play.

It's getting tiresome seeing you try to control what you see as bad role-playing.  And I'm sure that people considering playing here on Layonara for the first time read these posts and get discouraged away if they felt their role-playing didn't meet your standards.  I know I would have if I saw posts like yours when I was looking for a server to play on.  The only bad role-playing I've seen here is when people don't even try.

As said, this is a smidge strong.  While the tone of the initial post might convey some of the frustration Stephen feels, I'd be inclined to believe it was intended in good faith.  That is to say, it is intended as a post helpful to those having trouble with their roleplay, providing some hard guidelines to stick to.  As with music, writing, or any other creative pursuit, when you're first learning to roleplay, having rules provide lines within which you can work can be beneficial.  Once your abilities are more thoroughly developed, you can paint in oils rather than watercolour, and the rules can be bent, broken, or completely discarded.  Certainly, if a trickish mage wanted to use Polymorph to throw a scare into the citizens and Garent, that could be RP'ed wonderfully... but it's just the nonchalence that the post was meant to combat.

*shrugs*  As I said, I'd view it as just a guideline.  People can regard it or not.  But, to restate something I said in a previous post, good roleplay should convince those around you that your character is a person in their own right, and, the greater aspiration, that the world in which they reside is a real one.  (Not real life, but a real world distinct from our own.)  In my own opinion, crafting or running through town polymorphed doesn't fit with that... but I'm open to other interpretations.

