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Author Topic: In case someone noticed...  (Read 498 times)


In case someone noticed...
« on: July 02, 2007, 11:01:44 am »
WARNING: This a big post, and a little personal. If you don't know who I am, if you don't care, or if you thought this was world-important, maybe you will not want to read all.

In case someone who plays with Eliza noticed, the fey-girl disapeared, right? Don't know if any noticed it, but she did. Oh, but no, this is not the work of a plot, quest, or anything.

It is the work of hackers, it seems.

Well, let me explain. My NWN was given to my by a friend who owned it for some big time now. He did not play anymore, so he gave me the game and the expansions, since I'm a DM (Dungeon Master, of the pnp "oh-my-god-how-great"  Dungeons and Dragons) for some years and all, and I like a little of computer games. He had not the manual yet (his game was old), but he got the serial on the pc and gave me. I played for some time, and then, decided to find some rp based world.

Then I found Layo. The best, it seems, might I say...

Then I played and all.

BUT, my friend still had his original serial somewhere in his computer, it seems, since he used to build modules here and there. Now it seems that the someone who hacked his computer managed to grab his serials (he is a games-fan, not a D&D fan like me), including my (remember, he gave me the game as a gift) serial of NWN.

As you can imagine, my serial managed to find the internet, and some (maybe many) people are playing with it online. Don't know if you people know, but if someone uses your serial, you can't use it at the same time. This happens with me. I can't just log when I want. There are times of the day that's easier to play (I made some testing, and it seems that someone in my own time-zone is using it. By 6:00 to 9:00 am is easy to connect, after that no).

That coupled with the past three weeks of tests on the college, a job that I got last week (Hooray for me!), and the lack of patience to try to log and don't be able, made me stay out all this time. It seems that I will not be playing for some time...

Then, someone could just say "hey Diego, just buy a new game. It's not THAT expensive", and indeed, it is not. However, here in Brazil I just CAN'T find anymore the game. The only thing I can find is Hordes and Kingmaker on the big stores. And hell, I did a LOT of search on the small stores of downtown, and the only original thing I found was a USED SoU. So, I'm stuck without a original serial to play.

I took a look at some of the big nasty and greased online stores, after all I could import the game (after all, as a roleplayer DM I REALLY like Layonara!), even being a college student with little money. The fact is that the Platinum Edition is just mere US$ 14,99. Man, fifteen dollars, this is nothing. Even if you think that the money on my country (the Real, or R$) is about R$ 1,95 for dollar, the game would just be R$ 29,25, and this is not much for Layo. But there is a plus of 1/3 of shipping, and the 60% (!!!!!) cost for imported computer things, that would take the game to an amount of R$ 56,95 (ouch).

Okay, this is not THAT much too. It will hurt my pocket, but hell, I'll have the game and be able to play Layo. But when I try to make my purchase....

TA-DA! DON'T deliver to Brazil.


So, it seems I'll try some other things to get my game. Maybe contact someone of the family or friend, or this kind of thing. Don't know, but I'll try. But I have to say that: It will take me a little while to come back to Layo, and I hope that at least someone who read this feels sorry for me, and tries to understand my anger (and sadness too, to some extent).

Oh, well, I guess that this is it. I hope I find a solution soon people. And even if I don't do it soon, I think that Layo will still be here when I come back, right?

Ps: Sorry for the long post. Had to take it out of my shoulders.


Re: In case someone noticed...
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2007, 11:15:40 am »
What you can also just do is log on your NwN and keep that and your computer on (monitor off) the whole time...Keeps your cd key in

EDIT: On hindsight, it may have been you had to be logged in a server. So just go to the player screen of Layonara and leave it around like that, and when you're ready, you can hop on.


Re: In case someone noticed...
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2007, 11:24:52 am »
Quote from: Interia_Discordius
What you can also just do is log on your NwN and keep that and your computer on (monitor off) the whole time...Keeps your cd key in

EDIT: On hindsight, it may have been you had to be logged in a server. So just go to the player screen of Layonara and leave it around like that, and when you're ready, you can hop on.

That'll work  ^^^

It's still a good idea to get your own, brand new copy


Re: In case someone noticed...
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2007, 11:27:02 am »
The thing I'll try to do, Shiff.

While I don't... *sigh*

Thanks Kinai player. I did this some times already to keep my serial online.


Re: In case someone noticed...
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2007, 11:52:30 am »
Quote from: DiegoBastet
The thing I'll try to do, Shiff.

While I don't... *sigh*

Thanks Kinai player. I did this some times already to keep my serial online.

If you keep the serial in game all the time , the one ( s ) using it will understand they cant anymore and stop trying .

Atleast i would :-)

Hope you'll find the time and spirit again to play .


Re: In case someone noticed...
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2007, 12:08:14 pm »
There are good people here in Layo. Not too much on the world.

Here in Brazil we have a big problem. The young of the Brazil. The people that use computer are a terrible lot here, and the ones who play games (young people) are worse. There are many, I say, MANY serial trading forums. And these people trade serials even if they don't work anymore. Stabbing someone on the back is something that is commonly made...

I made a search on google for my serial, and already found it. Man, this sucks...


Re: In case someone noticed...
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2007, 01:28:13 pm »
I have a question.  When you install the game does the physical disk know the CDkey that goes with it or can you use any of the codes with any set of disks?  If you can use any code then someone somewhere could buy a copy of the game and PM you the install code and you could use your disk to reinstall the game with the new code and no one else would no it and you wouldn't have to worry about shipping and such.  If this would work I would be willing to get the copy and the codes for you.  Please some technical guru let me know if this will work and Deigo let me know if you still have the disks to use to reinstall.


Re: In case someone noticed...
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2007, 01:38:43 pm »
Let me awser you, my friend, for I am, indeed, a tech guru: Yes, anyone can use any disk, with any serial. The disk does not know wich serial it came with.

To tell you the truth, someone could just make a copy of the game (any pirated one), and use a original serial to play with it online, as the guy who got mine seems to be doing. I have the original cds, but someone got my original keys.

Your idea would work, and I would be really, really glad if you could, but then, some sort os light shone above me just some minutes ago:

Someone told me that the magazine Fullgames, a magazine that brings original games at low prices, is bringing neverwinter nights platinum this month, and it will cost just R$ 15,99. For you, it would be the same as buying the platinum for, don't know, US$ 8,90, instead of US$ 15,90. But for me it will be less than 1/4 of the price I was going to pay if I shipped it!

Man...I guess someone sent me a sign!

Well, I will go now to downtown see if I find on of these blessed-and-powerfull magazines, and if I find, I'll be back!!!

Ps: Thank you, Clarissa's player. You are so kind...


Re: In case someone noticed...
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2007, 01:43:43 pm »
If it doesn't work let me know.  :)

darby snails

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    Re: In case someone noticed...
    « Reply #9 on: July 02, 2007, 06:24:24 pm »
    I'm pretty much retired from Layonara because my main character was made so badly she's no fun to play and I don't have the heart to start over here again so...

    If all else fails I could send you my serial numbers since I don't imagine I'll be playing NWN again.  Let me know...


    Re: In case someone noticed...
    « Reply #10 on: July 02, 2007, 07:46:14 pm »
    So it seems that Angels reached onto me.

    After three weeks of despair, on that I ran after a way to play again, after searching this whole city after the original game, after looking at the online stores, and after even looking at to import it, and not being able to do it, since amazon don't ship to Brazil, I finally gave up on frustation here, taking it out of my shoulders, as I started the topic and asked the gods for a sign!

    And it came!

    "*Diego stands in front of the pc, with his head lowered. His girlfriend by his side, trying to make him feel better, as he sighs after the big post. Then, suddenly, the clouds open, and from the opening a ray of the sun hits the screen of the computer. It does not matter that the screen don't get sunlight from his position: The ray hits anyway. While a whole lot of angels sing, the sunray hits the point in the screen where a friend on the MSN says the following: "lo, and behold son, for this is the Word, and this will change your life. The Fullgames of this month is bringing the Neverwinter Nights Platinum Edition, for !@#$ only R$ 15,90. Go and buy it, for the gamers will inherit the NWN!". Then Diego goes to buy!*

    Then after some hours, I bought it, and voila, here is the happy guy!

    Thank you all people who helped. I really appreciate you trying to understand my feelings.


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      Re: In case someone noticed...
      « Reply #11 on: July 02, 2007, 10:56:31 pm »
      Well, for me, it was a nightmare to get SoU, i got an used NWN, and bought new HotU on Americanas, SoU my father had to buy in a city far from here (FNAC, Campinas, the only place that i found), when he was travelling. Total: R$ 65.00


      Re: In case someone noticed...
      « Reply #12 on: July 02, 2007, 11:10:47 pm »
      Glad to hear you are up and running full time again. :)


      Re: In case someone noticed...
      « Reply #13 on: July 02, 2007, 11:19:19 pm »
      Go Diego Go!  *snickers*


      Re: In case someone noticed...
      « Reply #14 on: July 03, 2007, 03:44:40 am »
      If i remember you can buy a serial from nwn website (not entirely sure but its worth a look) or get a new copy from a online store.