The World of Layonara  Forums

Author Topic: Reminder  (Read 75 times)


« on: October 25, 2006, 02:25:57 am »
Just a reminder, this is Tomorrow. Wondering if there's any time being set for the servers going down to?

Firstly, nothing will be lost if you guys follow the instructions in this post--pretty simple instructions over all. All you have to do is make sure you have NOTHING in your BANK VAULT (any BANK VAULT) or your housing chests/storage containers. You can have furniture in your house and all of that good stuff but you can not have anything stored in any container (other than oxen or a characters inventory) when I take the servers down on the 26th of October. Once the servers come back up just put your stuff back in to the containers and all will be fine. So, just remove everything from any/all containers except for your oxen or your character inventory the night of the 25th before the maintenance then when the servers come back up just put them back in to the containers in your house or bank vault, you do not have to remove your furniture etc--just empty the containers. Just please be aware that if you are logging in with a large inventory you are causing an server spike that can crash the server. So don’t do this until the night before, or until your last play time before the maintenance.




