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Author Topic: Karrack's Armory  (Read 270 times)


Karrack's Armory
« on: February 21, 2007, 06:08:43 pm »
I was talking with Stephen Zuckerman about legendary weapons and finding them, and he brought Up Karrack's weapons.  Apparently they are amazing...  But what are the odds of someone, on a CDQ, actually finds one?  Like, If Joe Schmoe WM sets out to find the Karrack weapon he specialized in, what are the chances of him ACTUALLY finding it, and living to tell the tale?  I'm curious both because I have Joe Schmoe WM as a character, and I would of course LOVE to get his hands on a Karrack weapon....

So...  Is it even plausible?  Because if its not, why the HECK are they apart of Lore as something worth finding, or does the Writing team hate us so much that they are all teasing us with these godly creations

gilshem ironstone

Re: Karrack's Armory
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2007, 06:11:25 pm »
Probably a WL sort of thing, maybe even after.  You could CDQ trying to track one down before that.


Re: Karrack's Armory
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2007, 06:17:04 pm »
I'm talking about odds, not requirements.  Odds...  chances.  Is it even possible...  Or is it not worth burning the midnight oil over


Re: Karrack's Armory
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2007, 06:17:14 pm »
gilshem ironstone - 2/22/2007  3:11 AM

Probably a WL sort of thing, maybe even after.  You could CDQ trying to track one down before that.

WLCDQ's are usually on a different order than a quest for a weapon. The WLCDQ rewards are an added bonus not a goal.

And as for a CDQ to get an item. If one would be run, everyone will be wanting one. If you think about it, it's pretty obvious that allowing CDQ's to obtain such weapons or other will result in everyone wanting to run a CDQ for all the wrong reasons.

That is not to say such items can not be earned. And true, a WLCDQ that revolves around such might be a way to go, though it would have to fit in a bigger scope.

Truth be told, such stories primary purpose is to enrich this world.


Re: Karrack's Armory
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2007, 06:49:06 pm »
So basically, Karracks Weaponary is just a tease for all use seeking a legendary weapon...  And for the record, Pyyran is on a CDQ for a weapon, even if its not much more then a copper sword with a name.  But what about the Coup De Grace?  There has to be legendary items worth looking for that are of some value.  I know this isnt the Forgotten Realms, but the sword Daystar is a legendary sword that is fairly cool (+3, fire damage, +dmg against undead).  So are there ANY weapons, hell even just legendary items like rings or what not, Joe Schmoe PC can strive to find for the sake of having?  Or is this reserved for Epic Joe's on WLCDQs

Witch Hunter

Re: Karrack's Armory
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2007, 07:02:26 pm »
You do realise that being an epic magical weapon they would probably already be in the possession of an epic and magical being?

Said Joe Schmoe is but a simple person ;)


Re: Karrack's Armory
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2007, 07:04:23 pm »
ShiffDrgnhrt - 2/22/2007  3:49 AM

So basically, Karracks Weaponary is just a tease for all use seeking a legendary weapon...  And for the record, Pyyran is on a CDQ for a weapon, even if its not much more then a copper sword with a name.  But what about the Coup De Grace?  There has to be legendary items worth looking for that are of some value.  I know this isnt the Forgotten Realms, but the sword Daystar is a legendary sword that is fairly cool (+3, fire damage, +dmg against undead).  So are there ANY weapons, hell even just legendary items like rings or what not, Joe Schmoe PC can strive to find for the sake of having?  Or is this reserved for Epic Joe's on WLCDQs

*grins* I said primary purpose. Not saying it is impossible. You can always strife, never at any point did I say it was impossible. And it is not reserved to epic joe's on WLCDQ's. There are quest rewards for example. But the point you are making is a certain PC would want a specific item, with certain stats, catered to his needs. I've never heard of anything happening like that before.

And you must also realize that you can't just request a CDQ to gain a nifty item.

The balance issue lies in CDQ's loosing their real purpose. And project team continually busy to add more and more ungiue weapons to the modules to satisfy individual needs isn't that hard to see.

Layonara already has some interesting items to drop, with detailed backgrounds. So they are out there.


Re: Karrack's Armory
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2007, 07:07:40 pm »
*Sighs* I don't think you understand the purpose of having background for a world. Not everything has to be attainable! This isn't a Monty Haul server.

Aye, I'm on a CDQ searching for a particular "legendary" weapon... But the fact of the matter is that A) It's entirely possible that I just won't find it, and B) I could honestly BUY a "better" weapon. There's also the fact that my character's been after it for the entire time he's been on Layo, and it's part of how he defines his success as a person and as a Duelist. Not to mention the fact that his success or failure to find it will determine his career choice - definitely CDQ material.

Sometimes, the point of a legend isn't to be the carrot on a stick that's fed to you at the end of the ride. Sometimes the point is that it's the end of that rainbow, and as long as you're chasing it, your life has purpose.

And never ever EVER forget that an item's "value" isn't just in what it can mechanically do. Let's imagine a legendary weapon... Legend Sword X. Just because it's only a fancy-looking copper weapon, does that make it any less impressive to ANYONE who's heard the stories, when the owner of the Legend Sword X draws it?

It's not about bonuses and OMGl337GEAR. It's about prestige.


Re: Karrack's Armory
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2007, 07:16:19 pm »
...actually.... I have characters that know of a person who went in search of one of Karrack's weapons... Karrack's personal sword in fact... but that's a story for the halls of the Leilon Arms, and for good reason.... perhaps one day it will be told..... and no, it wasn't Cole.....


Re: Karrack's Armory
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2007, 07:16:59 pm »
I think I am looking at it the wrong way...  I will admit to being a MMO junkie prior to Layo, but I am an RP lover too, so maybe the whole "Ark of the Covent" quest I was looking to go on really shouldnt be about getting...

Shiff (aka Joe Schmoe) is actually looking to become nothing more then the best GSman alive, and would love nothing more then to be compared to Cole Norseman in the long run.  The whole Epic weapon thing is more for me as a player...  Cause I just love collecting the unique weapons in DnD games like Baldur's Gate and NWN.  and i dont even know what 01\\/16133763412  is *wink*

to be honest, this entire Epic weapon business is more about who shiff is in a story of my own making, where Shiff comes to find a legendary sword called Lightbrand on quest to *in good old cliche fashion* save the world...  more or less :)


Re: Karrack's Armory
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2007, 07:21:48 pm »
And Shiff.... there's a "legendary" weapon on display at the Leilon Arms, since you've mentioned old Cole. It's doesn't have any "uber" special abilities or anything, it just played a part in Layo history. there are a few people that know its story as well.

Lalaith Va'lash

Re: Karrack's Armory
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2007, 07:27:29 pm »
miltonyorkcastle - 2/21/2007 10:16 PM ...actually.... I have characters that know of a person who went in search of one of Karrack's weapons... Karrack's personal sword in fact... but that's a story for the halls of the Leilon Arms, and for good reason.... perhaps one day it will be told..... and no, it wasn't Cole.....
 *Wipes a tear and nods* When the story is finished.... Kali would tell it every night if asked.


Re: Karrack's Armory
« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2007, 07:31:09 pm »
I hope to be able to have Shiff learn that story as well...  He kinda admires Cole "Demon-smasher" Norseman (thats what Shiff's dad told him about Cole).  That why he trains with the GS


Re: Karrack's Armory
« Reply #13 on: February 22, 2007, 09:35:51 am »
Gods I miss Cole.
He was a great friend and a Good man.

Then again I miss Sin'dolin .  *wipes a tear from his eye*


Re: Karrack's Armory
« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2007, 11:41:57 am »
Speaking of Cole, and Wicked.  does anyone have a Picture of either of them anywhere?


Re: Karrack's Armory
« Reply #15 on: February 22, 2007, 11:43:08 am »
f Joe Schmoe WM sets out to find the Karrack weapon he specialized in, what are the chances of him ACTUALLY finding it, and living to tell the tale?

Let's say that the chance is not zero, but let's also say that it won't be found on your first CDQ either. Let's also say that Joe Schmoe the WM shouldn't all of a sudden come up with the idea of finding one of these only just before he decides to apply for a WLDQ to find it and not ever mentioning it before until then.

As for living to tell the tale, who knows. Some of the items in the Legends&Artefacts section are real, others are not. The only way to find out if one is real is to actually find it, as you can never prove it doesn't exist :)

Happy hunting ;)


Re: Karrack's Armory
« Reply #16 on: February 22, 2007, 01:46:44 pm »
ShiffDrgnhrt - 2/22/2007  2:41 PM

Speaking of Cole, and Wicked.  does anyone have a Picture of either of them anywhere?

They are all over.  Try this.


Re: Karrack's Armory
« Reply #17 on: February 22, 2007, 03:04:48 pm »
Like miltonyorkcatle has said, people have searched for them, its just very not easy to find them. The thing about legends is that they are just that, legendary. They would not be easy to find, if possible at all. But hey, its worth a shot anyway to look if you really want it. If your character wants it, they should by all means look... and if they come up shorthanded, at least the ride is entertaining!


Re: Karrack's Armory
« Reply #18 on: February 22, 2007, 10:45:13 pm »
EdTheKet - 2/22/2007  2:43 PM

f Joe Schmoe WM sets out to find the Karrack weapon he specialized in, what are the chances of him ACTUALLY finding it, and living to tell the tale?

Let's say that the chance is not zero, but let's also say that it won't be found on your first CDQ either. Let's also say that Joe Schmoe the WM shouldn't all of a sudden come up with the idea of finding one of these only just before he decides to apply for a WLDQ to find it and not ever mentioning it before until then.

As for living to tell the tale, who knows. Some of the items in the Legends&Artefacts section are real, others are not. The only way to find out if one is real is to actually find it, as you can never prove it doesn't exist :)

Happy hunting ;)

That is the answer i was looking for...  Thanks Ed, I'll tell Joe not to talk about Karrack anymore  ;)

Witch Hunter

Re: Karrack's Armory
« Reply #19 on: February 22, 2007, 11:39:36 pm »
I know the location of the Karrack Can Opener, if you want to know.