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Author Topic: thanks all ; (  (Read 124 times)


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thanks all ; (
« on: November 11, 2005, 09:37:00 pm »
i want to thank that exepricened group for leading that bone dragon into town and geting me killed with a DT my ninth thanks people good move


Trace Nightwind

RE: thanks all ; (
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2005, 10:08:00 pm »
Holy Crapola!  That stinks!   Sorry that happened!


RE: thanks all ; (
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2005, 10:15:00 pm »
You're welcome!

Isn't sarcasm fun?

I was part of that group, though I had died earlier to it in the great rift and told every one to Flee.  I guess they finally dodged it inside town and were waiting for me to come back and lead it into the rift again.  I returned to try to save a fallen member of the group and get the Golem out of town but then four of us died again as you witnessed.

Derrick mentioned he did try to warn you but you didn't acknowledge it? Did you hear his warning?  

I finally asked the DM to move the bone dragon so no one else gets accidentally killed or purposely trying to get the dragon back to where it belongs.  There were seven deaths, I'm not sure we need any more oover this incident.

I understand you're upset, my 9th token was when I dropped connection and I was pretty PO'd too.


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RE: thanks all ; (
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2005, 10:36:00 pm »
yeah it is when your piseed thanks again

G ;)


RE: thanks all ; (
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2005, 08:31:00 am »
I can understand your frustration Gloin.   I do think in all honestly that your Death and subsequent DT was not your fault.

That being said here is how it went down.

Orth, Derrick, Kali, BB and Khana were having an exceptional adventure in the rift.  Lots of RP and it was really great.  We decided to have a go at the bone golem dragon and the Plenarius told us that it would be risky.  He told us to be ready to run.

The dragon nearly killed Derrick from the start and Plenarius gave the word to run.  He actually saved Derrick by getting the bone golem's attention.  Kali and I did as instructed and Plen sacrificed himself to save the party.

The Dragon was still near it's corner with all else down but Kali and Derrick.  Plen had kept it in place by sacrificing himself.  Kali and I made it back to Dalanthar.  The bone dragon was not with us.

Khana however was not slain she was at -6.  She stabalized and finally got up.  She headed to Dalanthar...  and Im sure she had no idea the bone dragon had seen her.

It wasn't until she zoned in that we saw her die.  

At this point Kali and I were heading toward the center of town to regroup and wait for Plen.  Thats when we bumped into you.  We started telling you about it and then you headed to the zone.  Both Kali and I tried to warn you but you must not have seen it in your chat window.  Kali even tried to invite you to party I believe.

Then you sent me the tell about the DT.  

I would never intentionally... or unintientionally if it could be helped in any way cause someone's death.   Plen, Kali and Derrick all died trying to remove the Bone Dragon from Dalanthar.

