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Author Topic: enchantment question  (Read 175 times)


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enchantment question
« on: December 25, 2006, 05:17:28 pm »
Hopefully this is where to ask this question and If this is information i'm not supposed to know it's okay but it's kind of expensive to experiment with what works and i haven't found anyone in game who can give me a good anwser

My former druid had an iron scimitar with electric on it. It didn't seem like any of the bonuses carried over to animal shape (not from the iron or from the electric).. Am I correct about this? The hierophant stick bonus does work but it didnt seem like crafted weapons do..

And second if I were to wear gloves with an electric enchant like a monk would, would that work in animal shape? (assuming from before that enchanted weapons don't.)  I hope so because a bear with electric paws would be cool.


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    RE: enchantment question
    « Reply #1 on: December 25, 2006, 06:32:46 pm »

    The above is just an example of one shape. Most of the shapes are like that with few exceptions on certain shifter forms. You can find just about any answer in LORE.

    The above is also in LORE referencing WildShape (the animal shape you mentioned)  

    If you can't find it in LORE, there is always - I know posting and waiting for an answer can be annoying. It's much easier to just look it up on either of these two sites. I hope I was of some help.

    Merry Christmas!


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    Re: enchantment question
    « Reply #2 on: December 25, 2006, 07:03:05 pm »
    Thanks I did see those before, my question is more about how it works with customized layonara stuff since the enchantments don't always seem to carry over from crafted weapons (and they do seem to from some other weapons). I saw that the page before and it doesn't say weapons merge at all but I think they actually do.

    Druid stuff (at least shape changing wise) can be quirky so I am really wondering if someone has actually had direct experience with all this in the game, not just with what the rules say..

     (not that I don't appreciate the reply of course.. and Merry Christmas to you too!)

    Talan Va'lash

    Re: enchantment question
    « Reply #3 on: December 25, 2006, 07:13:30 pm »
    I think that this does work slightly differently on Layonara and that the information on the LORE wildshape page may be wrong.

    However, I've not been able to find the answer to this question in posts on the LORE team forums trying to get one. I'm not entirely sure who is the right person to ask on this either.

    I had the impression that your weapon merges in some way but I don't know the specifics and haven't tested it out thoroughly.

    So, if someone who knows this answer happens over this thread, please answer and I'll make sure it's added to the LORE documentation.


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    Re: enchantment question
    « Reply #4 on: December 25, 2006, 08:05:42 pm »
    I've done some experimenting with my own druid, with several different kinds of weapons.  Damage type does not transfer, nor do damage dice.  From my own experience and reading, the level of enhancement bonus is applied, but the actual bonus does not. (i.e. a creature with DR 10/+2 will be hit for full damage by a druid wildshaped with an adamantium sickle merged in, but it will not give the +2 to your attack bonus or damage)  any energy-based bonuses to damage (fire, cold, elec, etc) will transfer as well.  However, I do not know for sure whether such things as silver (bonus damage vs. undead and shapechangers) transfer, as I do not have a silvered weapon on that character yet, nor do I have any experience with the various attack-bonus-granting gloves.  :)


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    Re: enchantment question
    « Reply #5 on: December 26, 2006, 04:22:54 pm »
    Well maybe a nice monk will lend me his gloves some day... I doubt it will work but worth a try.  

    Thanks for the help


    Re: enchantment question
    « Reply #6 on: December 26, 2006, 04:30:30 pm »
    You might try asking Drogo, he shifts more than anyone I know in game.


    Re: enchantment question
    « Reply #7 on: December 26, 2006, 09:05:28 pm »
    only cause im more cat then elf

    no if you have elemetal bonus on two items the highest carries across my shock staff has elec 3 and all my attacks carry the elec dam bonus
    attack bonus only applies to cutting dr but not otherwise my shock staff is a heirophant staff with the elemental added
    my flaming paws and bite comes from my iron scimitar with fire 2

    but if i was holding my fire blade and my ice knife only the primary hand elemental transfers to the animal form
    it doesnt list it on you sheet but its there
    now the really nice thing is when i shift elemental holding my shock staff i hit for fire and elec dam


    Re: enchantment question
    « Reply #8 on: December 26, 2006, 09:16:59 pm »
    I have a question, for those who don't have total crashes when they try loading the toolset.

    What would be the level requirement for a Swashbuckler's Sabre with an Electrical II on it? I need to know definately, rather than "should." ^^;; An expensive experiment.

    Talan Va'lash

    Re: enchantment question
    « Reply #9 on: December 27, 2006, 12:15:47 am »
    Stephen_Zuckerman - 12/26/2006  10:16 PM

    I have a question, for those who don't have total crashes when they try loading the toolset.

    What would be the level requirement for a Swashbuckler's Sabre with an Electrical II on it? I need to know definately, rather than "should." ^^;; An expensive experiment.

    *elbows Stephen Zuckerman*

    Stay on topic you! or create a new thread.


    Re: enchantment question
    « Reply #10 on: December 27, 2006, 08:37:54 am »
    Talan Va'lash - 12/27/2006  3:15 AM

    Stephen_Zuckerman - 12/26/2006  10:16 PM

    I have a question, for those who don't have total crashes when they try loading the toolset.

    What would be the level requirement for a Swashbuckler's Sabre with an Electrical II on it? I need to know definately, rather than "should." ^^;; An expensive experiment.

    *elbows Stephen Zuckerman*

    Stay on topic you! or create a new thread.

    Oh, alright, though I would've thought that another enchantment question would be on topic. ;)

    Anyhow, poison also carries over to Wildshape, at least. As does Alchemist's Fire.

