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Author Topic: Layonara to nwn2?  (Read 296 times)


RE: Layonara to nwn2?
« Reply #20 on: October 26, 2005, 04:01:00 pm »

Overall graphics don't really matter to me, when I think about it. I just think that if NWN 2 provides better opportunity for certain aspects of roleplay, it should definately be considered, or Dragon Age for that matter. It would for example be fun to have more and better quality options for emotes.


RE: Layonara to nwn2?
« Reply #21 on: October 26, 2005, 04:08:00 pm »
The real thing that would make me want to change to either of the new games would be if they were closer to the PnP version of the game.  At the moment the mechanics of NWN gives a similar experience to watching the B movie to a really good book.  Its only the people here on Layo that lift it up to such a great experience :)


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RE: Layonara to nwn2?
« Reply #22 on: October 26, 2005, 05:10:00 pm »
As of now without any Mac or Linux support I will have to say no :(

Also no on the same characters as with a game/system/creator change, I would guess there will be a lot of things that will also change.  I am not positive but the last PnP game I played was AD&D v2. so for the "OLD" ones like me V3.5 sounds bad. To play AD&D v3.5 I would have to PnP game with my Teenage boys and take time away from Layonara play to do that.  :(

