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Author Topic: Intelligence for Fighters  (Read 114 times)

Evil Dad

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Intelligence for Fighters
« on: September 07, 2005, 10:18:00 am »
another stupid question ... my barbarian has intelligance 10, now if i want her to become a weapon master whe will need intelligance 13.  that will take 12 levels to achieve ... yikes!  can i give her int=12 and use a amulet of +1 int to give me int=13 so i can choose the appropriate feats? or does it have to be hard points in int?



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RE: Intelligence for Fighters
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2005, 10:22:00 am »
Gotta be hard points.  Just like feats.


RE: Intelligence for Fighters
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2005, 11:30:00 am »
Yeah, item enhancements don't count towards your stats when levelling (neither do subrace bonuses/penalties as far as I remember) so it looks like you'll have to wait those 12 levels :(


RE: Intelligence for Fighters
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2005, 11:38:00 am »
Considering the fact that you're playing a barbarian... it won't be a problem...

Here's why: You need a lot and I mean A LOT of feats to qualify for WM. Getting all those feat under your belt with a Barbarian will take tons of time anyway. So you'll probably have the ability points before the feats. So start taking your feats (dodge,mobility,spring attack, weapon focus, whirlwind attack) and save Expertise for when you have the 13 INT.
I doubt you'll make weaponmaster before epic without a fighter multiclass... but the INT part isn't such a bad thing. You'll manage.

EDIT: I hope your DEX is 13+ or no WM for you! :)


RE: Intelligence for Fighters
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2005, 11:45:00 am »
Well..sorry to bust in here but...

All skill points from from lvl 1-8 will be lost....(+1 from 12 int instead of +0 from 10 int)

So making a fighter not with the int you want from the begining...that kind a ....

