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Author Topic: hey, sorry for coming, then going, then coming back.  (Read 250 times)


hey, sorry for coming, then going, then coming back.
« on: September 02, 2006, 01:42:11 am »
I had to quit my job, on principal. I was passed over for a promotion that was given to someone far less qualified than me, who everyone knows doesn't do quality work, who tested lower than me on the specific job aptitudes test given before you could even apply for the job...because of a government quota, because of ethnic diversity issues. Actually I got the job, then had it taken away from me when they guy I competed against made a phone call to the ACLU.

So, I am back in school now, enrolled in some welding courses and I am going to be working through some chemistry and metalurgy. Eventually I will be going to school for an engineering degree in chemistry, with industrial macining and technical welding with an emphesis on weld inspection. With a degree like that I can work for NASA. (think of all the pipes that run fuel and coolant to the shuttles)

so... I'm back-ish on the weekends more often than not, and I have a new character submitted, hope to see you all back in game, and I'll spend the next day reading on the timeline updates :)



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Re: hey, sorry for coming, then going, then coming back.
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2006, 01:45:39 am »
Vyris, whos Vyris?

*winks* good to see your alive dude. See you IG


RE: hey, sorry for coming, then going, then coming back.
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2006, 02:00:05 am »
So the people I know were telling the truth, it really is that bad...

I am sorry to hear about this, it really is just plain silly, people should get their heads examined. Think of the good side, everybody will hate the man who got the promotion, he won't be able to work normally  :)


RE: hey, sorry for coming, then going, then coming back.
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2006, 02:31:03 am »
welcome back mate

Talan Va'lash

RE: hey, sorry for coming, then going, then coming back.
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2006, 02:31:19 am »
Ar7 - 9/2/2006  3:00 AM
Think of the good side, everybody will hate the man who got the promotion, he won't be able to work normally  :)

I call that the bad side too. No one really wins.

I'm not really sure what I think about such programs honestly... I lived somewhere once and went with a friend to go see an appartment he was looking at. The landlord was showing us around and telling us about all the reasons it was a good building, good heat in the winter, quieter than most, heat and hot water are included, and no n****rs.

He didn't rent from that landlord.

But it really came as a shock to me when I heard that so openly flaunted as a benefit of living in the building. I'm not such an idealist to believe that racism is a thing of the past, but.. I honestly did not expect a person, in the process of conducting his buisiness would... well, anyway.. made me think about a lot of things.


er.. I didn't mean to get philosophical, just meant to say:

Welcome back! Being unemployed does have its perks! heh


(just kidding)





RE: hey, sorry for coming, then going, then coming back.
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2006, 03:11:12 am »
Talan Va'lash - 9/2/2006  2:31 AM

Ar7 - 9/2/2006  3:00 AM
Think of the good side, everybody will hate the man who got the promotion, he won't be able to work normally  :)

I call that the bad side too. No one really wins.

I guess I am a bit vengeful. If I would have been in a similar situation I would have been happy that the said person would have had it hard, as he did ruin what I worked so hard to obtain.

*looks around* We're going political here, the important thing is --- Welcome Back Vyris!!!


RE: hey, sorry for coming, then going, then coming back.
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2006, 11:46:38 am »
Vyris - 9/2/2006  2:42 AM

I had to quit my job, on principal. I was passed over for a promotion that was given to someone far less qualified than me, who everyone knows doesn't do quality work, who tested lower than me on the specific job aptitudes test given before you could even apply for the job...because of a government quota, because of ethnic diversity issues. Actually I got the job, then had it taken away from me when they guy I competed against made a phone call to the ACLU.


You have successfully raised my blood pressure for at least 10 minutes.  *grumbles*

Sorry that happened bud.


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Re: hey, sorry for coming, then going, then coming back.
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2006, 12:23:37 pm »
Sorry to hear that.

But glad to have ya back.

Give the wife and kids my Aloha.

