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Author Topic: Late to Leilon tonight  (Read 322 times)


RE: Late to Leilon tonight
« Reply #20 on: October 08, 2005, 09:55:00 am »
 Yeah I lived in Buffalo for three years, went to a few Bills games in my time there. The Fans and Players (as I know them) are good people. Hehe, at this one game, we got there two hours early to have a look around... well there were all these Bills fans tail gating and we got invited over to join almost every one. Just nice people... very strange and uncharacteristic of NY.


RE: Late to Leilon tonight
« Reply #21 on: October 08, 2005, 10:20:00 am »
When I was seven-ish My father took me back to Massechusets to visit his family, He lived in a little town named Millis, Mass. which is a reletively short drive to Boston, etc.

Anyway, while there My father took me to an exhibition game between the patriots and the steelers, back when the Pats played on what seemed to be an old highschool football field with more bleachers :) Anyway, my Dad is a HUGE pats fan, so naturally I had to cheer for the steelers.

One of my fathers highschool buddies worked on the staff for the patriots (thats how we got tickets) And seeing us out there he asked and got us locker room passes, after the game I went to the steelers locker room, and have a picture on my computer desk of little me, sitting on "Mean" Joe Green's knee, holding a football that he signed for me. That was such a blast, and probably the reason I am such a football fan.



RE: Late to Leilon tonight
« Reply #22 on: October 08, 2005, 10:43:00 am »
Vyris - 10/8/2005  1:20 PM

When I was seven-ish My father took me back to Massechusets to visit his family, He lived in a little town named Millis, Mass. which is a reletively short drive to Boston, etc.

Anyway, while there My father took me to an exhibition game between the patriots and the steelers, back when the Pats played on what seemed to be an old highschool football field with more bleachers :) Anyway, my Dad is a HUGE pats fan, so naturally I had to cheer for the steelers.

One of my fathers highschool buddies worked on the staff for the patriots (thats how we got tickets) And seeing us out there he asked and got us locker room passes, after the game I went to the steelers locker room, and have a picture on my computer desk of little me, sitting on "Mean" Joe Green's knee, holding a football that he signed for me. That was such a blast, and probably the reason I am such a football fan.


*is super jealous of Vyris*  

A bunch of Steelers players came here to good old Ohio for some charity basketball game this summer.  I was so mad because I had to work and couldnt make it.  I am going to Pittsburgh in a month or so though so who knows who I may run into.


RE: Late to Leilon tonight
« Reply #23 on: October 09, 2005, 06:13:00 pm »
*shrugs to it all*.  Yup red sox lost, not that I have time to even watch TV now a days.  Last year was insane in Boston anyhow.  My neighbors are still looking for whoever flipped their car over.  Anywho, for those who sit around and watch sports all day, whatever your preference is....get out and exercise! There's a reason America's so fat ya know :P


RE: Late to Leilon tonight
« Reply #24 on: October 09, 2005, 07:16:00 pm »
Shadowblade225 - 10/9/2005  7:13 PM
There's a reason America's so fat ya know :P

That reason has more to do with supersized 2000 calorie fast food, sloth in general and people being too busy working to have a family or recreation, than it does with watching sports.

Trust me, I burn 3x as many calories cursing and yelling at the TV as I do raking leaves.


Lalaith Va'lash

RE: Late to Leilon tonight
« Reply #25 on: October 09, 2005, 08:13:00 pm »
Shadowblade225 - 10/9/2005 9:13 PM *shrugs to it all*. Yup red sox lost, not that I have time to even watch TV now a days. Last year was insane in Boston anyhow. My neighbors are still looking for whoever flipped their car over. Anywho, for those who sit around and watch sports all day, whatever your preference is....get out and exercise! There's a reason America's so fat ya know :P

  Yup, Last year was pretty awesome...  well except for the car flipping ;-).. But, it was my birthday the day the Sox one the world series.. and boy did we celebrate... Went up on the roof of our apartment, that over looked Fenway Park..   only too bad it wasn't a home game...
Vyris - Trust me, I burn 3x as many calories cursing and yelling at the TV as I do raking leaves.
  hehe... I'm with you.


RE: Late to Leilon tonight
« Reply #26 on: October 10, 2005, 09:28:00 am »
Vyris - 10/9/2005 10:16 PM
Shadowblade225 - 10/9/2005 7:13 PM There's a reason America's so fat ya know :P
That reason has more to do with supersized 2000 calorie fast food, sloth in general and people being too busy working to have a family or recreation, than it does with watching sports. Trust me, I burn 3x as many calories cursing and yelling at the TV as I do raking leaves. Vyris

    duh! ;)
  Goes without saying