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Author Topic: Not sure where these comments go...  (Read 217 times)


Not sure where these comments go...
« on: June 14, 2005, 06:26:00 pm »
I was playing on the server ealier this morning (U.S. central/GMT-6+1) and something was way off... Either the server was not responding to clientside requests very well, or I was experiencing horrible lag. I would request certain commands and have to use alt + tab for the commands to be carried out. One example would be rest, "Alt + tab" to start and "alt + tab" to end, or I could have just wated for the process to end. (Don't know why I chose to use alt + tab twice for the rest command.) :|

Yesterday, I, and someone else noticed that sometimes other player bodies end up with missing parts, like the torso. :/ Another one of the times I played yesterday, my maps got reset.
Playing D&D 3.5e, D&D 5e, Pathfinder, and exploring Starfinder through a VTT


RE: Not sure where these comments go...
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2005, 06:52:00 pm »
I'm not sure what to say about your first paragraph.

As for missing body parts, that's just a graphic glitch that everyone gets from time to time.  Switching out your clothes a couple of times or going through a transition or two should fix it.

The minimap information isn't saved.  It will always be reset over and over again each time you log.  That makes it impossible to set your own permanent map pins, but the journal is saved, so you can make notes for later there.


RE: Not sure where these comments go...
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2005, 07:08:00 pm »
I have experienced the wierd body parts missing glitch.  I even have a picture in my album where I am missing my head.  I can get some stuff back by changing clothes and/or transitions but the only way to completely fix it for me is to log out and log back in.


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RE: Not sure where these comments go...
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2005, 07:12:00 pm »
Ok about the graphics glitch.  If the server crashes and you leave the game open, say stay in the chat then when the server comes up go into the game, the hak packs don't load properly and then you get people with the custom clothes on and you can't see them.  If you restart your game this doesn't happen.  As for the resting alt + tab I didn't get that either.

Talan Va'lash

RE: Not sure where these comments go...
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2005, 10:51:00 pm »
Eloyn is correct, though I havent noticed the correlation between this glitch and leaving NWN on during server crashes.

I've seen it happen at any time.  Sometimes i can even make it happen to myself when its a tad laggy and clicking to run somewhere than hitting a quickslotted armor and helm.

Basically everytime you or someone else changes clothes your computer loads the textures and models for them.  Sometimes it wigs out or gets interrupted or something and fails at loading the model.  Other times it just fails loading the texture and the model appears pure white, or reflective.  Since the glitch is local on your machine, others may not have the same glitch with the same model; they may see the part you dont.

The way to fix it is to re-equip, or have the person reequip the offending piece of clothing twice.  The reason for doing it twice is, often the first reequip fixes the model, but doesnt load the texture (making it pure white or reflective.)  I dont think i've ever seen this bug take more than two equips to fix.


Edit: Regnus, if you're missing your head you have to equip and take off a helm.   which will look very strange for you since owen wears that hat.  I'm assuming thats the part you can only fix by relogging?


RE: Not sure where these comments go...
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2005, 06:28:00 pm »
Are you saying that Owen looks strange?  heh

Thanks.  I have the Helmet of Armor I so I can try that next time.  Although you are right.  It looks really silly with my hat  ;)