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Author Topic: * a note posted around various inns and groves*  (Read 210 times)


* a note posted around various inns and groves*
« on: September 06, 2011, 03:34:50 am »
Greetings Old friends and new,

Quantum and I, Brisbane, will be gathering just outside of Prantz in the near future to delve into the depths of the undead threat that still plagues these lands. While I know there are other threats both greater and more pressing the small threats left unbalanced will simply grow into massive horrors. That being said please join us in making new allies and friends while we work together to put these souls to rest. If nothing else you can see a Druid and a Toranite work together as old friends which I hear is a rarity in itself.

While we aren't keeping with any skill requirements we would ask that you know how to handle yourself or do not mind visiting the bindstone terribly much as we are not here to babysit.

May the Balance bless you,
High Druidess of Tilmar

Putting this on the calendar for Monday, September 12th at 11:00 am Eastern daylight time (gmt -4)
Probably planning for the emerald lich
No level requirement but don't be upset if you get smooshed :)


