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Author Topic: 11 New NwN2 Screenshots - Posted Today!  (Read 645 times)


Re: 11 New NwN2 Screenshots - Posted Today!
« Reply #20 on: April 28, 2006, 06:54:29 am »
SuperMunch - 4/27/2006  1:22 PM

Nethack is really ugly but is still one of most flexible games around.

And one of these days, I will have a character that ascends!  Maybe.  If I'm lucky.  And live to be 140.


Re: 11 New NwN2 Screenshots - Posted Today!
« Reply #21 on: April 28, 2006, 07:03:15 am »
feniox - 4/27/2006 12:36 PM
Icurus - 4/27/2006 10:06 AM The more I see these pics the more I think about the graphics for Guild War...geez, that is one heck of a boring game...but the graphics were impressive.
I hated that game mostly because it is "a roleplay game without the roleplay" as I like to refer to it. Completely ruined the whole experience, I quit after less than two weeks.
 Man you lasted longer thenI didI got tired of the game in a week its was a waste of time. Great looking and all but there was no rp'ing server and the craft system was realy bad so there was not much that got me into it other then a few of my friends played it and said it was good.
  -----  IN TIME THE STUDENT BECOMES THE MASTER  "a hero is no braver then an ordinary man he is just brave 5 minutes longer"  "courage is fear holding on a minute longer"  "he who fears being conqured is sure of defeat"

