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Author Topic: NwN2 Screenshots on N2N2 Site  (Read 109 times)


NwN2 Screenshots on N2N2 Site
« on: May 01, 2006, 12:26:45 pm »
  Some fantastic new screenshots.


Re: NwN2 Screenshots on N2N2 Site
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2006, 12:30:04 pm »

Give.... me.... NWN... 2...

D Blaze

Re: NwN2 Screenshots on N2N2 Site
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2006, 12:36:22 pm »
I like the one indoor pic, it looks like the owner has a plasma television hanging on the wall over the desk.


Re: NwN2 Screenshots on N2N2 Site
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2006, 12:52:25 pm »
D Blaze - 5/1/2006 3:36 PM I like the one indoor pic, it looks like the owner has a plasma television hanging on the wall over the desk.
 Hehe, next thing you know we'll be selling cell phones and wireless laptops in the "trade and market hall". I wouldn't even want to speculate what the CNR crafting requirements would be :P
  But they look great.


Re: NwN2 Screenshots on N2N2 Site
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2006, 12:57:15 pm »
those are SCREENSHOTS?  ... well, there goes the girlfriend...


Re: NwN2 Screenshots on N2N2 Site
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2006, 01:42:23 pm »
I'm going to spend way too many hours on that game when it comes out...

I'm still dreading the system requirements though.


RE: NwN2 Screenshots on N2N2 Site
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2006, 02:07:42 pm »
*looks at screenshots in awe and forgets to breath*

(just seen the one of the child faceing off against that, tree elemental or what ever lol)


Re: NwN2 Screenshots on N2N2 Site
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2006, 02:11:30 pm »
I thought it was a tree golem *shrugs*


RE: NwN2 Screenshots on N2N2 Site
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2006, 02:13:23 pm »
ill settle on a Prunilla cleric on a bad day :P


Re: NwN2 Screenshots on N2N2 Site
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2006, 02:28:58 pm »
first thing that came into my mind when:
...Seeing the site. ==> finaly they have a site online about the game.:D
...Seeing the screenshots.  ==> Wow, awsome. Does anyone know A time spell, to speed up time? ;) I wanna play that game right now.
...seeing the Technicals. ==> I think My pc will not like it, if I play that game on high quality. :(

Second thought: He, lets mail a friend about this site. I'm sure He'll like it.

Thanks for letting us know about this site Leanther. The more info on NWN2 I(or we) can get my(or our) hands on the better.

I'm definetly going to get it as soon as it gets in stores. Perhapes I'll even Pre-order it when and if it's possible.
Not to mension I'll be playing any demo they will bring out before the game gets in stores. And i'm sure I wont be the only one doing this. ;)



Re: NwN2 Screenshots on N2N2 Site
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2006, 02:42:27 pm »

But it makes me wonder, is the engine gonna be as flexible as the NWN engine is?

Think about it, the current engine has been hacked at for years and is reaching a plateau in it's maturity (think Halflife and it's thousands of cool mods).  Is the next version, along with a major cosmetic change, still gonna be as flexible (Halflife 2)?


And Milton, get yourself a wife, they tend to have more patience than girlfriends.  *grins*


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    RE: NwN2 Screenshots on N2N2 Site
    « Reply #11 on: May 01, 2006, 02:58:13 pm »
    WOW!! UM, AND UH, WOW!!!


    RE: NwN2 Screenshots on N2N2 Site
    « Reply #12 on: May 01, 2006, 03:03:01 pm »
    I was one of those that didnt fancy the screenshot upped on the nwn2 site. But I have to admit that these screenshots are more of what I would imagine a game in 2006 would look like. As i also said, the first screens also look hidious and Im sure the game when you actually play it look even more beautyfull. But if the screens keeps getting better, I might afterall buy it :D I really like that the finnaly did something about the scaling with monsters, now a giant is REALLY a giant..

    Fadrien Gweth

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      Re: NwN2 Screenshots on N2N2 Site
      « Reply #13 on: May 01, 2006, 03:37:38 pm »
      sheesh. Some of those screenies really do look awesome. :)

