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Author Topic: Dragon Storm Campaign Finale  (Read 474 times)


Dragon Storm Campaign Finale
« on: May 21, 2011, 09:36:46 am »
I know it's been said several times, but once again I think it needs saying.  Thank you very much to the GMs that put their time and effort into making such an incredible series.  It may have taken a lot of unexpected turns and probably went on way longer than anyone had ever anticipated.  But that's how things go when dealing with so many pieces.  Now that we stand at the close, I can honestly say I am looking forward to what comes next.  It may be the close of the campaign, but it's just an incredible chapter of the story.  I feel very lucky to have been able to have had such an active role in it, and I urge those who felt like they didn't feel as involved as they may have liked to put in the extra effort in the next thing that comes along.  It's incredible rp.  People talk about how they want to have their characters become world leaders by taking on WLDQs but I tell you the truth- plot quests are world changing events and will turn your character into a truly epic character in all senses of the word if you let them.  It's the experiences that your character lives through that will make it so that you are one of those "old veteran characters" with the stories of epic battles to share with the generations to come.

So thank you Plot team for helping me change my character from a Toranite Leader to a World Leader.  For the heart-wrenching loss, and the stomach twisting anxiety and nerves, for the times my heart skipped a beat, and the mistakes I made and almost made, and for the triumphs that we all shared together, thank you.  Thank you for giving us the opportunities to find greatness.  I can't wait for more.


Re: Dragon Storm Campaign Finale
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2011, 12:22:17 pm »
I fully second these sentiments. I would like to add to the thanks as well. One of the many amazing thing this plot quest allowed was how each and every PC was able to be themselves and be a big part of the series. That was no small task and the plot team made it look easy. Thank you again for all the fun, stress, stories, sessions, and opportunities.

Dorax Windsmith

Re: Dragon Storm Campaign Finale
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2011, 03:01:07 pm »
Here, here!  Thank you Team Layo!


Re: Dragon Storm Campaign Finale
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2011, 05:43:19 pm »
Big thanks from me to the team, it's been a longer than planned road, but it's been a good one!

Also thanks to all players who participated in any shape or form. It never ceases to amaze me what angles you guys take that we hadn't envisaged (which is part of the fun), thanks!


Re: Dragon Storm Campaign Finale
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2011, 06:33:35 pm »
I have loved every moment of tormenting, twisting, challenging, providing, initiating, responding to, helping with and supporting a terrific group of people on both sides of the fence.

I am sad I was unable to be involved with any of my chars but thats the way the cookie crumbles sometimes> I am gladdened to see that the results people are happy with and it makes the sacrifice all the more worthwhile.

While the main plot has wound down to a close its not over yet. I still have a few unfinished things that you guys need to sort out :)


Re: Dragon Storm Campaign Finale
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2011, 06:58:01 pm »
Cheers to the the Stormcry Hollows Strike Team!  I never doubted our group for a second.  It was an honor and a pleasure to serve with all of you.

Tralek (me first of course right :D  )


Re: Dragon Storm Campaign Finale
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2011, 10:54:25 pm »
A big hand to those Plot Gms with more endurance than I to make to the end of this beast.  Great job.  Like Dezza I wish I could have been more involved with my characters throughout the campaign but it was fun tormenting those working on the cure and seeing you succeed and grow as characters.
 Innocent Investigations indeed.

Script Wrecked

Re: Dragon Storm Campaign Finale
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2011, 11:19:52 pm »
Bravo everyone! Simply brilliant!

I can hardly wait to see the consequences of so many actions and decisions made once the dust has had a chance to settle.

Of course, Hilm is still [POST=1720133]surrounded[/POST] by a very big Cult army, and it seems Molvaren has [THREAD=283323]got away[/THREAD]; its not "over" yet!