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Author Topic: Oh Well  (Read 1178 times)


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    Re: Oh Well
    « Reply #20 on: April 16, 2007, 09:46:57 pm »
    Quote from: Tanman
    There are  places where you can pick up two of the three easily. *Winks*
    Won't say where though!

    Well I meant more like a quest for new players to gather cotton, just to point out that it exists and has uses.  Even a quest to craft a simple item like a cloak could do a lot to teach a new player what to do (as they'd have to buy a badge to do it, and the equiptment, and fail quite a few times..)

    I know this is a period of change so these aren't complaints as much as things I think Layo had before and is kind of missing now, in my opinion. This world used to be very welcoming to a new player.  Johan's quest and the postmaster quest were both well designed, took a lot of time to do and sent players out in the world needing to ask for help to find whatever location.  There is no equivalent in a starting area now.

    At the same time the goblins outside Hlint were perfectly placed so that people coming and going would see new people struggling to fight them.  I can't tell you how many new characters I met just by passing by (and often saving them from slow death!)  Plus the fire everyone used was there, etc.  It was really a great introductory spot and as well designed as in any video game i ever played and to be honest I think an equivalent is lacking now.


    Re: Oh Well
    « Reply #21 on: April 16, 2007, 10:05:52 pm »
    Try the Shack. It's between the two starting areas and pretty much meant for that purpose.

    Hehe. I wouldn't really say well-designed on the Johan and Vale stuff, but they served a good purpose that is important. :PQuests can always be better, it's one of the points of the server that aren't really the shiniest, but they still serve as a good "go here to do this" purpose.


    Re: Oh Well
    « Reply #22 on: April 17, 2007, 12:32:16 am »
    one thing that might be added
    the fire safe rest in hempstead proper beyond the gates and one in vehl for those that begin there

    it got left outside hlint and i for one when my druid and mage were low level enough to need spells just to have a chance to live,it came in handy as a fall back point after you took down a foe who dropped you below half hit points

    the shack is good but still a run from either area and you dont really want to  tackle big things in the transitions at 1st lvl


    Re: Oh Well
    « Reply #23 on: April 17, 2007, 01:34:55 am »
    Someone mentioned this to me today, so I'm not taking credit just putting it out there.

    I recall a small file for adventurers arriving in Hlint.  It had that badly drawn map of Hlint and a bunch of information about the town... i.e. visit the sewers, etc.  Pointing out the shop locations, bank, crypts, inn...

    It was a nice little introduction for people to put them on the right path and get them to try some easy quests.  There is currently not one of these 'welcome guides' for either Vehl or Hemp... might be something to think about to welcome new players.

    Tialle Dianesis

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      Re: Oh Well
      « Reply #24 on: April 17, 2007, 04:52:55 am »
      Maybe moving the Card Emporium to Port Hempstead should also be considered. I remember that's the only thing that kept me from leaving layo when I first arrived, didn't know anyone, and stuck to the shadows. It's a great way to kill time when there's no one to travel with. I happened upon some great people when I played there, as well.  
      *thinks back to the first time she was trapped in the card game and smiles*


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        Re: Oh Well
        « Reply #25 on: April 17, 2007, 09:01:47 am »
        Quote from: Black Raven
        So you're the dwarf Iz met the other day? heh just so you know, her name was supposed to be a pain on purpose, even I cant spell it ;)
         Mission Accomplished on the name then ;)

        Quote from: Black Raven
        But anyway, I'm really sad to hear you didnt like the server, from what I've seen from meeting you you were a great roleplayer and were quite fun and amusing to hang with! Sadly I couldnt stay otherwise I would have helped you some more and show you the rest of the beautiful areas you should and shouldnt go through(That I know off anyway).

        I most definetly understand real life issues.  I wasnt attempting to make you feel bad for leaving...I was merely pointing out that I found a wonderfully helpfull person with lots of rez scrolls ...oops..did I type that last part out loud? O.o

        Quote from: Black Raven
        I have to say though, first from reading through your post I felt as if I was acting wrong too, which I hope I havent and if I did, my apologies. Her comment on how you shouldnt die alot wasnt ment to insult you oocly in any way, she was just acting "paladinishly", you know....feeling all mighty and superior that thinks she can tell others how to behave, was in no way ment to oocly offend you!.
        hahaha...I wasnt the slightest bit insulted....I was aggreeing with you.  I was roleplaying my incredibly wreckless dwarf.  He kept dying because he wouldnt stay in the back with the women and children during the fights with the polymorphed giants :D

        Quote from: Black Raven
        And one last thing, Iz isn't a cleric, she just used lay on hands on you twice ;) which I didnt know actualy gives exp when saving people so it was a win-win situation for the both of us, heh.

        /IC Slate only knows one moment he was drawing breath and fighting an evil kobold bent on distruction of the new city he wants to call home, then *PAIN* and it was dark, then it was light and he felt better.  When he awoke there was a helmed and armored woman over him.  She had healed him and more.  It was obvious (even to a dwarf) that it was a female.  They dont make armor like that for any other purpose.  She spoke to him then from behind that helm confirming it was a female.
        /OOC You rezzed him, healed him, prayed often, asked me to donate to your church, and were dressed like a cleric.  As far as Slate knows...YOU ARE A CLERIC!!! :D   I must admit...he was wondering about the sword though.  He just figured you had a liberal religion :p

        Quote from: Black Raven
        Again, hope you stay and try the server again cause I can really see you fit here with your roleplaying (you sneaking in a "dwarf way" still makes me chuckle heh), just dont mind the levels much ;)

        I am giving it another chance.... now that I know a little more.  Reading what everyone else wrote above and below also helps me to understand a little more of what is going on.  I must admit though that I can only play for limited time per week (about 4 hours total) I DO normally like to just run out and slay the bad guys.  I put that into my dwarfs mentality.  He is very impatient.

        OH....before you mentioned "sneaking" he had never tried it.  You may have started something :D


        Re: Oh Well
        « Reply #26 on: April 17, 2007, 09:02:17 am »
        Quote from: Nomsat
        That didnt take too long ~

        Sorry, but I am afraid this server is not for me.  I played for 2 of my 4 precious playing hours and only made 2 levels.  The first guy I came across either a) didnt understand english or b) doesnt like to help newbs.  He wouldnt answer any of my questions and when I told him I was new to the server his response was


        needless to say..I just turned around and ran off the screen.

        In the spirit of openess of these forums and servers allow me to defend myself and my character a bit here.  I remember this encounter as I was a bit surprised your character ran off as he did, but my character Emwonk, being who he is certainly wasn't going to chase you down.  He's far too paranoid and untrusting of strangers for that, not to mention he's 'chaotic nuetral' which to me means he's more concerned about his own self than others in most cases.  Add to that his trouble with communication, and perhaps you can begin to understand why expecting Emwonk to drop what he's doing to be helpful to someone he doesn't know is a thing that isn't likely to go your way, unless you offer him some incentive for his trouble.

        Had you been asking your questions to me through Tells in an OOC manner, I'd have been more helpful.  It's true, that perhaps I could have and should have been more proactive and sent you some helpful OOC Tells myself.  On the other hand, I had no idea all of the questions you needed answered because you didn't stick around long enough to say much more than you were new around Port Hempstead.  For me at least, it can be hard to keep pace with handling the dual task of being helpful to new players OOC and playing my character properly to maintain good RP, but I certainly don't intend to turn off new players.

        Don't feel alone in your plight either, there have been numerous times since I first started here myself where I needed help learning the ropes and my character was more or less ignored by others going about their own IC lives.  This being an RP server though, I keep in mind that not everyone I run into is going to want to be helpful, or willing to drop whatever else it is they may have planned for their own enjoyment just to help me out.  If it seems the case that someone isn't in a helpful mood (or isn't the helpful type of character) I simply move on and try looking for someone else.

        Anyway, I'm glad you've chosen at least for now to continue playing here.  As the saying goes, "The more, the merrier," and we're glad to have you in our community.


        Re: Oh Well
        « Reply #27 on: April 17, 2007, 09:24:21 am »
        I'd like to state that all tells sent ingame is OOC. Ive seen people use // in tells as well. There is no need to do that. No DM or other player can see what you say there anyway.
         If a person sends a RP message in a tell form, its still OOC since noone is able to see it or react on it, no player or dm. I'd just like to point this out.


        Re: Oh Well
        « Reply #28 on: April 17, 2007, 09:49:49 am »
        Quote from: Blackguy
        I'd like to state that all tells sent ingame is OOC. Ive seen people use // in tells as well. There is no need to do that. No DM or other player can see what you say there anyway.
         If a person sends a RP message in a tell form, its still OOC since noone is able to see it or react on it, no player or dm. I'd just like to point this out.

        Right.  In this instance no Tells were exchanged either way if I recall, the encounter was RPed in Local chat.  Not all players new to NWN may know how to send tells though, so I probably should have sent one myself to the new player to ask if they knew how.

        Best way to differentiate IC chat from OOC is simply this:  Green text = Out Of Character (Tells), White text = In Character (Local Chat, and Party Chat).

        The exception being White Text preceeded by '//' which indicates the message on Local or Party channel is meant OOC and which all players should try to avoid using unless they need to inform multiple players of something IMPORTANT of an OOC nature.


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          Re: Oh Well
          « Reply #29 on: April 17, 2007, 11:06:51 am »
          Quote from: Nehetsrev

          Best way to differentiate IC chat from OOC is simply this:  Green text = Out Of Character (Tells), White text = In Character (Local Chat, and Party Chat).

          The exception being White Text preceeded by '//' which indicates the message on Local or Party channel is meant OOC and which all players should try to avoid using unless they need to inform multiple players of something IMPORTANT of an OOC nature.

          This would be GREAT info to include in your newb area information (and yes..your new newb knows it now ;)  ).  I just found out that even my PARTY text was monitored ...which I had no clue.  I figured Shout and Say were the only things DM's could see.  That came as a shock to me that DM's could see my party text even if they werent in my party.

          No problem Nehetsrev ... it's all good now.  Sorry for the confusion.  Truthfully, I didnt remember your characters name as you were the first person I saw go running by.  I wasnt sure of the amount of non english speaking people on this server (I played on a server where there were actually quite a few) so I wasnt going to waste my time and yours trying to converse if there was no point.  Hopefully, we can one day group and kill a critter or two.  Slate would like that. ;)


          Re: Oh Well
          « Reply #30 on: April 17, 2007, 11:27:01 am »
          Quote from: Nomsat
          T  I just found out that even my PARTY text was monitored ...which I had no clue.  I figured Shout and Say were the only things DM's could see.  That came as a shock to me that DM's could see my party text even if they werent in my party.

          The DMs actually prefer that parties use party chat -- that way it makes it easier for them to see who's going out and what they're up to.  Just in case they're available to make the trip a little more... memorable.  :o


          Re: Oh Well
          « Reply #31 on: April 17, 2007, 11:55:09 am »
          Quote from: Faldred
          The DMs actually prefer that parties use party chat -- that way it makes it easier for them to see who's going out and what they're up to.  Just in case they're available to make the trip a little more... memorable.  :o

          Actually, that's not for sure but rather the sort of answers that will differ depending on what particular DM you are asking. 99% of the DMs tend to prefer party chat on their quests, but outside of quests, it really depends on the situation.

          I mean, if there are two groups present on a server and both are heavily using the party channel, it will be almost impossible for the DM in question to separate what group says what.

          Meaning... that the DM will probably disable his party chat text instead. :p


          Re: Oh Well
          « Reply #32 on: April 17, 2007, 12:42:04 pm »
          Quote from: Weeblie
          Actually, that's not for sure but rather the sort of answers that will differ depending on what particular DM you are asking. 99% of the DMs tend to prefer party chat on their quests, but outside of quests, it really depends on the situation.

          I mean, if there are two groups present on a server and both are heavily using the party channel, it will be almost impossible for the DM in question to separate what group says what.

          Meaning... that the DM will probably disable his party chat text instead. :p

          Oh sure... disabuse the guy of the notion that y'all are out to "get" us.  ;)

          BTW... one of these days (probably not until the end of the month at the earliest), I'll be logged on long enough to hopefully find out what "favor" a particular Drow priestess has in mind for a particular half-giant...


          Re: Oh Well
          « Reply #33 on: April 18, 2007, 02:55:07 pm »
          lol,Emwonk reminds me of a really weird Yoda or a robot and I relly dont understand half of what he says.  :P
           Glad you hanging around though.You cant get into or understand a new server in just a day.


          Re: Oh Well
          « Reply #34 on: April 18, 2007, 03:17:08 pm »
          Quote from: Faldred
          Oh sure... disabuse the guy of the notion that y'all are out to "get" us.  ;)

          BTW... one of these days (probably not until the end of the month at the earliest), I'll be logged on long enough to hopefully find out what "favor" a particular Drow priestess has in mind for a particular half-giant...

          *Whistles innocently.*


          Re: Oh Well
          « Reply #35 on: April 18, 2007, 06:36:33 pm »
          Quote from: kuchida
          At the same time the goblins outside Hlint were perfectly placed so that people coming and going would see new people struggling to fight them. I can't tell you how many new characters I met just by passing by (and often saving them from slow death!) Plus the fire everyone used was there, etc. It was really a great introductory spot and as well designed as in any video game i ever played and to be honest I think an equivalent is lacking now.

          I have to say I agree with much of what Kuchida has been saying. Even the sewers in Port Hempstead are rather out of the way and isolated, whereas Hlint had everything in a nice little package. In the desire to spread players out across the servers I do think things may have been rather complicated for newcomers. And as Kuchida mentioned, this is likely going to be something of a hamper for growth. I think some sort of assistance for the craft system would be most needed, actually - that could be easily accomplished by a little download-able note or some such thing. I think the idea osxmallard mentioned about a starting guide is very appealing - and less time-consuming than scripting new starter quests and such.

          On that note though, couldn't there have been a transplant of Johan and Postmaster Vale into Vehl, or Port Hempstead? I do agree that those were perfect little starter quests - even if all they did was give a newcomer an excuse to talk to yon seasoned zombie-hunter leaning on his battered staff, in order to ask directions to the town of What-have-you. Or asking the fellow in green and brown with feathers in his hair where one might possibly find a wild boar to hunt. That's more than enough, really - it opens dialogue and helps you get introduced to the world and the players.

          I'm basically reiterating what Kuchida has said, so I'll stop before I go on to talking about the goblins and Silkwood. Suffice it to say I'm seeing her(his?) points exactly.


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            Re: Oh Well
            « Reply #36 on: April 19, 2007, 01:03:33 am »
            Quote from: MJZ;475824 Suffice it to say I'm seeing her(his?) points exactly.[/QUOTE


            Witch Hunter

            Re: Oh Well
            « Reply #37 on: April 19, 2007, 03:24:29 am »
            Welcome to Layonara!
             You have bled to death...


            Re: Oh Well
            « Reply #38 on: April 19, 2007, 07:13:15 am »
            oi! *Points up*



            Re: Oh Well
            « Reply #39 on: April 19, 2007, 07:46:30 am »
            I remember way back in V2 when Arrow was in the craft hall and had various Orders/Quests to be fill by making wood items.Most were Hickory,That gave a new crafter a place to dump their wood items when they filled the order.
             Maybe there should be Vendors or just NPCs in Hempstead and Vehl who ask for simple CNR final products.