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Author Topic: ok I need help  (Read 128 times)

Grid Blader

ok I need help
« on: January 01, 2006, 11:45:00 pm »
I play Quantum Windword, a cleric of Toran.  For a while now people have been telling me I play him more as a Paladin.  I dont see it.  I play him as a go getting, adventuring cleric.  He gives it his all. Even if it means death, he will get right up in battle.  When he adventures with a group he does not stand back and just cast healing spells.  That is why Toran gave him the ablity to use a sword, Correct?

Please for everyone that has adventured with me on a quests or just went in a group with Q please let me know.  Or am I doing something I need to change?  Am I not playing the character right?


RE: ok I need help
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2006, 11:52:00 pm »
Not at all.
As far as I am concerned, there is nothing wrong with even playing him paladin like.  You are playing a person not a class.
If he wishes to preach from the front with a sword, what is the problem.  The paladin order may even approach him to join it's ranks, but it is up to Quantum if he wishes to join them.

Likewise you could have a fighter that acts like a paladin without the special abilities.

Or you could have a drunken sop of a that would be interesting!


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RE: ok I need help
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2006, 12:07:00 am »
This seemed like a good thread to ask about how to play a gnome. I've created a Deep Gnome and was wondering how to play him.


If anyone can give me some suggestions I'd be most appreciative.


RE: ok I need help
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2006, 01:09:00 am »
[orange]Clerics of Toran, while not being the exclusive martial arm of the church, most of the time are not like most other "healing" clerics. Faith is represented in many different ways. I mean, look at for example one of the less savoury deities. Like... Branderback. Do you truly think that a "cleric" of the god of greed and thievery considers themselves a healer? I doubt it. They likely consider themselves thieves with a divine touch. Like tricksters of the night, combining magic and the divine gift a cleric is granted with their greed.  A cleric of Toran, I see in the same light. Toran isn't the deity of healing and protection. He is the god of honor, truth, watchfulness. Not the god of pretty lights and caring feelings. No. He is the god of .. for a lack of better words. Smite... And while it might be cliché, that's what Toran is. Cliché.  So I see no issue roleplaying a cleric of toran that way. As a matter of fact I would encourage it.


RE: ok I need help
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2006, 01:13:00 am »
I've not been in a party with you but just play your character how you think your character should be played.  What makes someone memorable is the personality quirks that a character has.  There are many styles to play but in the end it's how you are most confortable and have the most fun with.

As to the Gnome question, I have 2 Gnomes, one speak very educated but then he was brought up away from Gnomes.  The other, wellhespeaksjustlikethisandit's prettyfastbuthe'sagnomewithADD.  Develop a personality for your characters and you will have tons of fun based on that personality.

Talan Va'lash

RE: ok I need help
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2006, 02:41:00 am »
scotcar - 1/2/2006  12:52 AM
You a playing a person not a class.



P.S. while it should read "You are playing a person not a class."  My sentiments are still the same.


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RE: ok I need help
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2006, 04:00:00 am »
Hey Q as long as it is your idea of how to play and you stick to it I see no prob. I think of you like a "Battle Preist" and nothing is wrong with that.


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RE: ok I need help
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2006, 05:32:00 am »
I surely think you're doing a great job with Q as a cleric of Toran, the few times we've partied, i really enjoyed it. :)


RE: ok I need help
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2006, 05:35:00 am »
So what if Quantum is paladin-like? As pretty much everyone has said, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. He's a battle-priest and I happen to like the idea that he prefes to fight up front than hang back heal the fighters all the time.


RE: ok I need help
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2006, 05:44:00 am »
Hey there Q..Friend ..hehehe .
  You know your playing him just as you are suppost to i think .
  I like running in parties with you's refreshing to have a priest not hanging in the back .
  You fullfill your priestly duty's as you should to ..think of all the talk's you had with Barion .
  I think you do a very nice job and i wouldn't like to see you change a thing .
  Thank's to you Barion has renewed his life force and is looking into the world with new strenght and lust
  for adventure ( together with a lot of others you helped him )

  Only can say : keep up the good roleplay and don't change because of comments from others ...
  It's your character and you have to feel good about him .

  Jan a.k.a. Barion Firesteed


RE: ok I need help
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2006, 06:32:00 am »
Pankoki - 1/2/2006  4:09 AM

[Toran] is the god of honor, truth, watchfulness.

On Milo's Silent War quest Saturday, Quantum was a key player in blind-siding a guard and invading a noble's manor, after going along with some scheme to tell the guards we were the circus.  Those kinds of actions are neither honorable nor truthful, and, in my opinion, are crossing the limit of what a representative of Toran should do, even if that representative isn't a Paladin.  Toran and his followers are, as Pankoki said, the cliché "Good Guys," after all.

So I would say you're not playing like a Paladin of Toran.


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RE: ok I need help
« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2006, 09:39:00 am »
You told me once that you played clerics because you like helping people. You're just using your sword to help people, while other clerics may stand back and cast healing spells. I must admit that when I first adventured with Quantum I thought that he was a paladin, but when he cast spells that only clerics could I realised that he was a priest.
Look in real-life - some priests are all fire and brimestone shouting mad - while others are more meek, mild and gentle. Each person has their own style.

PS: Sorry for gatecrashing your thread with gnome-stuff earlier on.


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RE: ok I need help
« Reply #12 on: January 02, 2006, 09:40:00 am »
You once told me that you played clerics because you like helping people. You're just using your sword to help people, while other clerics may stand back and cast healing spells to help. I must admit that when I first adventured with Quantum I thought that he was a paladin, but I realised he was a priest when he cast spells that only clerics could.
Look in real-life - some priests are all fire and brimestone shouting mad - while others are more meek and mild. Each person has their own style.

PS: Sorry for gatecrashing your thread with gnome-stuff earlier on.


RE: ok I need help
« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2006, 10:25:00 am »
Or am I doing something I need to change? Am I not playing the character right?

  Well, Toran aka The Smiter ;) is the god of paladins, so with a dogma that states:
Protect the realms and rout injustice wherever you find it. Raise up the weak and empower them, so that they might see the strength of Toran. Seek out the servants of evil, most notably those who follow Corath and Pyrtechon, and bring them to justice.
Be a shining example of goodness and righteousness by bringing order and safety to the lands. Your word is your bond.
It's not surprising that clerics of Toran are mistaken for paladins, there's probably hardly any difference.
Of course (and I hope you don't mind me poiting this out, but since you asked for feedback I'll do so :) ), lying to guards to invade somebody's home (what Gulnyr typed above) isn't really in line with Toran's dogma.


RE: ok I need help
« Reply #14 on: January 02, 2006, 10:35:00 am »
On whether or not there's something wrong with a priest of Toran being paladinly...

He's the god of paladins. War is one of his clerics' domains. Look at everything he represents--as Pan said, it's more like "Smite" than anything else. Quantum is also an Undead Hunter, a martial sect that's mostly made up of (and led by) paladins, anyway. Any priest in full plate with a longsword all for smiting evil and the like (Oh! The whole Toranite Clergy!) is probably going to be mistaken for your cliché 'paladin' a lot.

Whether or not a priest is actually being 'paladinly' is a different question, as Gulnyr pointed out, in this case.

As others said (I'm just a big echo, today!), you know your character better than the people you're asking. Ideally.

(Oh, and we've already been down the drunken sop of a paladin road, haven't we? Tsktsk.)

On whether all forms of gnomes should have indecipherably fast speech...

You specifically asked about the svirfneblin, not your average excitable inventing gnome from the surface, and you obviously know the difference from your bio. Not all topside gnomes talk without breathing, and your wary Deep Gnome with a history of abuse is probably less likely to do so, but hey. I can resuse this- you still (and still in theory...) know your character better than anyone else. If that's how he talks, it's how he talks, but it's hardly a requirement or even common among them.

Edit- I need to finish posts faster so Ed won't beat me by a full ten minutes or something, next time.

Grid Blader

RE: ok I need help
« Reply #15 on: January 02, 2006, 02:48:00 pm »
I thank you all, for your insights.  I will keep on with Q how I have been with just a few changes.  Yes Q did go along with the whole circus act in the quest, which was wrong of him.  He figured at the time one wrong to fix a bigger wrong was acceptable.  

I do think it is about time for Q to have some fun *evil grin starts to creep acroos his face*  See you all in the crypts....



RE: ok I need help
« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2006, 03:39:00 pm »
Quantum is Lawful Good, right? While there is room for interpreting just what that means, it seems most likely that his version of LG is going to fall in line with Toran.  Since Toran is all about honor and righteousness, that pretty well cancels out the whole "ends justify the means" argument.

Sometimes, there are going to be moral dilemmas, and you're going to have to look to your dogma and choose the lesser of two evils.  In the case of Milo's quest, everything was pure assumption.  It was assumed that the guards would be watching for Alek, assumingly to kill him, so it was assumed that hiding his identity was the best course of action.  It was assumed that telling the guards the truth would send them into a fighting frenzy.  It was assumed that knocking on the door would just cause trouble, so breaking in became the first choice, and the only choice mentioned (except in a quiet whisper by Jennara).  

Not a great showing for the Good Guys that day.


RE: ok I need help
« Reply #17 on: January 02, 2006, 06:30:00 pm »
Weston Pendrot is a good example of a character who does not fit his class.

He is a quinticential paladin.. only he's really just a sorcerer who's abit... um... noble?

So long as your actions and motives fit your diety and character..your fine. Each faith has variant's among it's flock.


RE: ok I need help
« Reply #18 on: January 02, 2006, 11:59:00 pm »
so breaking in became the first choice, and the only choice mentioned (except in a quiet whisper by Jennara). Not a great showing for the Good Guys that day.

  *Applauds for Milo :) * hehe


RE: ok I need help
« Reply #19 on: January 03, 2006, 03:47:00 pm »
You mean your not a paladin :) Hey man change just is. So go for it.