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Author Topic: Alright Americans, go Vote!  (Read 221 times)


Alright Americans, go Vote!
« on: November 07, 2006, 07:37:16 am »
November 7th, mid-term elections.

Regardless of your political affiliation, how you feel about the media, war, president or congress you NEED to go cast your vote. Get out there and support your candidate!

Vyris wears his "I voted" sticker today.


RE: Alright Americans, go Vote!
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2006, 07:44:34 am »
Vyris - 11/7/2006  10:37 AM

November 7th, mid-term elections.

Regardless of your political affiliation, how you feel about the media, war, president or congress you NEED to go cast your vote. Get out there and support your candidate!

Vyris wears his "I voted" sticker today.

Actually, don't vote just to vote.  If you don't know the candidates or issues, and are just voting because you think you should... STAY HOME!  You're simply introducing "noise" into the process if you vote uninformed.

If you are informed, then by all means, get out there and cast a ballot!


Re: Alright Americans, go Vote!
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2006, 08:09:17 am »
heres my take on this and its just my point of view

I say vote to keep democracy

Would you all like to know why democracy is so important

thows countrys with out it have but one way to change a givernance when it is out of step with the wonts and needs to the populations under there control. Revolution and Civil war blood on the streets, we have all forgotten that democracy is just a way to have a bloodless coeu every 4 years.

What is KEY! to this is freedom of speech with out it you can not openly exspress opposition to the givernance in place and state why they are out of step.

To not vote and to not protected by the action of doing freedom of speech is to say "I would like Revolution and Civil war"

Groups such as the far right and left, Religious fanatics like Creationist Christians and Litarel Islamasist why say "Think only what I say you can, and say only what I say you can" are evil beyound words for they seek to close minds not open them.

I will up hold your right to say as you will with in secular laws, laws for all based on evidence not religious beliefs but on human morral beliefs, you can pass any amout of laws but it is we who chose to keep them and so we who have the power over them.

never for get that, we the people rule in a democracy not any king or dictator, you may not like the whos has the top job for a time or what there doing but if they upsets to many of us, there out!

Thats why I belive in democracy and why your vote counts so much.

"Throw your vote away and it lands in blood" Spugly Fuglet 2006

