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Author Topic: Orc Quest 2  (Read 105 times)


RE: Orc Quest 2
« Reply #20 on: September 22, 2005, 03:54:00 am »
*looks at Harloff* ......... the other guy was killed because he opposed Corash, nothing to do with who he followed.....and I am suggesting that we follow no god at the moment....because we only follow something we can touch and see.....therefore we are happy to follow Corash and in doing so we elevate him to god-stake...because we can see and touch him...
....secondly I doubt we can see the dream without being very close to we need to get close to him somehow
...thirdly I would suggest that we stay amongst the orcs even after we have seen the dream, we could create quite a bit of chaos amongst the ranks while among long as we can get information to our forces. We could be a very dangerous force fighting from within without the orcs realising it. Little things like sabotaging their bows, so that the first arrow fired, the bow breaks, standing behind the shamans and distracting them when the want to cast.
...and with someone high enough in the "war council" we would get insight into the tactics and battle plans which could give our forces the edge in a full scale war.


RE: Orc Quest 2
« Reply #21 on: September 22, 2005, 04:05:00 am »
// I think this is a bit silly we are discussing "what if", let us wait and see what happens during the quest. And decide based on the knowlgde we get there.


RE: Orc Quest 2
« Reply #22 on: September 22, 2005, 06:04:00 am »
//OOC: If anyone has logs from the the quest on Tuesday, I would really like to read through them to get my mind around what happened. Please just PM me with them if you dont mind. 


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    RE: Orc Quest 2
    « Reply #23 on: September 22, 2005, 06:16:00 am »
    // Rolf walks in and very carefully raises a tall copper pole. "Aye Skarp I am sure Mist will be forgiving if I swear to another god. She is afterall the forgiving sort of Goddess.

    No seriously we have to find a way for Harg and I around this problem. Gods tend to have a dim view of fallen clerics and false swearing.



    RE: Orc Quest 2
    « Reply #24 on: September 23, 2005, 02:44:00 am »
    For Jacchri: I will see if I have time to PM you today ...or find me in game (for a Tell chat).

    For all:
    It seems that what I wanted has almost been accomplished.
    Some good ideas and problems have been posted and discussed.
    So people are aware of what could MAYBE happen next time.

    The only things needed now are final solutions which will be made IC…

    Remember one thing though…having a long “tea party discussion” during the game among hundreds of orcs. Be careful with that. *Looks up* Someone is watching us.

    Take care of yourself next time by the orcquest.

    P.S. If you got more ideas plz post them.


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    RE: Orc Quest 2
    « Reply #25 on: September 24, 2005, 01:21:00 am »

    If he's the champion of Grand. I dont think he would suffice with a simple nod and bow. And i agree that we should try and avoid this situation where we maybe have to "denounce" our own god since the clerics wont do it. Maybe we could get Bil to study Corash sword while he's sleeping, and so maybe get an idea on how to get it from his hands.
    And since we cant get it from his hands with any physical means, maybe kill the bas'erd and stab him with his own blade ?...sick yes, but maybe it would work.