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Author Topic: orth....  (Read 625 times)

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« on: July 09, 2005, 08:55:00 am »
1st... i want you to know i wasn't asking for anything nor complaining, this morning.  a new version was implemented and i happened to be one of the first back in, and i thought that it might have been a bug or glitch.
2nd...  in spite of that, you gave me all 3 skins, which i appreciated and i publically thank you
3rd....  as a follow-up to that:  i have noted that in the last few weeks, while there are 3 lions, if i kill them all, USUALLY only 2 dead bodies appear.  the 3rd does not.  i do not know if this is intentional, or specific to me, or a problem.  just mentioning it.

and along those lines, another observation.  i was gathering salt in the goblin mines outside hlint (for tanning)  in the room where there are sometimes 5 or 6 goblins near the salt pile, i went in invis, but had a lvl3 summons with me.  i went for the salt and the summons was fighting, distracting them.  all of a sudden, for no seeming reason, they all faded out. no deaths, nothing... i can understand that maybe they do that for opponent past a certain level looking for just the salt (as was my case) but i couldn't find anything about that in the forems, so... just letting you know...  it has happened several times and in similar circumstances, but different places.

thanks, again for all 3 skins, as it was a 50% bonus and unlooked for


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    RE: orth....
    « Reply #1 on: July 09, 2005, 08:58:00 am »
    As far as the goblins disappearing, I think the monsters are on a timer.  that is they only stay for so long until the server deletes their prescence.

    Keeps the lag down, as well as the number of monsters that are in the cave at one time.


    RE: orth....
    « Reply #2 on: July 09, 2005, 11:20:00 am »
      I'm 99% sure I know why the lion corpses are dissapearing when you kill them. I know you're a wizard so I believe that you're killing them with Fireballs? If that's correct then when a fireball hits a sinnable corpse it damages the corpse, they can only take so much damage before they go poof...
        So if a Lion has 30 HP and you cast a fireball at three of them. The fireball damages them for 19, 27, and 32 (respectively) you would need to cast another one to kill the other two... now when you cast that other if the explosion hits the corpse of the first lion you killed and does X ammount of damage, said corpse goes bye bye.

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    RE: orth....
    « Reply #3 on: July 09, 2005, 11:21:00 am »
    Snoopluva - 7/9/2005  11:58 AM

    As far as the goblins disappearing, I think the monsters are on a timer.  that is they only stay for so long until the server deletes their prescence.

    Keeps the lag down, as well as the number of monsters that are in the cave at one time.

    while that makes possible sense, it isn't consistant with what i have observed.  i have battled monsters, had to move away and rest and then come back and they were still there with the same damage as i left them with.  even on some occasions, i have been killed, gone back to my bind point and then gone back to my gravestone and there are still right were i left them.... so...

    until another explaination is given or a better theory arises, i think the level may be the situation...  i allow for the fact that i may not be correct in this, of course...

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    RE: orth....
    « Reply #4 on: July 09, 2005, 11:24:00 am »
    ZeroVega - 7/9/2005  2:20 PM      I'm 99% sure I know why the lion corpses are dissapearing when you kill them. I know you're a wizard so I believe that you're killing them with Fireballs? If that's correct then when a fireball hits a sinnable corpse it damages the corpse, they can only take so much damage before they go poof...
        So if a Lion has 30 HP and you cast a fireball at three of them. The fireball damages them for 19, 27, and 32 (respectively) you would need to cast another one to kill the other two... now when you cast that other if the explosion hits the corpse of the first lion you killed and does X ammount of damage, said corpse goes bye bye.
      now that make perfect sense.... i do, in fact, use a fireball and often have to toss another one in... hmmmmm  i had considered that... but now that you say it, it does make logical sense...  thanks.... hmmmmmmm need to use more lesser missle storm on the 2nd cast, perhspas....    PS  i actually tried to use a fireball first then missle storm and it got all 3 so that was it... thanks


    RE: orth....
    « Reply #5 on: July 09, 2005, 11:31:00 am »
    the gobbos disappearing, most likely the cleaning
    script that kicked in.


    RE: orth....
    « Reply #6 on: July 09, 2005, 01:56:00 pm »
    Spawns are on a timer, and normally one does not see a spawn disappear, because the timeout is long.  In other words, those goblins you saw in the caves were probably not spawned by you but rather someone else who had come through a while before.  I don't remember the exact times, but I want to say that it's on the order of 10-20 minutes for the timeout.

    FWIW, I've had spawns disappear on me as well, usually when I was just about to kill them and I got robbed of the XP and treasure drop.  It happens.  Not often, but it happens.

    In other words, I think things are working exactly as they're supposed to.



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    RE: orth....
    « Reply #7 on: July 09, 2005, 03:35:00 pm »
    Actually, I think it may just be that not all three lions are supposed to leave harvestables.  Just look at the trio of badgers near Hlint.  Only two of them ever in my whole two months playing have left behind a skin.  The third one just disappears.

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    RE: orth....
    « Reply #8 on: July 09, 2005, 06:19:00 pm »
    Rayenoir - 7/9/2005  6:35 PM

    Actually, I think it may just be that not all three lions are supposed to leave harvestables.  Just look at the trio of badgers near Hlint.  Only two of them ever in my whole two months playing have left behind a skin.  The third one just disappears.

    it was as zv said....
    i used to get all 3 when i only used one fireball... i changed tactics and was getting fewer...  then i re-evaluated based on zv's input and i am now getting all 3 again...

    as for the badgers... that IS deliberate, i believe

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    RE: orth....
    « Reply #9 on: July 09, 2005, 06:23:00 pm »
    Dorganath - 7/9/2005  4:56 PM

    Spawns are on a timer, and normally one does not see a spawn disappear, because the timeout is long.  In other words, those goblins you saw in the caves were probably not spawned by you but rather someone else who had come through a while before.  I don't remember the exact times, but I want to say that it's on the order of 10-20 minutes for the timeout.

    FWIW, I've had spawns disappear on me as well, usually when I was just about to kill them and I got robbed of the XP and treasure drop.  It happens.  Not often, but it happens.

    In other words, I think things are working exactly as they're supposed to.

    as i was after salt, and goblins are 1 xp each, and i have NEVER had an emerald or diamond drop from them, then i will not lose any sleep... however... hahahahahhaha

    i will buy the explaination, but i would have thought that another person entering an area would trigger a reset of the time the timer... still...


    Thunder Pants

    RE: orth....
    « Reply #10 on: July 10, 2005, 03:29:00 am »
    a clean up timer starts when there are monsters on a map and no characters, so if a character enters the area spawns them and leaves without slaying them the timer starts, and does not reset, this is to save people from people running to a spawn, and then someone new spawning into an area surrounds by monsters that persued someone else (not a big deal with goblins, but say it were giants surrounded at the transition point and they all start wailing on you before your screen even loads) granted at times it causes the disapearence while in combat, but it can be much better then the alternative