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Author Topic: The false orcs  (Read 66 times)


The false orcs
« on: October 29, 2005, 03:38:00 pm »
Okay..maybe I should not write this after playing Layo two days in a row with 4 hours of sleep but…

People have heard of the “orc quest” and they know some orcs are not real orcs but BLOODY HELL!!...

How can you tell the difference from one orc to another? They are all green and blue. You slay around 100 of them every day and then one pops up with a neon tag over him and he doesn’t have a red circle…that must be a friend…
Then followed by a right click and you see a dwarven picture. And what do I hear… “ it must be a false orc”…..Jesus!!!

Then there are the ones which “aggressive” trys to find a way to lure out the real identity… on purpose…Worst thing I have heard was a PC using my voice set as an explanation (which is automatic in battle)… *shakes head*

Since when did you (there by meaning all) ever question other folks race?

Well, it is fine by me if PC do it in the passive way. Like Brant Mori noticed my “battle rage” and we have fought side by side for a long time. So I accepted that he could question “my orc me” (but he didn’t play on it – He just asked).

Unless some “false orc” tells you face to face the story and say “I am a flase orc” and points out other “false orcs” I…I will not accept it.

Then there is also the last group which concerns the most PC. They have treated me as an orc and I must say wow!!!!. Really good role play…..Now I know why I don’t play an orc. ;)

I am sorry that the negative part in this mail is bigger than the positive side.. but hey!!!! If I had to explain all the good things on Layo I would need a bit more time than this “15 min. mail” here..

Thank you all.

My bed is calling me.

P.S: The quest is over soon - so why bother...well I do


RE: The false orcs
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2005, 07:19:00 pm »

Unfortunately all people Daeron has met, belong to the last group. He's been chased out of a lot of cities in the last month. So first of all, thanks for the great roleplay and secondly... STOP threatening to kill me. Nah, ignore that.

To go back to Varka's post, I myself wondered as well about this. The orc is a playable subrace, although I only met one orc in Hlint since I've started here. So.. orcs that have been proven to people to be trustworthy should be treated normally. But I think every orc (or drow maybe) should earn that respect for himself.

If a player ever encountered a 'nice' orc, he shouldn't automatically treat all 'not red enlightened' orcs as trustworthy. If you've met Varka as a orc and through some kind of roleplay discovered he's more than he seems, it's ok to treat him normally. But if after that event you met one of the others, how are you supposed to know they are part of the special orc task force (heheh SOTF)?

Not every orc in the group has regularly shown himself in Hlint and each orc looks different from the other. So.. try to keep in mind how much, in character, you know about this. This can be applied to every aspect in the game.


RE: The false orcs
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2005, 07:28:00 pm »
Hehe yeah. Mostly just yeah. My characters tend to give a strange look to anything evil type that dosent right out start attacking them. This orc buisiness is quite cool but I prefer to not chase anyone out of town if I can help it.  ;)


RE: The false orcs
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2005, 12:34:00 am »
Fully agree with Varka.
  Some people roleplayed my orc form very well, quick to mind is Derek who nearly chopped my head off in Fort Hope.....luckily I had a invisible scroll handy.
  Other people questioned my behavior like Pendar, which was very good roleplay.
  Some others I gave a false name and slowly won their trust, thinking of Ireth.
  The Vakhar quest with Luna, Rodlin, Cole, Tha and Aralin was also very very interesting and my orc form had a big influence there. Great roleplay and GMing (Aether) there around my orc form.
  There was many others as well, just cant remember them, so if I did not mention you please dont feel offended.
  I did tell a couple of people of my situation as I travelled in groups and I guess that a whole lot of people started to know Jacchri the orc and word got around about the orcs.
  As far as identifying orcs go, I think if you have seen a particular orc a couple of times you will be able to start identifying them.
  But alas, with all the good roleplay I encountered (luckily I would guess 80% good), I did also encounter the bad side as Varka describes. But I would prefer this post to stay positive and therefore I will not get into the negative stuff.
  So to all who roleplayed the situation appropriately, WELL DONE.
  Lastly I have to take this opportunity to give a big kudos to all the orc players and Harlas. I think everyone of you roleplayed your orcs very well and Harlas for making this happen. It shows great vision from him and I know this has impacted very much in Jacc's life. I would never have thought that day when I stepped into the transmutator that it would have such a big effect.
  WELL DONE Harlas and all orc friends.


RE: The false orcs
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2005, 01:19:00 am »
aragwen - 10/30/2005  12:34 AM  WELL DONE.
  Lastly I have to take this opportunity to give a big kudos to all the orc players and Harlas. I think everyone of you roleplayed your orcs very well and Harlas for making this happen. It shows great vision from him and I know this has impacted very much in Jacc's life. I would never have thought that day when I stepped into the transmutator that it would have such a big effect.
  WELL DONE Harlas and all orc friends.
  Expect for one thing. Varka is just gonna suppress the thing that he as once an orc. Hehe Otherwise he could spend most of his time by some psychologist


RE: The false orcs
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2005, 03:44:00 am »
Varka - 10/30/2005  10:19 AM

Expect for one thing. Varka is just gonna suppress the thing that he as once an orc. Hehe
Otherwise he could spend most of his time by some psychologist

Hah! when the rest of us is going around with our medals showing that we saved Mistone. Varka is going to sit in a corner rocking back and forth saying "I have never been an orc, I have never been an orc..."


RE: The false orcs
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2005, 08:48:00 am »
LOL...something like that