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Author Topic: RIP: Lonn's PC. 05/13/05  (Read 250 times)


RIP: Lonn's PC. 05/13/05
« on: May 16, 2005, 12:02:00 pm »
As of Friday the 13th of this month it is official, my computer is now a smoldering piece of scrapmetal with no funtion serving capabilities.  Like an old man liverspotted into mortality, it died peacefully through the night, simply refusing to access the BIOS at startup.  Now it is only capable of a meager blank screen without any initial CMOS beep.

In about 2 months I should have enough cash saved up on the side for an entirely new system.  Until that time, I am going into withdrawal trying to find a hobby that takes up 8-10 hrs a day.  Social interaction with the human-form populace is undeniably a total waste, so I've taken to public drinking and kicking ill-mannered frat boys in the groin.  "BRO!  NOT cool!"  *thud*

On the plus side, I should finally be graduated after 3 more classes in Fall.  Hopefully the psych degree will come in handy if I ever run out of napkins.

Fian Bearsark

RE: RIP: Lonn's PC. 05/13/05
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2005, 01:46:00 pm »
What?! 2 Months?! No Bjorn cooking up anything that moves and eating it? No Gunther running around hitting inanimate objects for no apparent reason? No Farros pinching every skirt he sees while invisible?

This is an outrage, pure and simple. We need a raffle or fundraiser or something to get this boy a new computer. How will I be entertained now?

Really in a way this is about my needs.

D Blaze

RE: RIP: Lonn's PC. 05/13/05
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2005, 05:11:00 pm »
Let us all bow our heads in a moment of Silence..............*opens a can of pop, takes a swig, then bow's his head*


RE: RIP: Lonn's PC. 05/13/05
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2005, 05:20:00 am »
AAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! this can't be, who's going to scare the nubs while runnning around naked munching on an ogres' baby head?!?
Did ye try at least to get a new BIOS chip at a small repar store, last time they just gaved it to me?  Get 2, unplug yer hard-drive first as ye could have gotten a bad bug on it.  See if it loads the BIOS at start-up, if it does turn off then plug hard-drive back on, if same thing happens it's a bug on the hardrive boot sector that's killing yer BIOS.  Either get it cleaned-up or reformated from another machine, but ye need to make it with a speacial full-format prog ye get frem the hard-drive manufacterers website ;)

Talan Va'lash

RE: RIP: Lonn's PC. 05/13/05
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2005, 09:32:00 am »
*emptys a 40oz mountain dew on the curb with his head bowed*


RE: RIP: Lonn's PC. 05/13/05
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2005, 04:05:00 pm »
Thanks Path, I'll try taking out the HD and booting it tonight.  It very well may have been a virus, especially considering that it died on Friday 13th and had about 80mb of classified documents on it.

If the virus came from where I think it did, then it makes me happy that I kept everything backed up in 10Xtriplicate scattered across the globe in the eventuality of my disappearance. :)


RE: RIP: Lonn's PC. 05/13/05
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2005, 06:00:00 pm »
Heh heh hope ye got 2 BIOS chips as well ;)


RE: RIP: Lonn's PC. 05/13/05
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2005, 08:53:00 pm »
I tested it out with the 2 cmos battery/flash thingies. (a more tech savvy friend helped me find them and installed them on the board for me)  Well, I have good news and bad news.  Bad news was that the PC is still dead as it was the motherboard/chip that overheated and died.  (I smoked near it far too often, heheheh)  The good news though is that other than the motherboard, ram, processer and power supply, everything still seems to work on our temporary frankenstein's monster of a test pc.  That's great, since it cuts my costs for replacement parts down by about 5-600 bucks.

I'm definitely going to be getting a new tower and power supply, since they're so darn cheap and ventilation was likely my primary problem.  Probably going to get a barebones kit from pricewatch, what I need after shipping should only cost me around 480 bucks.  Going for an AMD 3500 64 bit chipset (unless anybody else knows of one cheaper and faster) with 512mb RAM, and hopefully a new 128mb video card.  I can still salvage the soundblaster Live, harddrives, peripherals and tuner card and such.  I'm hoping it gets to me through the mail sometime in late June, and all in one piece... heh

For the next 6 weeks I'll be working about 28 hours a week at 10/hr and going to class 20 hours a week.  (half-semesters are BRUTAL)  Meanwhile I have taken up FANATIC prison-style workout sessions, probably the only thing that keeps me sane.  Since I lift heavy boxes at a warehouse for work, I technically lift weights for 36 hours a week.  Hopefully I shall pump up to half-giant perportions and vanquish all mine unworthy foes within the next 2 months.  :)  Qua-plah!

