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Author Topic: Thoughts on the xp-system  (Read 157 times)


Thoughts on the xp-system
« on: May 25, 2005, 04:26:00 am »
As far as I understand the xp-system, you get 100 % of the creatures xp-rating if you are out on your own, whereas you get 50 % if you are in a group.

Since killing a beast becomes much easier the larger the group is, it seems a bit odd to get the same amount of xp no matter how big the group is. If it is
assumed that rate at which you can kill beasts is directly proportional to the size of the group. A party member will earn xp twice as fast in a group of four
and four times as fast in a group of eight and so on. Thus the xp-system favors large groups over small ones and thereby Berhagen hunting parties.

Since RP isn't favored by large groups over small ones I can see no obvious reason to punish players making small parties. I was wondering if this xp-system
is a NWN/bioware feature (flaw) or if there where some deeper philosophical considerations  behind it.

Thunder Pants

RE: Thoughts on the xp-system
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2005, 04:43:00 am »
while it's true that large groups tend to clean out monsters faster, they also slow down elsewhere, with people going AFK and needing to rest for spells and whathave you

also RP really doesn't go down when you get more people, just in depth personal RP does, there is no reason why 8 people can't talk with eachother just as well as 4 people can, the difference is when you get more people your less likely to talk about things your character would find somewhat personal

also large parties are harder to manage, and often times end up in disaster due to too many people in the way, or cleric can't heal everyone fast enough, i know i personaly prefure small groups to large ones


RE: Thoughts on the xp-system
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2005, 06:51:00 am »
That is an incorrect assumption.
  We do not penalize group xp at all.  If two characters of equal level, with no subrace adjustments etc. were in the same party they would get the same xp as if they were alone adventuring.
  There is no group xp penalty.  The adjustments come in to play when players are not the same level, the xp is then divided differently.  As well, many subraces have an xp hit due to their nature.
  Why did I make this change you are asking?  Basically because I am trying to strongly encourage grouping and making of friends and new friends.  The spawns (for many of them at least) are designed around groups.  I don't want to discourage this grouping process as it will help to bring the community together more and people will make more friends and have a little more fun perhaps.  That is pretty much the sole reason I went down this group xp path solution.  The grouping is now quite good and some groups get large.


RE: Thoughts on the xp-system
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2005, 04:30:00 pm »
Aye, you came in a couple times and commented on how I keep finding such huge groups.  I would divulge my secret, but truth be known, it counfounds me as well.  I guess here are a few tips for large party seeking...

-always carry at least 20 ales on you at all times.  It doesn't matter how low a dwarf's charisma is, he'll join you as long as you keep his drunken belly filled

-when women follow, save the beer for them.  The men will stay in the party just to impress the women, and the women will begin to think you are far hotter after a little ale

-point at the skinniest guy in the group and growl, "yer lootin!"  If he objects, next point at the wizard and grumble "you're looting".  If that still doesn't work, yell "Grand durnit! ah ain gonna ask ye a third time!"  If that still doesn't work, ungroup and go mining...  they'll beg for their shield wall soon enough!

-if you're a mage, loot.

-always protect the mage.  not because he's fragile, but because that bugger has all the gold!

-healing kits are wonderful things.  If you notice that you bleed a lot, take some with you on the trip.  If instead you sit there and bleed and ask the single solitary guy who bothers to buy kits with his own money to waste an average of 600 gold an hour on you and 6 other friends each for days at a time... quit dreaming and keep bleeding.

-always try to say something randomly ludicrous that makes people shoot milk out their noses.  That way your stock in keyboard and monitor companies will go WAAAAAY up.

-Everytime the party starts to break up or look bored, shout "AAAAUUUUGGGGHHHH!!!  DRAGON!"  They'll skitter about like cracked out bunnies and get a little more alert.  When they stop responding to that, switch to the DM channel and say something arrogant like, "HA!  I eats em dragons fer breakfast!  Ah ain afraid of no dragon! Papa needs a new pair ah scalemail!"  Those are the verbal components to the universal spell, "Summon Certain Doom"... and you're party will begin to skitter again.

-If you're a dwarf, try to force every elf you meet to eat meat.  if they refuse, whack them on top of the head with a hammer and make them a bit shorter.  Hopefully some day they'll toughen up and become a dwarf too, which is about as effective as 5 elves.

-if you notice a member of the group charging ahead and alerting everything in a 5-mile radius at once to swarm, just sit back and laugh.  Warning them not to do it gets old after 12 times a trip; let evolution take its course.

-try to seek out a cleric of a god you follow; they are spiritually obligated to assist you.  For all the clerics of gods you don't follow, tell them you're thinking of converting and play upon their self-righteous soul-grubbing attempts to sway you.

-If you ever meet a half giant or half ogre, give him a big tankard of ale and a pie.  He'll be your friend/gardener/handyman/bodyguard/pack ox for life, and may even let you ride on his shoulders like when you were a little boy.

-never watch the xp chart to see how long till lvl; you'll just develop what psychologists dub 'learned helplessness'.  Instead, get a 12pack and sign up for more quests.

-while on quest, do not drink all of said 12pack at once.  The odds of dying via spawn skyrocket during spontaneous pee breaks.


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    RE: Thoughts on the xp-system
    « Reply #4 on: May 25, 2005, 07:48:00 pm »
    lol, the secret is out... I love it!


    RE: Thoughts on the xp-system
    « Reply #5 on: May 26, 2005, 01:39:00 am »
    Milk coming out my are hillarious....

    Thunder Pants

    RE: Thoughts on the xp-system
    « Reply #6 on: May 26, 2005, 01:44:00 am »

    -point at the skinniest guy in the group and growl, "yer lootin!" If he objects, next point at the wizard and grumble "you're looting". If that still doesn't work, yell "Grand durnit! ah ain gonna ask ye a third time!" If that still doesn't work, ungroup and go mining... they'll beg for their shield wall soon enough!

    not a good idea if the skinniest person in the group is someone like Lue, who will at times mess up the math and somehow end up with one share larger then the others, which of course is the one she keeps