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Author Topic: Layo and NWN2?  (Read 150 times)


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    Layo and NWN2?
    « on: April 15, 2006, 09:37:25 pm »
    Still fairly new to Layo so I might have missed a bunch of stuffs about this but.....Layo considering xfering to NWN2? I'm not sure if NWN2 is going to be all that great. I mean yeh, the screens look nice but thats all that does so far. I read somewhere I think on the vault a while back they had an interview with one of the developers. He stated that the toolset will not provide a feature enablign modders to create there own mobs. He said "This sort of option would not be feasible with our game". I take this as BS. And I think what I think it means is true...Modders will have to use mobs that have already been deafted if you play the single player campaign. Coorect me if you heard otherwise and I'm wrong guys. Lates


    RE: Layo and NWN2?
    « Reply #1 on: April 15, 2006, 11:06:50 pm »
    Not quite sure what you mean. Do you mean a "mob" as in a large group of creatures all acting in a single-minded and irrational manner?
      If so, in general such large groups of creatures cause significant lag issues, and by that, they are not practical.


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      Re: Layo and NWN2?
      « Reply #2 on: April 15, 2006, 11:08:21 pm »
      Yeah bad habits from MMOs have rubbed off on me. Mob as single or group it's a common term^^.


      RE: Layo and NWN2?
      « Reply #3 on: April 15, 2006, 11:19:24 pm »
      Mobs? If you're referring to the WoW (or any other MMORPG game) version of a "mob", the developer you read about spoke true. NwN, nor NwN2 will support mobs. Mobs are only useful in massively multiplayer games. What about "64 Players Max Per Server" made you think that mobs would be supported or even required? Do not expect much more than a facelift to NwN1 from NwN2.

      Also, do not cuss on the forums. "BS" is cussing and no one appreciates that in a family oriented world. You are more than welcome to participate in this community but please take your elitist attitude and check it at the door.

      Please pardon my own abrasive attitude here but I'm totally fed up with a number of unrelated things and your negative attitude pushed me over the edge.

      Be Well.


      RE: Layo and NWN2?
      « Reply #4 on: April 16, 2006, 04:46:31 am »
      I think in this case, a "mob" would indicate "Movable object/Mobile object" a slang term in EQ for monsters. So the question would be "Can MODDERS create "Custom Monters not in the Single player version"?
        The aforementioned initials (had to edit that so no one swings the banhammer at me) would also indicate a slang, albeit a crass form. While we all know what it short for, slamming him that hard for a relatively trival slip may have been a touch much. Swearing is a no-no, we all know this. I'm sure he won't make the same mistake twice .I would submit that all the un-related things that you mentioned may have tinted your viewas I didn't see where his attitude was elitist.


      RE: Layo and NWN2?
      « Reply #5 on: April 16, 2006, 07:31:25 am »
      Since we seem to be separated by a common language here, let me try and clarify.
        A "mob" as a large group of creatures/NPCs/PCs has no analog in NWN1/NWN2.  I personally don't see this as a real limiting factor or a make-or-break feature that will make NWN2 not be "all that great".  NWN1/NWN2 is not, and will never be, an MMO.
        A "mob" as a small group of creatures that spawns on some trigger, known in NWN1 as an "encounter", should still be possible. Even if it wasn't for some weird reason, there are still ways to create them, though it would be a bit more manual.  Either way, this wouldn't really be an issue.
        A "mob" meaning "movable/mobile object" or in a different vernacular, a "creature", there's been some discussion on this over the last several months, and there will likely be continued discussion prior to worldwide release of NWN2 (currently scheduled for September 2006) as well as post-release.  By all current indications, custom content creators will be able to do quite a bit to existing creature models and texture skins in order to create customized creatures. Whether this capability exists in the NWN2 toolset or not is somewhat irrelevant, as it does not exist in the NWN1 toolset at all.
        At any rate, most of our creatures in Layonara are reskinned and modified versions of existing "standard" creatures that Bioware provided.  By "modified" I mean their stats and abilities are changed/amended/enhanced/etc.  I can think of maybe a small number of actual creature models that are fully brand new, never-seen-in-the-Official-Campaign creatures.
        However, given that no one outside of Obsidian really knows what creatures will be included with the NWN2 game release, nor has anything really been fully finalized regarding the creation of custom content, it's a little early to be making judgements as to whether NWN2 will be a good game or not.
        In the future, when asking such questions it would be helpful to be a little clearer on what exactly you mean by certain terms.  As my far-too-long answer reflects, there's obviously more than one meaning for the word "mob".
        Regarding the references to a abbreviated but still quite obvious reference to profanity:  It doesn't matter that  the obsenity has been abbreviated, misspelled or otherwise morphed into a new form that can sneak by profanity filters.  Profanity is not allowed on these forums or in-game.  If we know what you meant in an attempt to conceal the profanity, it still counts. We are all quite aware of what those initials mean, and any further discussion, debate or attempts to inform the GM Team and/or site moderators (and yes, OneST8 qualifies as both) what does and does not constitute profanity will result in this thread being locked.


      Re: Layo and NWN2?
      « Reply #6 on: April 16, 2006, 06:24:03 pm »
      Excellent breakdown Dorganath, I don't think it could be put any more sucintly.


      Re: Layo and NWN2?
      « Reply #7 on: April 17, 2006, 12:46:53 am »
      I wholeheartedly agree.

      Dorganath is obviously a much better speaker than I, which probably explains why I don't post as much as I should on the forums. *grins*


      Re: Layo and NWN2?
      « Reply #8 on: April 17, 2006, 05:21:13 pm »
      I don't know about your comment that we should "not expect more than a facelift to NWN1 from NWN2" - from the look of the builders' forum and the comments posted by developers at the Atari and Obsidian sites, great consideration is being given to builders' concerns.   Granted, they won't change the underlying mechanics of the game - nor should they, because it's a fantastic interface, and the rules are solid (though third edition rules really hamstrung mages).  But all the controls scripters asked for look to be being implemented - they're basically starting from patch 1.67 with their granted abilities and moving on from there.  And the screenies look gorgeous.


      Re: Layo and NWN2?
      « Reply #9 on: April 17, 2006, 06:58:39 pm »
      I think we all agree that my spelling of sucintly is a feat of genious.

