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Author Topic: Question before I start in...  (Read 98 times)


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    Question before I start in...
    « on: December 23, 2005, 08:10:00 pm »
    Howdy all,

    Got a question: How is xp and combat handled compared to crafting? Basically if I want to play a fighter (and rp one) is the xp from kills reduced?

    The wife and I have been playing on Avlis, another PW. I was looking here first, but we have friends on Avlis who wanted us with them so...However, I have gotten tired of some of the crap (I need not go into) and am looking elsewhere for my online NWN fun!

    I am impressed with what I see here for this world. Before I invest time into this, I want to know what I'm getting into...



    RE: Question before I start in...
    « Reply #1 on: December 23, 2005, 08:29:00 pm »
    I do not believe that the XP is adjusted to favour anything.

    Layonara strives for a decent balance across the board but is still very much tied into the fabric of the world.

    For instance, when a Cleric of one deity casts spells on a party (buffs or whatever), the effect of the spell is determined via the relationship between the caster's deity and the deity of the recipient. ie: when a Cleric of Lucinda tries to cast resurrection on a follower of Corath, the Cleric of Lucinda takes the full XP hit of -10k XP. However, if the same Cleric of Lucinda tries to resurrect a follower of Aeridin there would be no penalty incurred at all for the caster.

    Granted all that doesn't apply to Fighters but it does illustrate the depth and level of balance that Layonara strives to maintain.

    If you've got more questions or I couldn't help, please continue to ask and more knowledgeable people will answer.


    RE: Question before I start in...
    « Reply #2 on: December 23, 2005, 08:30:00 pm »
    "...How is xp and combat handled compared to crafting? Basically if I want to play a fighter (and rp one) is the xp from kills reduced?..."
      Combat xp and crafting xp are seperate.  You do get adventuring xp (to a small degree) when crafting however.
      "...The wife and I have been playing on Avlis, another PW. I was looking here first, but we have friends on Avlis who wanted us with them so...However, I have gotten tired of some of the crap (I need not go into) and am looking elsewhere for my online NWN fun!..."
      No game, or gameworld will statisfy everybodies idea 'game and gameplay fun'.  To know what you are getting in to you need to give each world a chance (a legit chance and not just a quick login and check it out).
      Layonara is a fantastic community with fantastic players.  I am confident that if you check it out you will be very happy.


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      RE: Question before I start in...
      « Reply #3 on: December 23, 2005, 08:51:00 pm »
      I don't want anyone reading this to think Avlis is a bad world. It just is run in a fashion I, after 20+ years of gaming & DMing, don't agree with. I have many friends on Avlis who are having a blast.

      I had been playing Avlis for several weeks...

      To each hs own...

      Thanks for the fast replies. I will post a character concept soon

      Happy Holidays All,



      RE: Question before I start in...
      « Reply #4 on: December 24, 2005, 08:01:00 am »
      Heck! invite your friends to come with! the more the merrier! All are welcomed!

      Just make sure you register first (yes all of you)

      What would be awsome is make a band of friends that have known each other and were summoned up by the dragon all at once.... Hehe that would be new for scribbles :)


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        RE: Question before I start in...
        « Reply #5 on: December 24, 2005, 08:16:00 am »
        The wife might jump over if I report back to her satisfaction.   ;)

        The other three have been playing Avlis for months and are reaching 15th leveling. Not to mention the guild/club they just started...

        Who knows? If Layonara rocks enough and I sell it...heh


        RE: Question before I start in...
        « Reply #6 on: December 24, 2005, 11:07:00 am »
        Naever - 12/24/2005  8:16 AM

        If Layonara rocks enough

        It does. Trust me. ;)


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          RE: Question before I start in...
          « Reply #7 on: December 26, 2005, 08:15:00 am »

          Jumped in. Looks good so far. Killed a lot of rats (LOVE thier kisses!). A Goblin sniper took me out...I staggered to my feet. Took HIM out with an axe just as he took me out again. Restaggered to my feet....Whew

          I tried talking to a group of PCs in Hlint but Lag (god of Quantum Jumping;Lhag to Dwarves...) apparently thought I shouldn't...

          Any general ecommendations?


          RE: Question before I start in...
          « Reply #8 on: December 26, 2005, 10:04:00 am »
          come up and say hi!!!
          if ya sit round hlint long enough, someone is sure to welcome you with open arms, and you'll find something in common!  even if it is just rats for now.
          and don't be afraid to ask for help.  specially if you die.  Most people just sittin round Hlint will help ya, cept for a special few who are lazy... or just bigots *glances at Celgar* just kidding

          otherwise, come up and just say HI!!!!!

          oh, and I'm north of ya about 4 hours... cool beans


          RE: Question before I start in...
          « Reply #9 on: December 27, 2005, 05:28:00 am »
          Naever - 12/23/2005  11:51 PM

          I don't want anyone reading this to think Avlis is a bad world. It just is run in a fashion I, after 20+ years of gaming & DMing, don't agree with. I have many friends on Avlis who are having a blast.

          You have found the closest thing to PnP you will ever find in an online game.

          While I doubt you will be level 15 in a few months. . .   leveling is not what Layonara is about.   It is about excellent Role Play.

          The world is designed to promote grouping so things will be a bit difficult solo.  Meet people, make friends.  

          Welcome to Layonara and have fun!!!!


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            RE: Question before I start in...
            « Reply #10 on: December 31, 2005, 09:08:00 am »
            Oh I totally for the RP experience. That's why I'm here.

            The issue on leveling is more towards the effort/risk to rewards xp ratio I had with the other world. When you fight 10+ ogres, some ettins and a hill giant, you should get more than 50xp. The reward should be fair to the risk level.Thats what SR & EL are all about.

            The more balanced ratio is what I came to layonara for. If my character undergoes a challenging combat experience, I like that I'm going to get rearded for surviving. At least with a "realistic" xp return. I expect the RP side to be equally rewarding in entertainment and development of the character and friendships.

            So far, I'm having a great time. it's a beautiful world with a well thought out setting. Like you said very PnP.




            RE: Question before I start in...
            « Reply #11 on: December 31, 2005, 12:07:00 pm »
            Well, while a horde of twenty skeletons could take out an unprepared level 8 rogue (cough, cough), and that rogue would only get 1xp for each one he killed, if that same rogue took on an ogre, he'd get something like 48 xp for each one. The only really huge XP handouts are from GM quests, and you usually have to do more than just show up and tag along... Earlier today, before I had to start getting everything ready for New Year's Eve, I managed to latch onto one of Milo's quests, and it turned out that Pyyran actually contributed a good bit to the advancement of the plot through RP. He wasn't so grand in the fights (being a good four or five levels lower than the average party member), but he really flexed his CHA bonus when they were trying to get past some guards. The XP reward was fitting for what he contributed, though he'd have still gotten something for any participation on my part.

            As for crafting and XP... You get a certain amount of XP for every successful crafting attempt, which is based on the relative DC of the craft you're going for. The lower the DC, however, the smaller the portion of the Crafting XP you'll get as Adventuring XP (which is the XP you see in the Character Sheet window). You do get Crafting XP, though, which you can see in your Tradeskill journal. You can get a lot of XP through crafting, if you want to pour hour after hour into it, but the best way both for RP opportunities, XP gain, and in-depth character development, is to hop onto GM quests.


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              RE: Question before I start in...
              « Reply #12 on: December 31, 2005, 01:11:00 pm »
              Exactly why I like Layonara...other than when it crashes out on me  ;) ...

              There is a*balance* of xp reward to risk. If I risk: Time/materials (crafting), Kheldhars "life" (combat) or looking like a dork (heh) (RP) I get a balanced xp back. Not to mention the entertainment of learning, exploring and meeting people.

              I have been seriously pimping out layo to my Avlis friends...

              Have a great NY folks



              RE: Question before I start in...
              « Reply #13 on: December 31, 2005, 01:24:00 pm »
              This server rarely rarely crashes any more.  Do you mean crashes out on you on the client side of things?


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                RE: Question before I start in...
                « Reply #14 on: January 03, 2006, 08:02:00 am »

                TOTALLY my side. I am planning on spending some of the xmas bonus for a new PC Gamer PC.
                Any recomendations? Graphic cards and such?