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Author Topic: Not particularly important  (Read 363 times)


Re: Not particularly important
« Reply #20 on: December 12, 2006, 07:27:39 am »
*looks around at the forums* Woah a LOT can happen in two days!
  Karn (while not being a cleric) is a Xeenite and very flirtacious when the mood takes him. Half of the men in Hlint find him very odd and some are even scared!, but Karn, due to the rules which I agree with, will never act on his words, save for when it is in a humourous context ie: when Karn kissed Ark on the cheek as a reward for some pointless game!
  Karn is tame in practise though that does not stop these elements being incorporated into his personality. Personally Karn's carefree, flirtacious manner is laregly due to his Xeenite beliefs.
  As such I would echo earlier sentiments that Xeenites are A LOT of fun to play, as long as one is mindful not take it to obscene levels. As for what is obscene? Well thats best left for the player to work out, as long as common sence is kept firmly in mind at all times.
  Just my two pence worth (cents for the Americans among us! ;) )


Re: Not particularly important
« Reply #21 on: December 12, 2006, 08:39:47 am »
Talan Va'lash - 12/12/2006  2:35 AM

Interpreting this rule isn't all that difficult, though I see the problem players that didn't witness the events that caused the rule to be made have in interpreting it.

I think that the people that dont understand why this rule was set in-place should read the reasons why L was forced to write up this rule in the first place here;

Be sure you follow the URL he provides at the bottom of the post for more details.


RE: Not particularly important
« Reply #22 on: December 12, 2006, 12:50:49 pm »
That was actually not the incident that brought about the rule.
  As if that wasn't bad enough, there was one last incident after that which was actually worse, and that was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back.


Re: Not particularly important
« Reply #23 on: December 12, 2006, 03:48:30 pm »
Something WORSE Than the *mumble grumble mutter* Guild!?...Jeez....People are sick....*walks off muttering*

Still, there are ways to tastefully hint at these things without explicitly writing them. One who is well versed in the art of writing should know this. As a writer who is trying to aim a book twoards teens around my age, being it illegal for them to even see or read *those things* You find extreamly tasteful ways to hint at them without explicitly going over the top. Unless I am mistaken as long as that Line is not crossed and things aren't EXPLICITLY PLAYED OUT, they can be understood as happening, or that they have happened. You simply have to keep a large level of things implied.


Re: Not particularly important
« Reply #24 on: December 12, 2006, 05:38:41 pm »
My experience with "adult-themed content" on Layonara really only involves three incidents.

The first one was an... Ahem. Rendevous between Pyyran and another character, played out. The other player and I went to a fair bit of effort to make sure that the writing was good, the RP was better, and that everything was kept tasteful. A passing DM happened to catch the encounter, and we got a nice little chunk of roleplaying XP for it. Never did know who that was. The thing is, though, that that player and I were a proud exception to the majority of people whose characters would, at some point, have the opportunity for such an encounter. The other player and I made ABSOLUTELY sure that things were kosher and clean (there was a sort of literary ellipsis of the actual act), and ended up being rewarded for it by an anonymous DM. Many players over the years, I'm sad to say, would not and DID not have the maturity required to make it good, positive RP, and, as such, ALL sex RPed between characters is now banned. I have to agree with Leanthar's decision on this.

Two (now that that long-winded bit is out of the way). I had numerous interactions with Azaria/Komodo. The two of us got along tolerably, though we differed in opinion on a few things, until I got less and less comfortable with how their little Clan was going. While Komodo did give me quite a few ideas on a different way to play Gnomes, that was about the extent of his/her positive contribution. Stuff started getting frankly creepy, and I realized that Komodo was not someone mature enough to RP touchy subjects, nor was he/she mature enough to present issues that he/she had with the system in the proper way.

Three... There've been numerous instances, really, where I've run into the innuendo that is a trademark primarily of Xeenites... With the Xeenites, it's mainly great, funny, and just suggestive enough to fit without being too much. With several others, it's just gotten stupid. The line really is pretty clear and obvious between something that's tasteful and For The RP, and something that's for shock value. If it's for shock value, it has no place on Layonara. The rule of thumb on that is if it feels wrong, it is. To use L's example from his rules thread "That's a nice staff you have there, do you like sticking it in things?" is not appropriate in this setting. Another good example is the OBVIOUS jokes one can make when someone gets Petrified (turned to stone). While, sure, they're pretty much obligatory when around the gaming table, this is not the gaming table. This is a larger, broader audience, and that comes with positive as well as negative for everyone.


Don't be afraid of making innuendo, so long as it's to a purpose. Keep it tasteful (or at least tastefully untasteful, if that makes any sense), and... Honestly, if you're concerned enough about possible problems to be asking the general public about it, you're almost GUARANTEEDLY not the problem.


Re: Not particularly important
« Reply #25 on: December 12, 2006, 11:51:42 pm »
Stephen_Zuckerman - 12/11/2006  8:38 PM

 Another good example is the OBVIOUS jokes one can make when someone gets Petrified (turned to stone). While, sure, they're pretty much obligatory when around the gaming table, this is not the gaming table. This is a larger, broader audience, and that comes with positive as well as negative for everyone.

I just hang my cloak on them, and call them a coat rack *nods*


Re: Not particularly important
« Reply #26 on: December 13, 2006, 07:23:06 am »
I GET what your saying.

yeah, it stinks.  it REALLY stinks, ok... kinda.  I never did 'pretend' except for massages and kisses.  I'm not comfortable going farther than that, since this is a game.  

Some people ruin fun for others, which became a large problem.  Its sad.  

I play my non-xeenite like a xeenite I've been told ;)  (part of the secrecy!)  lots of indulgence.  sit around, relax, have a few...

and enjoy yourself.

but, I know what its like just NEEDING to get something off yer back, in my case it worked. (middle of a quest-I made my point, and everyone agreed, its just hard to change things)