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Author Topic: Quick ECL thing  (Read 296 times)


Quick ECL thing
« on: April 06, 2006, 01:11:44 pm »
I just wanted to double check something to do with the ECL of Drow subrace characters. I spoke to Meizter about this the other day and he suggested posting it here.

I noticed a ocuple days ago whilst in a group doing the Haven mines quest that I was getting 73XP for an ogre berzerker. Now, my character is level 5, so that should give him the XP of a level 7 if im correct, but as far as I can remember I was getting more than that when my other character (Kurgaz - Dwarf) was at level 9/10

I've had two Drow characters before, and I never remembered it being so difficult to level them (not that this is my main priority, it isn't) but I wanted to check if:

1 - the system has changed
2 - im suffering a bug of some kind
3 - its all in my imagination

thanks :)


Re: Quick ECL thing
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2006, 01:13:09 pm »
1- nope
2-unlikely as we haven't changed anything to ECL

So I think #3 ;)


Re: Quick ECL thing
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2006, 01:19:08 pm »
it might have something to do with the party you were in, since average party level has an affect on XP gains as well, I think (someone correct me if I'm wrong)


Re: Quick ECL thing
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2006, 01:25:31 pm »
Party size, average level, deviation to average level, ECL, summons/familiars, creature CR and a per level constant are all factors in XP equation.


Re: Quick ECL thing
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2006, 02:12:25 pm »
Some days back I was in party with koppin varkan (pig) and we started talking about the exp we got from the giants we killed. It turned out that Skarp (lvl 15) got more exp than koppin got (level 10 ECL 3), and we compared both the exp we got if we killed the giants ourselves or the other guy killed them. So it is correct that you get more exp with a high level character than you do with a low level character with a high ECL, eventhough this ECL doesn't give the low level character the higest level for the calculations.

My guess is that the max exp you can get on each level per creature (the level constant orth is talking about) this max influences the exp given when the ECL is taken into account and has the above described effect.

Pen N Popper

Re: Quick ECL thing
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2006, 02:24:07 pm »
It was described to me on IRC that various foe have a "sweetspot."  So if your level is lower than this sweetspot, you get less xp; if it is higher, again less xp.  It is obviously more complicated than this but that helps me wrap my brain around it.  This way a lvl 3 fighting a far superior creature would not get as much xp as a lvl 10 fighter that is evenly matched with it.


Re: Quick ECL thing
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2006, 03:14:35 pm »
Harloff - 4/6/2006  2:12 PM

My guess is that the max exp you can get on each level per creature (the level constant orth is talking about) this max influences the exp given when the ECL is taken into account and has the above described effect.

I think I'll go with that one :)

I should have clarified in the original post really, I only noticed this during the group, but when I went back by myself the numbers seemed to be the same. So it has to be down to some other explanation, most likely what Harloff and Pen.. said.


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Re: Quick ECL thing
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2006, 05:12:34 pm »
As it should be good work to the team for balancing it like so ;)


Re: Quick ECL thing
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2006, 08:45:39 pm »


Re: Quick ECL thing
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2006, 04:13:22 am »
orth - 4/6/2006  10:25 PM

Party size, average level, deviation to average level, ECL, summons/familiars, creature CR and a per level constant are all factors in XP equation.

Dont know about the rest of you, but for me this is enough to equal

"just don't worry about it and play"


Re: Quick ECL thing
« Reply #10 on: April 07, 2006, 04:57:31 am »
*scratches head at Stranzini's comment*

Yes, yes it does.

I used to care about XP but I've given up on grinding levels, I go after enemies for the fun of it now and I tag along with powerful groups or individuals for the role playing (and healing, sheesh, you'd think high level players could heal themselves!).

Yeah, leveling takes a long time after level 8 so I might as well enjoy the game and not worry about leveling, despite an intense desire get the War Cry spell at level 10.

As of late, I've picked up silk and aloe (without engaging in battle) and only killed rats and goblins, not only to help out the new folks, but to make new friends.  I still remember what it was like to be a very new newbie and I want to make the new folks feel welcome and get a feeling for the world, as I felt when Freldo was killed in Firesteep for no good reason.  :)

BTW, if you're a new character, look out for the turquoise guy and talk to him.  He'll take you on a tour around Hlint and give you tips about the region and PLEASE, ask questions.


RE: Quick ECL thing
« Reply #11 on: April 07, 2006, 05:18:55 am »
You know, when I put:

feniox - 4/6/2006  1:11 PM
I never remembered it being so difficult to level them (not that this is my main priority, it isn't) but I wanted to check if:

..In a post, I figured it would imply that you don't need to go on a rant at me about "not worrying about the levels". I thought it was plainly obvious that the thread was started simply to check whether I was having problrms or not, Ed answered in the first reply, Orth Verified it, end of thread...

Sorry if this post seems a bit aggressive, maybe I've misunderstood some of these later posts, but I feel like I'm being lectured on the ethics of RP vs Levelling now just because I asked a question regarding the XP system. Seriously, you don't need to, I've been here for about a year and a half, my highest level character has just reached 15, I've seen countless people overtake me in levels. You don't need to tell me about "not worrying about levels" ;)


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    Re: Quick ECL thing
    « Reply #12 on: April 07, 2006, 06:47:10 am »
    lets face it some folks role play and some others grind levels, my character has gotten caught up in a few level grinding whirlwind tours, and by the time I have typed in some RP everyone is off on the next binge of destruction.  LOL.  I don't think anyone here was lecturing but instead talking about their preference for the RPing.  I like the RP, I play a fighter that is mostly a ....coward or at least timid.  But that doesn't mean I have anything against the Grinders, in the short time I have been around I have helped a player live against rats under Hlint and in short order they go strolling by on their way to kill the Ogre chief.  Layonara is so well populated that you can almost always find folks willing to RP or Grind.  No judgement here just an interesting difference in how/why people are part of our community.


    Re: Quick ECL thing
    « Reply #13 on: April 07, 2006, 07:35:36 am »
    That's fine, I just thought I'd say my piece in case anyone was targeting me directly. I thought it would be worth pointing out that I don't "grind levels", and that most of the levels I have obtained with Kurgaz have been through questing, because of how I play him he never goes out "hunting" for the sake of it, as to him that is just a murderous rampage with no benefit to it. Most of the things he has killed whilst not on quests are just things that got in the way during his crafting expeditions. Which I think entitles me to say I'm not out to simply level and be more powerful than everybody else :)