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Author Topic: Apologies to the community  (Read 1039 times)


RE: Apologies to the community
« Reply #60 on: July 22, 2005, 02:49:00 pm »
One thing if i may...i did try to have this thread stopped...more than once.
but you know best...


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    RE: Apologies to the community
    « Reply #61 on: July 22, 2005, 06:03:00 pm »
    I was mistaken and I have removed that part of my post but I have a right to think that the GM's have over reacted as well and that people who have done much worse are still playing the game and did not have to publically apologize.

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    RE: Apologies to the community
    « Reply #62 on: July 22, 2005, 06:23:00 pm »
    Well this boiled down to a nice cluster. Maybe or maybe not I didnt full explain myself but I was asking why you deleted Bruno's threads. Because I tried to delete something and it said "You are not a GM" I was under the belief that only GM's can delete anything. As for the other items you identified, they are merely questions due to the facts that I did not know the whole story, thats why I asked them. They were questions not acusations. As for Bruno being upset and voiceing his opinions I believe you all read them and responded accordingly however if you listened to what he was saying, he was a bit rude but I feel he was trying to prove his point and became fustrated. I believe the banning is not just. He was upset and spoke about one of the GM's, you have to remember that he lost out on alot things and he retaliated in defense. We all know it is your game, your rules, and the final choice is yours. If you speak with the DM's who caught us in the act. I asked them " If this is such a tight community can we keep this amongst ourselves". They chose the punishment, which we all did. if I am correct, it is the buzz around town. This total event was a mistake on us (the camping players). We have done our time now lets move on. here's another question to all. If anyone in your family breaks the law and goes to jail, do you disown them are they forsaken, do you turn your back on them? If you believe you would then let the banning stay. If you still consider them family why not reconsider this and cancel the banning. Once and for all, lets please drop this and move on. I want to RP as much all of you, and i'm sure Bruno does too. Please end it. Don't respond to this anymore except Leanther. Thank you all, GM's and Leather.


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      RE: Apologies to the community
      « Reply #63 on: July 22, 2005, 06:30:00 pm »
      Drizzt not banned and Router banned?!  Drizzt posted more arguing on this thread than Router and you say he was being respectful?  oh well...  You all got what you wanted...Bruenor is no more...are you all happy now?  Your world is "perfect" again.
      -Romona :(
      (now may I say that I still respect the GM team but again I am entitled to my opinion of the situation and I agree that Orth didn't need to reopen this thread and that Rhizome never needed to post the Character sub part in here.  When it gets heated it should be taken to PM's...we all knew what they did and how they were feeling about it...we didn't need it dragged out like two cents)


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      RE: Apologies to the community
      « Reply #64 on: July 22, 2005, 06:35:00 pm »
      If, they tried to break out of jail, insulted the court that put them there, and then became frustrated when they were told that, whether they thought they were right or wrong they should take the time, and they refused, then I would not help them against any further punishment.

      I am very sad to see Routerblade go, and I hope Drizzt chooeses his path more carefully ... but had they kept their apology up, bit the bullet, and taken the punishment without complaint, then I would happily defend them to the point of my own banning if I had to ...

      However, Routerblades chose instead to be beligerint .... and his actions have consequences.

      This issue isn't about camping anymore, it is about respect for the GM team, and fellow players. This respect is really what makes Layo such a wonderfull place.


      RE: Apologies to the community
      « Reply #65 on: July 22, 2005, 06:55:00 pm »
      "...(now may I say that I still respect the GM team but again I am entitled to my opinion of the situation and I agree that Orth didn't need to reopen this thread and that Rhizome never needed to post the Character sub part in here. When it gets heated it should be taken to PM's...we all knew what they did and how they were feeling about it...we didn't need it dragged out like two cents)..."
        So what you are saying is that the 25+ GM's team should just sit back and let people slam the world, the rules, the server, and the community?  How is that keeping a community running smoothly?  They broke the rules, agreed to the the penalty, go back on their words, come to the public and attempt to inflame the community (one far more than the other)... I am just not seeing how that is "fair" or right...something you seem to think is perfectly fine for some reason.  We locked the thread this morning because things were getting out of hand and the team did not have time (due to RL) to monitor things at that time. We also locked it so that we could give those two time to calm down a little and hopefully rethink things and then come back so that we could work through this issue (and one of them did).  But it was going to be (and did) get unlocked to give people a chance to speak when GM's were on the forums and ready to monitor the flames that was being spread (including by you directly I will add).  Orth unlocked it because we are NOT going to sit back and take what was happening, nor should we be expected too take it.  We did not post for a while after it was unlocked because we wanted the community to weigh in (while we were able to monitor) and we wanted to give both of them a chance to do the right thing.  Things then progressed foward to where it is now. 
        As to moving to PM's... I think not.  They choose to make it public and as such we publicly defended ourselves--you tell me how that is wrong. Are you trying to tell me that if you are publicly insulted and demeaned after pouring your heart and soul and money in to something that is on a volunteer basis that you would not want to defend yourself in the same public space? They can deflame us (the team) and inflame the community and then you think we should move it to private after they started that sort of process in the public?  You expect us to take things (while we put in 100's of hours a month, pay more than $350 every single month, paid for 5 servers from my pockets to get this going--each server was around $2,000 mind you) like that when people choose to make it public?  How is that "fair" as you are so quick to state every time you turn around?  I really want to hear your reasoning behind this thought process.
        As to Drizzt posting worse things I just do not understand where your reasoning is there.  Are you saying we should ban him since we banned RouterBlade?  I do not know either of these players, I do know they are liked and they are respected and I do know the team enjoys playing with them--this is not personal and never has been--but for some reason I get the sense that you think it is.  You think this a cake walk?  You think I enjoy doing this?
        I was really hoping that this would drop but you have decided to continue it...
        My patience is at an end here.  This is just plain silly.


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      RE: Apologies to the community
      « Reply #66 on: July 22, 2005, 07:01:00 pm »'s getting hot in here.

      If we get too many of these kinda threads happening (not the apology part...the other stuff), the world WILL fall apart. I've GM'd other games...seen it happen a million times.


      RE: Apologies to the community
      « Reply #67 on: July 22, 2005, 07:03:00 pm »
      *nods* Yep as have I. 


      RE: Apologies to the community
      « Reply #68 on: July 22, 2005, 07:31:00 pm »
        I am not sure why you were not logged in when you posted that (your forum name has not been altered/banned/temporary banned or anything like that)....
        To your question.
        "Why you deleted Bruno's threads".
        We didn't, he did.
          "...We have done our time now lets move on. here's another question to all..."
        Totally, 100% agree.
        "...If anyone in your family breaks the law and goes to jail, do you disown them are they forsaken, do you turn your back on them?..."
        Hmm, not quite a fair statement but I will take a stab at it.  My family I have grown with for 16 years--every single day, day and night (24 hours a day), I have four children and a beautiful and talented wife and as such I guarantee I would stick with them through thick and thin.  But I have lived with them for 3X years (can't tell her age you know :) ), 16, 16, 13, and 2.5 years... so I know them FAR FAR FAR FAR better than anybody in this world, in this community, and on the GM Team.


      RE: Apologies to the community
      « Reply #69 on: July 22, 2005, 07:45:00 pm »
      I have to say...I recently downloaded the music files and I love the tunes in Hlint. Nice touch :)



      RE: Apologies to the community
      « Reply #70 on: July 22, 2005, 07:46:00 pm »
      That optional music is good stuff. We have it playing in quite a few areas.  You can also have them played via the music box.

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      RE: Apologies to the community
      « Reply #71 on: July 22, 2005, 07:55:00 pm »
      Sorry at work. When I built my computer I built so I could play with my family. My keyboard has a fingerprint thing on it so I use that instead of typing passwords and I just had to pop in and see how things were going and I couldn't remember my password. But to go back to the family.... this... we are family ... in a fantasy kinda way and I was hoping you would see it that way also. The bottom line is do we need to do this... or can it be worked out, like any other problem? Havent you ever said anything disrespectful to someone with authority. It was not meant to talk about your family disrespectfully.


      RE: Apologies to the community
      « Reply #72 on: July 22, 2005, 07:59:00 pm »
        I didn't take it disrespectful at all. It was an intelligently worded and fair question.
        I just don't think you can compare a RL family with a community family, they just are not the same--in some ways they are but in many they just are not.  That is like saying I have 3,000 children (almost as many members that we have registered) and I know all of them personally and deeply and that I interact with them deeply every single day.

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      RE: Apologies to the community
      « Reply #73 on: July 22, 2005, 08:08:00 pm »
      That is my exact point L. Like the saying goes "Do not let your emotions Cloud you judgements" I have Faith that you will make the best judgement that serves all.


      RE: Apologies to the community
      « Reply #74 on: July 22, 2005, 08:10:00 pm »
      I originally thought about posting here earlier (commenting about re-locking this thread, after the falming started again; though I was judging from the first three posts on this page), but decided not to.  I had also looked at the time difference (which happened to not be long enough, considering how some people can stay angry at others longer than the average person. This was likely the case). (12:07 PM -- 2:30 PM, U.S. Central Daylight) The difference is about one hour and twenty minutes.  Trying to remain neutral,  Marswipp
      Playing D&D 3.5e, D&D 5e, Pathfinder, and exploring Starfinder through a VTT


      RE: Apologies to the community
      « Reply #75 on: July 22, 2005, 08:18:00 pm »
      Marswipp - 7/22/2005  11:10 PM

      12:07 PM - 2:30 PM, U.S. Central Daylight The difference is about one hour and twenty minutes

      Well if you want to split hairs, thats two hours and twenty minutes.


      RE: Apologies to the community
      « Reply #76 on: July 22, 2005, 08:21:00 pm »
      Alright, lets end this here.
        Drizzt send me a PM if/when you decide and I will open this thread again or post your answer.
        To say I am tired is an understatement.


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      RE: Apologies to the community
      « Reply #77 on: July 23, 2005, 10:30:00 pm »
      Alright I am going to make it as simple as possible here. I read and re-read and re-read all of the posts in the apology thread. I decided to choose number three, mostly because I don't really want it to end this way and secondly because I have tons of friends still playing here, including one of my own RL family members. It will not be the same with the crazy dwarf around though. Now, to the apology. I am sorry for what I did 2 nights ago, I exploited a dungeon, helped a lower level gain experience, camped, avoided the party chat for in fear of DMs hearing what we were saying, led the party to the area, and finally suggested the area to the party when asked not to by a friend when we first discovered the area. Secondly I would like to personally apologize to Leanthar, Orth, Rhizome, and Ice for arguing with all of you, "backing you against a corner", and most of all for being a complete and total jerk. I would also like to apologize to any community members that I disappointed, dis-agreed with, or made your expectation of this world and/or me lower. Leanthar, I respect you and I respect and am very very very very very very very very very very very thankful that you made this server. I also want to say I am probably going to take a break for awhile from Layo...a few days, a few months, we will see.
