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Author Topic: Reclaimers Work  (Read 153 times)


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    Reclaimers Work
    « on: August 15, 2005, 04:56:00 am »
    Alright I should let everyone know what the title means:

    My ex-roomy has FINALLY moved out.  Everything in the house that was his is GONE.  Two words, thank God.

    Now begins the time when I try to reclaim the house!

    During these weeks of reclaimers work I will be around but not around. What is Death and any CDQ that I have scheduled will happen. HOWEVER, I cannot put into works anything else but that. I would love to but reclaiming my house comes first.

    Like a tornado he came in and pretty much destroyed what little sanity I had left. *sigh* piles of dishes, garbage everywhere, remnants of things I don’t know what it is.

    It’s a total disaster area (Completely UNFIT for a 3 people Daddy, Mommy and 1 year old baby daughter)

    I hope everyone understands that I'll be around somewhat (the stress of him moving his belongings is another reason why I was not around as much last month.)

    Now begins the Reclaimers Work and all is right with the world and Chayanne will Finally get her own room like she's needed for 4 months.

    I'll see you guys on quest and then a week from now or so.. *sigh*



    RE: Reclaimers Work
    « Reply #1 on: August 15, 2005, 05:27:00 am »

    Heh, good luck with that. It's always a relieve when you can say goodbye to a roommate you dislike. You almost start liking them for going away. :)


    RE: Reclaimers Work
    « Reply #2 on: August 15, 2005, 08:47:00 am »
    *chuckles* I would go insane in a situation like that.  Glad you got it handled and can get back to a sane life. :)


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      RE: Reclaimers Work
      « Reply #3 on: August 16, 2005, 09:04:00 am »
      Ok update:

      I can't run What is Death today, if you look at the time stamp yes its says 9:03am or so.

      I've been awake since yesterday at 12noon-ish. Exaustion has kicked me in the bottom, I'm not sure if I can or cannot run today if not, then I will be putting this quest to next week Wendsday.

      I make no garantees, I can't even type straight.




      RE: Reclaimers Work
      « Reply #4 on: August 16, 2005, 01:23:00 pm »


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        RE: Reclaimers Work
        « Reply #5 on: August 23, 2005, 05:10:00 am »
        Weeeee... again again!! It’s taking me a lot longer to get things working the way they should, and due to some really BAD misfortunes I have to move "What is death" to another day in-turn I might have to move "What lingers" as well..

        I really hate doing this too.. God its like fate stepped in and said "I don't want you to run any quests this month."

        I'm hopping that I can just move it to say... Saturday or Monday. My players from “What is life” I really want you to show up. Let me know if Saturday or Monday works for you guys.

        Also in-turn I can only run one CDQ this month, thank you all that ask for a CDQ but I can't run another one this month with out something really bad happening... i.e. I have a baby girl to take care of while I figure out the mess of my home. I'm really sorry.

        I can run two CDQ’s next month. If that is too late for the applicants on my page please feel free to delete your post and ask another GM. There are several great GM's that are really good at CDQ's *placing a pedestal under her fellow GM's*

        Thank you all for understanding and I'm really sorry that I can't do more this month, its really taxing on me for clean up and taking care of my daughter. See you soon. :)




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          RE: Reclaimers Work
          « Reply #6 on: August 25, 2005, 05:25:00 pm »
          Here's the deal, since I got no reply's... I'm moving "What is Death?" To the spot that "What lingers" is in currently. Then I am moving "What Lingers" To next month (9/08/05 - at 5pm).

          Its been really strange around latly, I injured myself yesterday and had a migraine through out the day.. :(

          I'm just not having any luck this month, maybe I need to rub Deliar's belly later? :)

          Thank you all for understanding and omg do I miss you all and running quests.



          RE: Reclaimers Work
          « Reply #7 on: August 25, 2005, 05:49:00 pm »
            Right, sorry Sakura just been super busy lately myself (School, Police Explorers, and Baseball). Mondays and Wednesdays are no good for me. Certain times on Saturdays are also no good for me, and two or three Sunday evenings of every month are no good also.
              So... Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and varying Saturdays are best for me. Can't be during the day EST has to be later than 6pm EST but can't go past 12pm EST so... *sighs* I'm sorry.


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            RE: Reclaimers Work
            « Reply #8 on: August 30, 2005, 02:50:00 pm »
            *cries, sobs, whines*

            Okeydokey, I have to move What is Death? Again...

            Fenris got Monday and Tuesday off, and we need to do some shopping that is going to take ALL DAY... :(

            So I'm moving it to Thursday :) thats only two days from now. I'm really sorry to everyone that really really wanted to go on the quest today, but some things can't be avoided (I.E. Food for the house and cleaning supplies :P)

            Thank you all for understanding and I miss you all greatly,



            RE: Reclaimers Work
            « Reply #9 on: August 30, 2005, 02:54:00 pm »
            im sure no one will be overly dissapointed sakura. Do what you need to do first. We will all be waiting for you to return. :)


            RE: Reclaimers Work
            « Reply #10 on: September 01, 2005, 05:22:00 pm »
            Hi I am looking for the first CDQ for Glenn Thendor (I have posted some things under the character dev forum). He is a chaotic good wood elf ranger with strong leaning toward good. He has done quite a bit of exploring the land on his own, resulting in 3 death tokens  I would like to fill him out I have played him as battle ready and always willing to lend a hand. He tends to be protective of those in his party (sometimes to the point of sacrifice). He has made the leap that even amongst the Drow there can be good beings; this has caused some confusion in his heart. In his history he was trained by what was a higher being (any higher race will do here, even high elf) and taught that it was his responsibility to hone his skills and use them to protect the forests from those that would harm them. In his dealings and actions he seems to have lost his way. I am open to discuss story lines but prefer to leave it open to the DM. I was a PnP DM for many years and enjoyed building the story and developing characters for the players. Let me know if you have time for me.

            just let me know your availablity.


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              RE: Reclaimers Work
              « Reply #11 on: September 04, 2005, 03:51:00 pm »
              Okay, all this week I'm trying to get back on track so I should be looking over CDQ's and stuff at the end of this week.

              Thank you all for applying and I'll get back to you with e-mails and stuff.

              On a great note, I've gotten most of the kitchen cleaned and my anime collection hasn't shined like that in awhile. : D

              With Fenris being around next week I'll be able to get things back in order hopefully... Thank you for being patient with me.

              And yeah when I don't run quests for a while I have a tendency to be mean and evil on quest.

              *Evil laughter rings down the halls as she plans her next moves*

              See you all soon,



              RE: Reclaimers Work
              « Reply #12 on: September 04, 2005, 04:10:00 pm »
              uh oh
                *plans to avoid sakura's quests*
                glad you're going to be back soon


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              RE: Reclaimers Work
              « Reply #13 on: September 05, 2005, 04:28:00 pm »
              i have an idea move monday to wensday.. friday to sunday.. push back the following week to next month.. than the second week of oct. to the last week of september. *smiles* kidding



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                RE: Reclaimers Work
                « Reply #14 on: September 07, 2005, 01:57:00 am »

                Fenris is going to be home for a week so we can get some stuff moved around and thrown out like it should have been done. *cheers*

                So, Thursday's quest... yes sadly its getting moved to next week..

                But on the bright side I can still run tomorrow's quest if I can get some sleep, eh he he.

                I hope to see you there and I'll update the calander if I have not done a place or something... *looks around innocently*


                P.S. Gloin, you're a funny man. :D


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                  RE: Reclaimers Work
                  « Reply #15 on: October 06, 2005, 01:25:00 pm »

                  ^^ for everyone that didn't see the post.

                  I did take a few weeks off stress kind of got to me. I wasn't the happy person that  I like to be and that made me sad.

                  I'm getting better, I feel better... Just posting once and awhile on normal threads and watching everyone from afar keeps me in the loop while I recover.

                  With this being said, I'll be running one quest and one CDQ for October. Watch the Calander for the quest, I have a feeling I'm going to not finish Tea cups' even though it was really fun. We'll see.

                  Thank you all for understanding and I hope to see you in game soon.



                  Harlas Ravelkione

                  RE: Reclaimers Work
                  « Reply #16 on: October 06, 2005, 01:59:00 pm »
                  Sounds like you are getting well. Continue :)


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                  RE: Reclaimers Work
                  « Reply #17 on: October 06, 2005, 02:06:00 pm »
                  Yeah, it's great to hear from you, take it easy. :)


                  RE: Reclaimers Work
                  « Reply #18 on: October 06, 2005, 03:59:00 pm »

                  Heheh, I can live without teacups, the quest I mean... not the ordinary ones. Well, I could do without the ordinary ones, of course.

                  But, yeah.. just glad you're feeling better.


                  RE: Reclaimers Work
                  « Reply #19 on: October 06, 2005, 10:37:00 pm »
                  Sakura - 9/7/2005  10:57 AM


                  Fenris is going to be home for a week so we can get some stuff moved around and thrown out like it should have been done. *cheers*.............

                  That loon was yer roomate??? RUN his kilt up a flag pole ;)

