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Author Topic: Redeemer Quests  (Read 1089 times)

Lance Stargazer

Re: Redeemer Quests
« Reply #20 on: November 19, 2011, 03:46:23 pm »
Well .. Saturday what to do . ..  I know .  Come to the  Deemer Scheduled Impromptu

Well Questers .

Redeemer is back to the action, and going to put a small story this evening for those intrested . What to expect ? A Redeemer quest of course . . Moral dilemmas and heroics of course.  Come alone, come with a  friend. but just come

Lance Stargazer

Re: Redeemer Quests
« Reply #21 on: November 19, 2011, 07:17:02 pm »
Hey Questers .. for some technicall issues we'll be starting 30 mins later than the time informed on the calendar.  Your understanding is appreciated.

Lance Stargazer

Re: Redeemer Quests
« Reply #22 on: November 21, 2011, 02:11:48 pm »
Greetings Questers.

I want to extend an apology for the Gnomes in the past quest today,  something happens here that requieres my atention today so my times are a bit iffy. So i have to postpone for the next Monday,  I hope for your understanding and apologize for the nuisance. New event link

On the other developments, We have date for the continuation of the "schedulled impromptu" of last saturday. For the situation of the party I am affraid i'll keep the party closed to those who attended the start. The link below. Deemer Scheduled Impromptu part 2

Lance Stargazer

Re: Redeemer Quests
« Reply #23 on: November 25, 2011, 03:45:21 am »
Greetings Questers again.

It turned that the Original Slot planned for the 2nd part of the Scheduled impromptu is free again. So will try to put things back to the action on This time

Coments : here

Also I am affraid that the Gnomes in the past quest i have to postpone again for date to define, Monday i have an important RL thing happening with Dad and doctor. So stay tuned for this and other quests coming.

Thsnk you got your understanding.

Lance Stargazer

Re: Redeemer Quests
« Reply #24 on: December 10, 2011, 08:46:19 pm »
Hello Questers .

A new tale from your old friend the Redeemer for a small aventure for your weekend. we have an event


Lance Stargazer

Re: Redeemer Quests
« Reply #25 on: January 09, 2012, 01:33:17 pm »
Greetings questers .

Happy new year from the Redeemer .. to start the action this year we'll start with other classic Scheduled Impromptu

Something to do and to go with easy spirits for today .

Cheers  and hope to see you there.

Lance Stargazer

Re: Redeemer Quests
« Reply #26 on: September 10, 2012, 04:27:09 pm »
Greetings Questers,

Just a heads up, Something is comming to your town.

Its been a while and its time for some action in the old Mistone.

Lance Stargazer

Greetings Questers It seems
« Reply #27 on: September 03, 2013, 06:54:29 pm »

Greetings Questers 

It seems that has not been a good weeks for us Gm's of late huh?  Well ..Due RL events on yesterday and today, I  won't be able to set the quest for today , the contunuation for the adventure of 3 weeks ago will be done tomorrow,  Keep eyes on the calendar for tomorrow.  



Lance Stargazer

Greetings. . We got an
« Reply #28 on: September 03, 2013, 10:57:50 pm »

Greetings. . 

We got an event

Questers. here is the second part of the "One of  sand quest " 

See you there 


Lance Stargazer

Greetings An appology
« Reply #29 on: September 05, 2013, 10:57:34 am »


An appology extended to my players last night,  I had an issue with Internet, it went down, and did not went up till after you guys have left, I got contacted by Kelvarser's player yesterday and hope that my reasons had been shared with you .

Anyway , hoping that this situation doesn't repeat itself in the future , with this said. 

We got in the middle of the epilogue of the quest, so I'll be answering questions by the start of the next session.

Since your characters got trapped on a Quest area, I've placed portals near the place of the crash for you guys to get out of there,  I am still leaving the setup on so we can continue right there on next session, Hopefully next tuesday, please be attentive to the calendar for this next session that most likely will be next week. 

Quest experience

The experience for this session will be granted on the next one for the previous said situation, or if yoiu managed to catch me online and free , poke me and I'll try to wand you up. 

Thanks for your understanding. 


Lance Stargazer

Greetings Questers. I am
« Reply #30 on: September 18, 2013, 11:45:11 am »

Greetings Questers. 

I am sorry to inform you , that i won't be able to run the next instalment today, I've been sick and in bed yesterday, and not feeling too well myself to run this quest appropiately, I am placing the quest for next week, when we'll be having the next session. 

With this said : We have an event


Lance Stargazer

Greetings Questers.I am
« Reply #31 on: October 16, 2013, 11:10:00 am »

Greetings Questers.

I am really sorry to inform you that for a work situation I am obligued to postpone today's session of the One of sand's Quest series. 

I have a meeting at work that may extend itself till late, this will effectively be not allowing me the ability of finish the proper setups and maybe even be in time for the start of it, Sad part is that I just got informed of this meeting as I arrived work ( that is organization comunication for you, huh? ).  This meeting may end fast or not, only the time will tell, but what is true is that i don't want to hold you guys into this, so we better reschedule for next week.

Anyway I see that no one has signed on the calendar either, so I am guess it was not a good time for most of the players, I want to invite you to use this feature, it allows us gm's to plan better for balance of the quests and such .

In the mean time my pm box is open for any follow ups, and keep rping on the thread, With that we can advance into the story anyway .

Again sorry about the short notice, and to have to change your plans for the evening.




Lance Stargazer

Greetings Questers.I am
« Reply #32 on: November 27, 2013, 11:46:47 am »

Greetings Questers.

I am affraid that this week there won't be a One of Sand episode, I've been preety sick this week and not able to do proper setup or in conditions to run this tonight, I'll reschedule for next week though.  Comment on the thread and decide what the next step would be . . Two options still ;)


Lance Stargazer

Greetings Questers.Another
« Reply #33 on: December 03, 2013, 01:25:02 pm »

Greetings Questers.

Another crazy week ahead , with plenty of traveling and movement, Again I am going to be in need of postpone, with the current holidays coming and all the activities near.,  are you able to participate on the following weeks?

Please leave your comments here., for time avaliabilities on the following Wendensdays .

Cheers !!


Dorax Windsmith

Hard for me to play before
« Reply #34 on: December 03, 2013, 11:53:35 pm »

Hard for me to play before about 8:30 pm Pacific time...conversely, playing later than that is relatively easy most days and I'd love to be more consistently involved.



I don't know my schedule yet,
« Reply #35 on: December 04, 2013, 10:25:01 am »

I don't know my schedule yet, but the next month is going to be hectic.  The best I can say is that Wednesdays are more likely than most other days, and I have trouble staying awake past midnight (EST).



Wednesdays are a good day,
« Reply #36 on: December 04, 2013, 10:55:20 am »

Wednesdays are a good day, but I really have an issue with being ig after 10:30 pm cst, so earlier is better.


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


I'm available for a few weeks
« Reply #37 on: December 06, 2013, 10:40:59 pm »

I'm available for a few weeks after the thirteenth, minus the twenty-second through the twenty-sixth, then again until the second when I return to work.



Wednesday's for the most part
« Reply #38 on: December 06, 2013, 11:50:53 pm »

Wednesday's for the most part works best for me, best start time for me is anything after 7pm pst.


Lance Stargazer

Well.. seems to be a bit hard
« Reply #39 on: December 11, 2013, 02:19:52 pm »

Well.. seems to be a bit hard to schedule after all, I had some personal things at home and with RL in general on last weeks that has not given me the chance to properly setup the quest.   In the ligth of this, and the holiday's comming I am putting the One of sand quest on hold till next year, we hopefully resume on the same day Wendensday, In the mean time i'll try to catch up with the rumours and the pm's that i got pending.

But worry not , in the meantime i am going to start a small season of Scheduled impromtus for those who still want to play. The first one i have planned will be This next Saturday, Prepare for some action.  and check out the calendar. 



