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Author Topic: Regarding Plot quests  (Read 400 times)

Black Cat

Regarding Plot quests
« on: March 25, 2007, 04:13:06 pm »
I was wondering if it would be acceptable from a RP point to act as if one of my character (and only that one, namely Grohin) was present for the plot quest (as long as it doesn't involved epic deed like killing a dragon or something like that) even if I (as a player) cannot manage to come.

I really want to take an active part in the new plot with Grohin but as the plot quest starts at 1am, it's a bit hard on us europeans that aren't able to afford a no-sleeping night on sundays, (it would be less of a problem if it was on Saturdays since I/we have the whole sunday to recover *grins*)

I'm not wanting any benefits from this, just to be able to act as if I heard first hand what is going to be talked about - which would imply I'd need someone to send me a transcript of the event.
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Pen N Popper

Re: Regarding Plot quests
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2007, 06:38:50 pm »
Plot quest transcripts would be excellent!  I don't think I've ever made it to one in the time I've played here.

Pen N Popper

Re: Regarding Plot quests
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2007, 08:24:45 am »
*bump* Pretty please?


Re: Regarding Plot quests
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2007, 08:49:18 am »
Believe me, we Europeans all have this problem. I would also love to be able to be part of this grand campaign, but I am not certain how justifiable it is to pretend that my character is part of it, even if I am not playing. I am sure not only one path will be taken every time, meaning you cannot really know where my character would end up, for example. I suppose it depends a little on how often you will miss out on the event. If the majority of times you are not there at all, it would be a bit awkward, but if we are talking about just a few events that you miss out on, I suppose it is possible to 'pretend', to some extent.

Even if your character is not involved in the events first-hand, every time, he can still be made fully aware of everything that's going on, if he for instance speaks to his friends who did attend. I don't know, it's a tricky subject, seeing how it can be a bit unfair if we are allowed to be absent from the events, but our characters are considered not to be.

Trust me, though, we are all in this boat together. Leanthar mentioned he would look into the possibility of having some of the events on Saturdays instead.


Re: Regarding Plot quests
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2007, 08:55:06 am »
Sorry, this just can't happen folks. I understand why the request is made but it just doesn't work.

We will have other GM's running various portions of the plot quest but lets let the plot get started first. I have run a total of 3 tiny setup quests and 2 official quests in the plot so far, with last night being the official beginning of the plot.

I do know Harlas will be running a series based upon the plot, that I hope will help some.


Re: Regarding Plot quests
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2007, 09:06:29 am »
I've created a new forum to help allow for some in character discussion, perhaps you can start by roleplaying hearing about some news coming in and just what transpired.  Complete transcripts, no, but in character discussions should work well and perhaps planning meetings and discussions and decisions.


Re: Regarding Plot quests
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2007, 09:18:46 am »
Quote from: orth
I've created a new forum to help allow for some in character discussion, perhaps you can start by roleplaying hearing about some news coming in and just what transpired.  Complete transcripts, no, but in character discussions should work well and perhaps planning meetings and discussions and decisions.
That was something along the lines I mentioned. It is completely possible for a character to still be up-to-date on the events, depending on what people she or he talks to. A forum for in-character discussions regarding the plot as it proceeds is perfect.

Black Cat

Re: Regarding Plot quests
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2007, 11:41:17 am »
Thanks all for the answers, I'll have Grohin ask his kin about the events IC then.

I do felt awkward about this too, hence the post... better ask first than doing things that wouldn't be allowed.

And I will attend Harlas quests, as he his one of my favourite GM so far anyway :)


Re: Regarding Plot quests
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2007, 04:30:54 pm »
The town criers could be helpful spreading the word on the bigger events. It is always easier to strike up a conversation about the plot if you know a few things about it.

Also, i will encourage the bards of the community to do what they can. IC posts in the tavern forums would be a great way.


Re: Regarding Plot quests
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2007, 11:29:31 pm »
I haven't been on a plot quest since Pranzis, and a plot quest ran by Leanthar since the Tol'Elfor quest. I work sunday.

Us Yanks miss them too, my friend.

