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Author Topic: HELP DM'S! (resolved)  (Read 268 times)


« Reply #20 on: September 17, 2005, 02:43:00 pm »
Thanks, Acacea.


« Reply #21 on: September 18, 2005, 12:13:00 am »
One way movement rocks scatted about the land where players get commonly trapped with a VERY low DC of say 5 would save time hassle and furstration..


« Reply #22 on: September 18, 2005, 12:15:00 am »
not to menbtion making hlint and a few other areas with walls a little bigger IE hlint is 12X16 grid right? make it 13X 15 and take out any walls that are blocking the 3 main gates... I have said this a few times but no one is listening to me and NO this isn't a Vent or a flame... I am trying to make my self be heard.


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    RE: HELP DM'S!
    « Reply #23 on: September 18, 2005, 04:02:00 am »
    To tell you the truth I have never even heard of the IRC channel.
    And from the sounds of it not many people do.
    I wasn't really thinking at the time. Do you know how boring it is being stuck on a cliff for nearly an hour?
    I blame Aleister. I wouldn't have even been there if he hadn't made me go out and get ingredients for ink of conjuration.
    Well anyways, see you in game.


    RE: HELP DM'S!
    « Reply #24 on: September 18, 2005, 06:32:00 am »
    Bryantiza - 9/18/2005 6:02 AM To tell you the truth I have never even heard of the IRC channel. And from the sounds of it not many people do. I wasn't really thinking at the time. Do you know how boring it is being stuck on a cliff for nearly an hour? I blame Aleister. I wouldn't have even been there if he hadn't made me go out and get ingredients for ink of conjuration. Well anyways, see you in game.

      You's no one's fault you were stuck up on that ledge.  It's an unfortunate side-effect of lag sometimes. And had there been a GM available, he/she would have answered in some manner.
      But remember we do have other things to do sometimes, many of which exist outside of Layonara.  Myself, I was cutting the grass at my house. Trust me, I would have rather been in-game helping you down from the ledge than mowing the lawn, but reality had different plans.
      We do our best, but we can't be everywhere. Thank you for your understanding.


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      RE: HELP DM'S! (resolved)
      « Reply #25 on: September 18, 2005, 09:05:00 am »
      Blame is it? Fool mage. Fine. I happily accept your blame. And in the same breath I happily give you double work detail. I hope you enjoy the desert. I hear there are few hills. :)


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        RE: HELP DM'S! (resolved)
        « Reply #26 on: September 18, 2005, 09:21:00 am »


        RE: HELP DM'S! (resolved)
        « Reply #27 on: September 18, 2005, 11:00:00 am »
        Have I mentioned that you're neat?

        You're neat. *cracks whip* Double work detail, puppet! *echoes*


        RE: HELP DM'S! (resolved)
        « Reply #28 on: September 18, 2005, 07:23:00 pm »
        I whole endorse the idea that Aleister is at fault... if he hadn't forced the poor man to work, then he wouldn't be stuck on a cliff. Bad Al bad... making people work for things they want from you... your rich and powerful... you're supposed to be paying for the little people, and doing their chores... :P