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Author Topic: Rogue Skills and their usefulness?  (Read 213 times)


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    Rogue Skills and their usefulness?
    « on: December 29, 2005, 06:25:00 pm »
    Greetings and well met, Layonara. Just a quick question regarding rogue skills and thier usefulness. Before I even ask, I want to clarify that this isnt a request for meta-gaming info, just an inquiry into how the server is set up. Ive played a few PW servers in this game and prefer to play rogues for the most part. My question is this, How prominant are traps, locked doors, and hidden doors? I dont know if Ill play a rogue if these skills dont come into play much. I know on some servers they are more useful than others. It seems that most of the time though, combat is the main focus and these skills fall by the wayside and are almost forgotten. This,to me, is a shame, as I love to find hidden things, disable traps for comrades and use my stealth to bypass some monsters. Traps and their uses facinate me, and a well thought out strategy can sometimes be as thrilling as a frontal attack. Any info would be appreciated, hope to see you in game soon. (the bio is coming slowly but surely)

    tom bombadill

    RE: Rogue Skills and their usefulness?
    « Reply #1 on: December 29, 2005, 06:42:00 pm »
    there will be betters to answers this but, rogues skill are quite usefull here. traps are craftable. and good scouts are very usefull. you will find that the skills in question will be most usefull in quests, as every chest and door is feared for trap. Just how usefull you may wonder? well in the V1 version of layonara there was a significant quest going on dealing with an evil diety and his champion. the party was larger than nessesary and about half were to low in level to really be there but this isn't a server where attack bonus makes the final rule, so after the first lethal encounter and 6 dead. the lower lvl pc's were warned to stay back during the combat and enjoy the quest from saftey, shoot some arrows or whatever just don't get killed and burden the true attack force. while we all hung back in the narrow corridors, we fought to get into the rooms and maybe get a chance to loot a body or just see what was happening. well either on purpose or accident , i believe it was genuine missed trap. after we all entered the room and the front line had left the room a hellball went off. nuff said. layed on the ground 45 minutes till the quest ended. i think 6 to 8 others kept me company that day. so i believe that rogues are usefull inded but you will find they are not solo combatants and you will need to be grouped or have a large bag of goodies and some fine skills to wander around alone.


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      RE: Rogue Skills and their usefulness?
      « Reply #2 on: December 29, 2005, 06:45:00 pm »
      Sounds like a rough experience, but at the same time, sounds very much like what Im looking for. The plot thickens :)


      RE: Rogue Skills and their usefulness?
      « Reply #3 on: December 29, 2005, 06:53:00 pm »
      There are also some places in Layo that can only be reached safely with the use of a rogue. 
        Plus you can apply so many of their skills during quests.  I have a rogue who is a blast to play, Zup is his name.  Rogues also make fantastic crafters too.


      RE: Rogue Skills and their usefulness?
      « Reply #4 on: December 29, 2005, 06:59:00 pm »
      i play a rougue / shadow dancer.....and it is fun to play them on drawback...most people don't hold rogues in high regards and you will be the last to get buffs...but who cares as long as you have fun....and you will. Open locks are very usefull...and disable traps as well. set traps is something you can do as well...if the party has patience enough to wait for you to set it...but thats something you can can even craft your own traps...but thats very hard....anyway i like some rogue competition anytime *grins*...hope you have fun and maybe we meet in the game


      Talan Va'lash

      RE: Rogue Skills and their usefulness?
      « Reply #5 on: December 29, 2005, 07:11:00 pm »
      Heh, rogues are ALWAYS the last to get buffs ;)

      In answer to the question, traps and locks are oh, I'd rate layo at medium-medium high as far as PWs go when it comes to traps and locks, however they are sometimes even more prominent on Gmed quests.

      As far as secret doors, there aren't that many, but I think thats because the way NWN handles the perception checks they add a lot of lag.  I know of mmm, I think only two or three that are placed in the world, but of course you can encounter them on GMed quests.
