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Author Topic: I had a shotty day today...  (Read 147 times)


I had a shotty day today...
« on: September 24, 2005, 04:43:00 pm »
Well It was rather bad.. gloomy weather.. all plans went down the drain. nothing went right...

so I want every one with a back yard to do something.. it's cheep free and easy.. Make a sand pit or clear away some grass.. Put a rock in the middle... every time something bad happens make a mark in the dirt.. then when something good happens make a mark in the stone. All the bad things will wash away with the rain and the good stays.

It seems too many people focus on the bad things... Gas prices, president, war... death/murder in the news floods and poor leadership from bush..

Sorry if it was a rant or somethign but I just need to let it out.