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Author Topic: The Cage...for those who signed up, PLEASE READ  (Read 206 times)


The Cage...for those who signed up, PLEASE READ
« on: July 10, 2005, 09:27:00 am »
First let me say I'm flattered by the response to my first official quest as a GM.  There are 27 people (at last count) signed up for this quest, and all I can say is, "wow!" :)

The following, however, is a heads-up.

Unfortunately, this is a problem in several ways.  I stated a party limit of "10-ish" characters.  While I'm willing to relax the party size limitation a bit, 27 is not going to happen.

Early last week, I ran an impromtu introduction to this quest, and it drummed up interest in about 12 people by the end.  Several of those people specifically asked when this was being posted and/or the name of the quest so they could resume what they had started that night.  In the interest of being fair to those people, I included a note on the event that preference will be given to those who participated in that prelude event.

To keep anyone from being surprised or shocked tomorrow night when we all gather in Krandor, I'm letting you know right up front here that not everyone who signed up will be able to participate.  Those who took part in the prelude will be included automatically if they wish.  Of those who are left, I will need to thin the ranks.

I posted a limit of approximately 10 for several reasons:
1) It's a limit I fell comfortable with as a GM, especially as a new GM.
2) a small-to-medium sized party, I think, works better together than a larger one.  I want people to have fun, not be frustrated by chaotic activities of sub-factions within their party, which is supposed to be working together to solve a common problem.
3) larger parties produce lots of server lag, and when 40+ players are on one server, whether in the party or not, the effects are strongly felt everywhere.

Future installments of this series may take place on Central to lighten the load on West.  If that is the case, then I may be willing to accept a larger party.  This first installment, however, was envisioned and planned for West.

Everyone who is signed up at the time the quest starts is welcome to show up, but some of you will be sent away.  I will be taking more than 10 characters, but exactly how many more will be decided Monday night.

Please do not feel offended if you are not asked to join the group this time.  Party size limits are in place for a reason.  I'm trying to be as fair as possible, but it's not really fair to anyone if lag and chaos prevent the entire server from having a good time.

I'm sorry to have to do this, but I thought you all deserve to be warned of the possibility now rather than find out when the quest starts and we all spend 30 minutes debating this when we could be questing.

If anyone has any questions or comments, feel free to post them here or PM me.


RE: The Cage...for those who signed up, PLEASE READ
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2005, 10:57:00 am »
*bumped so no one misses it*

