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Author Topic: Sacred Fist  (Read 41 times)


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Sacred Fist
« on: October 16, 2005, 02:04:00 am »
Can Sacred Fists freely multiclass between cleric/druid, monk, and sacred fist or are they subject to the multiclassing rules of the monk?


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RE: Sacred Fist
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2005, 12:15:00 pm »
bumping since I haven't gotten any replies yet


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RE: Sacred Fist
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2005, 12:50:00 pm »
I asked this question a long time ago with my old account and my very first character. What I was told is that you CDQ to get Sacred Fist and it was a Priest thing not a monk thing which sucked for me because I had made a monk. If I remember right, you have to have the ability to cast divine magic in order to take sacred fist anyway.

I do not know anything about a druid/sacred first but thought Druids could only multiclass with Shifter. Normally a Monk and Druid cannot multiclass at all. Once they leave the druid/monk class to pursue another career path, they cannot return to it. Paladins i though were the same way with the exception of the Champion PrCs.

There's my two cents for ya ;) I had wanted to make a monk/priest then go to Sacred Fist. The way I had been told to do it was to make a monk, leave the class for Priesthood ... then get a CDQ for Sacred Fist. I got bored with the idea and made a pure priest instead leaving the whole Sacred Fist for someone else to figure out :p


RE: Sacred Fist
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2005, 01:59:00 pm »
If you looking at the write up on the forum it says:

Most sacred fists are clerics, though occasionally a paladin will give up the blade for this path also. Multiclass combinations are rare, but not unheard of.

Here is the one reason why I think Sacred Fists are a bad thing:

Special Note: Once a person starts his training as a sacred fist, he can never again wield a shield or weapon. Even after leaving this class at a later time. In NWN terms this excludes the use of the left and right hands, which means they will be unable to do any tradeskill that requires the equiping of a weapon or tool. Nonequiped weapons or tool usage such as shovels are still possible.

I understand it is a drawback of the game itself that CNR tools are actually considered weapons.  It just doenst make any sense to me that a Sacred Fist would not use a tool.  But again, I think it is a game engine thing and not a Layo thing.


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RE: Sacred Fist
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2005, 02:42:00 pm »
ouch, I never thought of that part ... I love doing skills too much to give that up ;)