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Author Topic: Quests for new low level charcters  (Read 154 times)


Quests for new low level charcters
« on: May 10, 2005, 09:01:00 am »
Hi there

I was just wandering is there is any regular quests for low level charcters. I see most of the quests require level 8+. I would like to get exposed to the world and join quests, but I do not want to burden experienced players.

Any answer would be appreciated.

Harlas Ravelkione

RE: Quests for new low level charcters
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2005, 09:09:00 am »
If there is no lvl requirement on the quest, just join in. If there are only high lvls beside you, just stay back a little in the fights (us a bow or darts or whatever) and you will be fine. This is all about roleplay, and that negates lvls.



RE: Quests for new low level charcters
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2005, 09:15:00 am »
Never think of burdening higher level players.  If they think you'd be a burden then they'd tell you in character.  Many times the higher levels are looking for something to do and helping the younger ones is right up our alley.

The reason there are few low level quests is because people tend to gain low levels quite rapidly, so there's rarely a group of level 1-8s on.  With that said our GMs who were focussing on this area are on somewhat of a leave right now.  But like Harlas said, if there's no level requirement, join in on the RP but listen to the group leader and stay safe.

